I like EVM enviromission and there solar tower concept, its gonna Kick other energys in the butt when it gets off the ground, But due to the inability of the government to foresee the potential of this technologysunboy said:Dpn ´t forget solar stocks like Solco, the best choice at the moment!!!
bhiggins said:With Rudds announcement of 1.5B warchest for clean coal technology, what stocks do people know about in this area that could benefit. I only know of CNM that is developing a different clean coal technology.
People such as Jim Rogers always hope the soft commodities such as Wheat, soybeans, cotton, etc should be skyrocketing because higher demand. But he might forget about the impact of global warming. More CO2 and warmer weather will help produce more food. So supply can keep up with demand, so no price spike yet.
The reason i started this thread was because i believed global warming would change the world market dynamics and in particular start a boom in renewable energy. I wanted to position myself so i could take advantage of of this possible boom. Since this thread was started the climate change debate has picked up steam however we have seen little if any movement in renewable stocks. Finally we may be seeing the beginning of renewables becoming mainstrean as overnight there was a major revaluing in the wind energy sector (the most mature of the renewables if you discount hydro, see link below).
mmmmining said:Believe it or not, energy has time value. For example, in a hot humid summer calm day, the spot energy could spike to 1000 times than normal price because everyone want energy, there is no supply. Can you rely on wind energy? You can figure it out what happens to a breeze spring day when the wind farm is singing loudly when wind power could only be sold at a fraction of normal price because nobody need it.
Wind power, particular solar power have to heavily rely on the government free money to survive. It is a wrong policy, and an illusion to fool people like you and me.
The only economic viable, and without government support, and can solve all human kind energy requirement, and friendly to environment is nuclear power.
It is morally irresponsible and corrupted to invest into a sector that rely on government support.
Let's me give you another fatal blow to renewable energy. A lot of renewable energy system even cannot produce enough energy to compensate the non-renewable energy required to manufacture, transport, installation, operation, maintenance, and decommissioning in its life.
There is no such thing that renewable energy could be mainstream energy in my life time, trust me with that.
Man, you have been polluted by media and government. The only economic solution to energy and environment problem is Nuclear Energy. Just remember I heard the term of renewable energy is not today, not this year. I was educated on it, and had been working on it for almost third years.Sorry mmmmining but i beg to differ. For a start carbon trading will be a fact of life in this country sometime in the next two years and a world market will follow in the not too distant future. This will level the playing field as to renewables cost disadvantage. This industry has many similarities to the computer industry in the early 80's. Its not yet 100% proven and requires still more scientific research but once it takes off it will be grow exponentially.
Your point that the wind isn't always blowing and the sun not alays shining is valid currently and although renewables arn't the be all end all solution they will make up aconsiderable amount of energy output in the future. However these problem will be overcome via energy storage technology refinement an numerous other solution too long to list. If you look at the facts as they present themselves the cost of renewables is falling at an exponential rate. Within 15 years solar and wind power will be cheaper then coal currently is. Currently the solar industry is expanding art 40% pa while the wind sector at 25%. We also have a water crisis currently and some other threads discuss how coal plants have to drop output because of a shortage of water. With more global warming their will be less water. Renewable don't require water generally, they don't require fuel and only require an initial capital outlay. A lot more going for them then nuclear or coal.
Look at the computer industry, infact just about any tech industry (mobile phones, internet, batteries, etc) and see how much they have advanced over even the last 5 years. Government support will only be required to set up the industry until the technological advances and ecconomies of scale drive the industry to the forefront of the energy sector. I for one am not going to miss the boat. oh and after this boom matures be ready to position yourselves for the next one. My tip, the robotics or nanotechnology sectors.
Insider, there is a list of geothermals on the fist page of this thread.
That's just up the road from me and yup, it blows all the time!!!!!!
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