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GTP - Great Southern Plantations

Greetings all,

May I offer my view in a chart....


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If you're following this, could you perhaps offer your comments?

With thanks

Hi Great Pig.

Yeah it is a mystery at the moment.
The TREES are still trading until April, Orion doesn't / didn't have 20 million shares.
That leaves UBS, CBA or John Young to be selling to an institutional investor at a guess.

Looks like the good news is someone is buying, and the bad news is someone is selling. )
abucs said:
Looks like the good news is someone is buying, and the bad news is someone is selling. )

hehe but whether the price goes up/down depends on whose more eager
My opinion is that it is a broker who is doing an internal transfer for Tax loss purposes....just my hunch. We will find out in a few days when and if a company lodges an increase or decrease in holdings. Remember if it is an internal thing there won't be a lodgement.
The substantial holding change notices have already been lodged.

It would appear that Orion is the seller, UBS Nominees the buyer.

Hi guys,

Interesting comment Savtin. Will look with interest for the (non) / lodgement.
I wonder what the ATO makes of that practise ? )

Glad it's not one of you guys eagerly selling your holdings. Would be a shame to lose you from this thread. )
Hi All / Julia

Initially I was somewhat perplexed (and have been about this stock for a few days now) but after some thought and analysis I think we can draw a picture of what is occuring.

Possibly someone had realised this is a great stock and bought heaps : p

The volumes are enourmous and unusual, and moving up, so it must be a buyer (institutional?) or perhaps 2.

It is good value and about to pay dividend, those 2 together = nice carrot to dangle. Add this to the fact that it has huge volumes and an upward trend this is what I think:

My position is that a big investor has come along after seeing (maybe even driving?) the price down a little over the last few days, knowing it is already an excellent buy and is now doing a opportunist / counter offensive to increase its holdings while it can, before the price gets back to a truly reflective level based on value and dividend (FF) as the time gets closer. This is wise and smart, not only will they gain from capital as the share pass $4 and beyond, but also pick up a fully franked 1% interim dividend on they way.

Recommend Buy imho and be an opportunist as well.

I hold GTP. If you do the maths at P/E and dividend you cant go wrong with this stock, which has real assets and business. We all need trees...
GreatPig said:
The substantial holding change notices have already been lodged.

It would appear that Orion is the seller, UBS Nominees the buyer.


That is very interesting Great Pig,

Do you have any thoughts on it...good? Bad? Totally undecided with no idea? Couldn't care less just saying what is going on? Anything from you would be good.
yes but does that account for todays volumes? it obviusly doesnt account for it but could be an indication, so maybe / maybe not.

could be indicative of their interests though and it could be what is happening today, then again maybe someone else. What is fact though is that the volumes are very high and there is clearly the buy support.
Hi Great Pig,

I don't think these are the people. I just had a quick look at the notices and we are not talking big figures . UBS have just increased by just over 3mil and Orion about 2.5 mil. I wonder if it has anything to do with the TREES conversion announced on the 3/3/06?
Hi Nicks,

It was a single trade that went through this morning at 7:16:55 am for 20,612,308 at a value of $76,677,786
Thanks Ann

Guess the underlying point still remains the same.

The TREES conversion does not take effect until 18 April 2006.

Well I guess you were right Savtin. Still no announcement of a change of holding.

What a diddle if you are one to be excited by volume spikes.
The stock seems to be holding steady....noticed the stock has a per of just over 9 now and should start heading up to a 10-11 soon or slowly and the tree conversion accounts for approximatly 4% dilution of the shares if completly taken up but then GTP keeps the csah and goes from debt to an equity account.

Check out part of my new assignment for uni in regards to the new IFRS's and let me know what you think

Bank Income & Balance Sheet Volatility
Firstly, why would the Chief Financial Officers at some of Australia’s biggest banks (and remember it is only some and Australia only has four big banks) warn of greater volatility of earnings in financial reports for banks due to new International Financial Reporting Standards taking effect?

As of January 1 2006 most of Australia’ reportable entities will deliver their interim financial reports and mostly on the Australian Stock Exchange via compulsory ASX listing rules or face suspension from quotation on the actual market.

Companies will be required to report their financial reports under the new IFRS via the new and adopted Australian Accounting Standard Board (AASB) adoption of I FRS’s, for banks this means the adoption of the new specific AASB 130 “Disclosures in the Financial Statements of Banks and Similar Financial institutions” or the equivalent International Accounting Standard (IAS) 30 and superseding of old AASB 1032 as well as AASB 130 taking precedence over AASB 132 Financial Instruments: Presentation in regards to banks.

The new AASB 130 now instructs banks and similar financial institutions new ways that they must present contingencies (allowances made for expected losses although they have not actually happened) and loan write offs in the company accounts, these affect the balance sheet and the statement of performance differently than under AASB 1032 and more so with the change over to IFRS’s.

Under old AASB 1032 the estimated, probable and historical identification of losses in regards to loans and advances was put through as an expense in the performance statement and deducted from the appropriate assets and put into a provision account (old AASB 1032 S7.2.1) However under new AASB 130 the estimated, probable and historical identification of losses in regards to loans and advances is to be adjusted and recognized as retained earnings appropriations account as well as the excess over the estimated, probable and historical identification of losses in regards to loans and advances for the period accounted for and to be credited to retained earnings accounts. It is only when it can be fully determined legally that the write offs of loans and advances can be expensed through the statement of performance. (New AASB 130 S43-S49)

In regards to the volatility of the balance and performance statements of banks this means that once a bank or similar financial institution changes over to the new IFRS’s it will have to expropriate the old AASB regime accounts of what was actually expensed to performance if any at the time and post it to the retained earnings account as a deduction if it did not match the legal requirement to be written off and expensed and to now only expense legally titled written off debts to the performance statement.
Dividend Percentage

Firstly let us clear up the matter of the dividend being a percentage of the net profit payout as compared to the payout being a percentage of the underlying cash earnings. Usually a company has its dividend published as a percentage of its net profit in the Statement of Performance which is an accrual accounting based report, but if a company was to use the Cashflow Statement this may make things a little more complicated as AASB 107 using the direct method format for the cash flow statement which the majority of ASX listed companies use reports cash flow from operating activities, investing activities and finance activities and discloses the total net increase/decrease in cash.

Reporting the dividend as a percentage of the net increase/decrease in cash could actually distort this payout percentage as companies use the accrual method for the actual net profit reporting and using all three subheadings from the cash flow would not present a true picture as financing and investing activities would not be the usual cash increases/decreases that make a company’s usual earnings, cash flows from operating activities are and due to the accrual method this cash flow would not present all the operating revenues and expenses for that accounting period.
Omg they increased forecasts big time today 2007 & 2008, on Comsec! DPS the same however

Earnings and Dividends Forecast (cents per share)
2005 2006 2007 2008
EPS 41.7 46.2 58.1 63.8
DPS 14.0 14.0 19.0 18.0

EPS(c) PE Growth
Year Ending 30-06-06 46.2 8.3 10.8%
Year Ending 30-06-07 58.1 6.6 25.8%

Before it was

Earnings and Dividends Forecast (cents per share)
2005 2006 2007 2008
EPS 41.7 46.2 54.2 58.7
DPS 14.0 14.0 19.0 18.0
Hi Michael,

it was only a little while ago that they changed their figures as well.
i wonder if they did their sums wrong or there has been any extra information that has come to light ?

I'm not familiar where commsec gets it's forecasts, but with CBA being a major shareholder, you'd think commsec would be in the know.

Hi "they changed their figures as well"

Which figures are u refering to?


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