Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Greed (on SBS)

Re: It Never ceases to AMAZE me

Further more, and to chops_a_must directly, perhaps directing your time to taking control of a situation, instead of making childish statements about a man whom you have never met, might do you some good.

Tracking down insults weeks after they were given smells like drug induced paranoia to me. :)

But prey tell the benefits of greed for all those shareholders in ABS, AFG, CNP, HIH et al?
Being a generation Y person myself I was repulsed by that girl's behaviour. A reflection of not just my generation but of a lot of people.

And another girl there claimed to follow the same example. So many girls I know that are like that "I have a positive philosophy on life; life doesn't throw anything at you that you can't take". I almost laughed at that and thought "where have I heard that before?" - just look at Africa or any other third world country and get some perspective. And they don't understand money or have any understanding about anything other than themselves. It's not greed; it's just that they don't want to know anything that doesn't make them happy. They ignore the realities of the world so that they can live.

These types of people expect the world to give them everything they want - right now. They can't wait and are for a lack of a better word spoiled. Reality eventually bites.

Delaying gratification is the key here as you have noted.

Philosophy should be a compulsory subject at school.

Many people are learning the hard way (don`t know any better) or are just typically stupid ignorant humans.
De-regulation has led to extreme capitalism and the near collapse of the entire financial system - the sooner we get monumental change the better .....

Our Government seems incapable of leading the way so maybe we will get to follow other nations.

Meanwhile i feel much more confident about my collection of gold coinage than I do about the savings in my bank account :)

Cracks me up so many in this thread openly embrace and encourage greed, each to their own !
Did you actually see the programme? It was overall very good.

The captains of capitalism, as you put it, e.g. Saul Eslake, but especially Peter Schift, made much sense.

I think it's difficult to define greed. It's very healthy to have ambition and to want to achieve success. Without this we'd all drift along on social security. Perhaps greed is the compulsion to continue acquiring affluence far beyond our needs, purely for the sake of such acquisition. Pointless, imo, unless you want it for the purposes of philanthropy.

Prawn, you're quite right about the unfortunate tendency to classify any generation into a personality type. It annoys me immensely about being a baby boomer, so, yes, to similarly classify everyone in a given age group as irresponsible GenY massive spenders is silly.

Given that remark, the young girl on the SBS programme, with her blithe assumption that everything would always support her philosophy of ever extending credit, was just so stupid. I find it really hard to believe that with all the information out in the market place anyone can be so ignorant.

Greed is easy to identify within ourselves. Greed is bad because it hurts.

There is such a strong aspect of 'grasping'. And grasping is painful.
Re: It Never ceases to AMAZE me

Well i do have 1,

* Do you believe our current monetary system is right for us?

Yes I do, and I will clarify this for you. In our system you can go into a bank with only an asset and then leverage that asset to do whatever you want (hopefully something constructive), now if you had some kind of training, mentoring and support, you will see that with only $50,000 and in some cases less, you can make a million in less than one year. I have some clients that have quadrupled their investment in tangebilities within weeks of them sitting down with me and going through BASIC strategies that give them the extra cash every year to help them along and to get them what they want. Some of my clients' games are to retire in 5 years, this is too certainly possible. A great money system that needs to be better understood in order to get the best out of it.

Unfortunately Ageo, we have people in the world like Chops whom instead of asking intelligent questions about real issues, they opt for the typical response and put others down, I think its because they think it makes them seem more important, who knows?

Did you know that with our current money system, you can buy land, build a house and use NO MONEY to do it? Then pay off that property using NO MONEY??? Now if that isn't right for us, I dont know what is. Hope this helps. LUKE G
Re: It Never ceases to AMAZE me

Unfortunately Ageo, we have people in the world like Chops whom instead of asking intelligent questions about real issues, they opt for the typical response and put others down, I think its because they think it makes them seem more important, who knows?
Right... because people doing their dough is not a real issue. :rolleyes:
Re: It Never ceases to AMAZE me

if you had some kind of training, mentoring and support, you will see that with only $50,000 and in some cases less, you can make a million in less than one year. LUKE G

Take your "snake oil" and try to sell it on another forum.

Did you know that with our current money system, you can buy land, build a house and use NO MONEY to do it? Then pay off that property using NO MONEY??? Now if that isn't right for us, I dont know what is. LUKE G

"Sub-Prime" must be having a second coming.
Re: It Never ceases to AMAZE me

Yes I do, and I will clarify this for you. In our system you can go into a bank with only an asset and then leverage that asset to do whatever you want (hopefully something constructive), now if you had some kind of training, mentoring and support, you will see that with only $50,000 and in some cases less, you can make a million in less than one year. I have some clients that have quadrupled their investment in tangebilities within weeks of them sitting down with me and going through BASIC strategies that give them the extra cash every year to help them along and to get them what they want. Some of my clients' games are to retire in 5 years, this is too certainly possible. A great money system that needs to be better understood in order to get the best out of it.

