LOL is all I can say.
I got myself a cheap ticket...leaving for Europe again mid year...don't know when I'll be home...don't care really. Job market is shot, grad positions are shot...the sky is falling ra ra ra.
I'm young and there is nothing I can do about this mess. I have no obligations (being only 22), I've got my life ahead of me and why not visit friends overseas and be happy when everybody has a doom and gloom mentality. By the time I come back things may have improved, I can get a menial job, work my way up and into a position and crack through the system this way. I don't see grad positions getting any easier...I actually see them getting harder with the backlog of people graduating and not finding work. There is more then 1 way to climb the mountain...
On a side note Prawn...perhaps you could do fruit picking around Australia or something of that ilk? I am planning to drop into France and pick grapes...awesome fun (although hard work), free accomm and food, 100 euro a day and you meet some great people.