Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Greece default/exiting Euro?

The vote is meaningless if the 'no' does not mean leaving the Eurozone.
They may as well not have had a referrendum.
Europe should now ask the Greek people if they want to accept the rules and live according to their means or leave the Eurozone.

Vote on that.
I don't think the general population knows what their doing, i think they're going the route of Argentina. Good luck...

I feel bad for the investors that believed in them. The Greeks are happy to have their comfy state pensions, new infrastructure, but they don't stop and think where its all coming from.

Well said Can.

Tsipras played 'pride' card and won. Just another politician with no spine to admit music have stopped. What a disaster. Just another sign of things to come.
Well said Can.

Tsipras played 'pride' card and won. Just another politician with no spine to admit music have stopped. What a disaster. Just another sign of things to come.


Now lets move over to the HHI, HSI, and the XINA50 and see if the Chinese can hold the market up today:D:D
Greece Leave Euro.jpg

The great face saving victory leads Yanis Varoufakis to resign the following day. :screwy:
Nothing hollow about that.

One to go.
Can they now lift banking restrictions to any significant extent without a run ?
After a magnificently proud moment of voting against austerity and being boyed to go in and 'get some' off Mum and Dad (Euro) little Mr Tsipras strides confidently into the negotiating room to be met with -

You have 48 hours to strike a new bailout deal with eurozone creditors or face a banking collapse, a humanitarian emergency, and the start of an exit from the single currency,

What a hero :behead:
After a magnificently proud moment of voting against austerity and being boyed to go in and 'get some' off Mum and Dad (Euro) little Mr Tsipras strides confidently into the negotiating room to be met with -

What a hero :behead:

And how do they plan on forcing Greece out of the Euro?

EDIT: In regards to the guillotine, I am surprised none of the politicians that pushed for a referendum haven't had any "accidents"
From the Townsville Magpie.

Things have gotten so bad in Greece that they have stopped production of taramasalata and humous!!

It’s a double dip recession!!

And how do they plan on forcing Greece out of the Euro?

We will give you a bit of emergency funding to feed the starving when you have got the Drachma up and running until then.......:dead:

It's an offer they can't refuse.

I now think from yesterdays retoric that some kind of deal will be done.
What you get when a prime minister tells you that voting "No" will get you your leg over the EURO, in order to bolster his pride.'

[video] JybHIiOjY2OSwicmxhIjoxNzM1fQ%3D%3D&rl=669&vabr=372&oh=3c5b7e02d58f98a7652f62ecf633e88e&oe=559E2FBC[/video]
What you get when a prime minister tells you that voting "No" will get you your leg over the EURO, in order to bolster his pride.'

[video] JybHIiOjY2OSwicmxhIjoxNzM1fQ%3D%3D&rl=669&vabr=372&oh=3c5b7e02d58f98a7652f62ecf633e88e&oe=559E2FBC[/video]

Eftpos, Credit and Debit cards would come in very handy; but if you have a burgeoning cash economy, you've got a problems when the banks are closed. Either way, Banks have you by the short and curlies.
The cost of the shutdown in Greece....

03:15 (GR) Three week shutdown of Greece banks cost the economy an estimated €3B, not counting lost tourism revenue - press - Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EBEA) says some 4,500 containers with raw materials and finished products are blocked at customs. Additionally, €6B in business transactions were frozen by the bank shutdown.- Retailers lost about €600M in business, with apparel taking the main blow. Exporters lost €240M. - Source