Unfortunately Ageo, we have people in the world like Chops whom instead of asking intelligent questions about real issues, they opt for the typical response and put others down, I think its because they think it makes them seem more important, who knows?

Did you know that with our current money system, you can buy land, build a house and use NO MONEY to do it? Then pay off that property using NO MONEY??? Now if that isn't right for us, I dont know what is. Hope this helps. LUKE G

Interesting, well this leads me to my next question..... If our system is so good and right for us why do we always have Booms and busts? i.e fractional reserve banking might be good for some but eventually it sends the worlds into recessions (how can that be good for the majority?)

P.S im interested to learn more on how you can turn 50,000 into say 500k even. :)

to Gordon gekko:

after the show I highlighted the discussion you had with Jenny earlier in this thread, and have just re-read the transcript,

in the transcript you admit to owning a couple of investment properties and also admit to applying for the FHBG for a new build,

care to elaborate on the details, we like to deal in the truth here at ASF


to Gordon gekko:

after the show I highlighted the discussion you had with Jenny earlier in this thread, and have just re-read the transcript,

in the transcript you admit to owning a couple of investment properties and also admit to applying for the FHBG for a new build,

care to elaborate on the details, we like to deal in the truth here at ASF


well done , nothing like a few holes in ones storys to set the stage .

how can this be ? FHOG ? previous property investment? i too am confused mr gekko ..

please can you clear up robots obviously misguided view on the rules of the FHOG
Re: It Never ceases to AMAZE me

Right... because people doing their dough is not a real issue. :rolleyes:

If you bothered to do any research you would know that I dont deal in shares, only tangebilities, IE Property. The reason for this is our current situation. Why would someone buy shares in something that they have NO CONTROL over?

Once you buy the share, how do you make it increase in value? The answer is, you can't. You are now along for the ride, and these poor people, even tho in many of these cases STUPIDITY played the role, they lost because they had no control.

However in property, you always have control. Paint it, carpet it, render it, revalue it, sell it, hold it, add to it etc.... The real issues that I am talking about chops are the issues of not bagging people who are there trying to assist, but to find a solution to the problems we have. My answer is financial literacy. Simple.
Re: It Never ceases to AMAZE me

Interesting, well this leads me to my next question..... If our system is so good and right for us why do we always have Booms and busts? i.e fractional reserve banking might be good for some but eventually it sends the worlds into recessions (how can that be good for the majority?)

P.S im interested to learn more on how you can turn 50,000 into say 500k even. :)

It is a very good observation. Booms and busts...ok. We will always have booms and busts, fortunately it goes with the territory. Like I say;
Bad news is an investors best friend, it let's you buy a slice of any dream for a marked down price.

One of my rules during these times is simple, Be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful. With this rule you will seldom lose. If everything went up then everyone would buy, and if everything went down then no one would, so where is the logic everything doing the same??? That is part of the skill.

But what if you were set up so well, that it didn't matter where the market was, you still made money from it? What I mean by that is, having the correct structures to ride the bare markets, and the balls to run with the bull.

With regards to your question about making 50K into 500K it really isn't hard, you just have to have the correct structure and make your move at the right time. Email me if you want to know more.
please answer robots question mr gekko as i am intrigued with your wisdom

Now I am going to get to Robots question.

This is really simple, there no need to say that people have "holes" in their stories, yes I own investment properties, and have done for many years, and NO I HAVE NEVER OWNED AN OWNER OCCUPIED DWELLING. What I mean by owner occupied is, somewhere that I build or buy with the intention to live in as my primary residence and somewhere that I own in my name or in my wife's, partner's or de facto's name AFTER 1st July 2000 AD.

Please go to this website to make sure that I am not spinning, or, as you put it, not putting "holes" in my stories, and I will quote from this website for good measure.

1. Click on "Frequently asked Questions"
2. Click "Eligibility"
3. Click - "I have owned an investment home previously. Can I still be eligible for the Grant?"

4. Read and enjoy.

It says;

A person is not eligible if they or their spouse (including de facto spouse) have held a relevant interest in any residential property in Australia prior to 1 July 2000.

However, a person may be eligible if they or their spouse (including de facto spouse) have held a relevant interest in residential property in Australia on or after 1 July 2000 and they have not resided in that property.

In other words, the property MUST be INVESTMENT.

Thank you.

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