omg. i shouldve exited it at .105 im going to take an arrow to the knee and wait this out till the end of jan. right now the share price is killing me. seems like GNS has a few deals coming up at the end of this month? i shouldve read more about gunns before making impulse buying.
seems like it created hope for the company, that it is going to survive and the pulp mill is going to happen despite their debt issue.
anyone think its still a sinking ship?
7 years ago I went to Queensland on holidays and remember quite well talking about the pulp mill proposal with a taxi driver.
7 years later and there is a cleared area of land (land which they already owned) at the pulp mill site and that's it. Meanwhile practically everything from the sawmills at Scottsdale to retail hardware stores has been closed down (absolutely devastating the Scottsdale community due to job losses by the way) or sold off and the entire timber industry is in outright crisis.
Now supposedly we're about to see a company with no prior pulp mill experience, and indeed little recent experience at running any successful business, build a $ multi-billion mill that will be one of the largest in the world. I'll believe it when it's substantially built - and by that I mean a lot more than just some earthworks.
I assume this is an April Fool's Day joke but there's a story in the paper today that the Australian Government may be willing to finance Gunns' pulp mill proposal.