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Gillard/Rudd: The End-Game


Did Kevin Rudd con the media with his “triumphantâ tour?
Nothing would surprise me with Rudd and the Labor Party to falsify and lie.

He is as bad as Gillard. They are both as crafty as each other.

Noco, as crafty and nasty as Gillard is, for sheer hypocrisy that boof-headed clown Rudd takes the cake. Gillard as PM made a mess of everything she touched, but her most notable achievement was to depose this bag of wind.

He is still denying that he will put his hand up for the job. As usual, he lies.
According to Barrie Cassidy (ABC radio 720 Perth), a delegation will go to see Julia Gillard at some point. It won't include Bill Shorten. He also suggested that this will crescendo on Monday or Tuesday next week.

Perhaps Bill Shorten sees himself as the third option and for this reason, not directly dirty his hands for a second time. Ideally (for him), he needs someone else (other than JG or KR) as fodder for the nest election before he takes over.

That's what Labor needs to work out this week.
Perhaps Bill Shorten sees himself as the third option and for this reason, not directly dirty his hands for a second time.

Yes. Don't be surprised to hear him saying in the next day or two: "There's more chance of me becoming the full-forward for the Dogs than there is any chance of a change in the Labor Party,"
I wonder if there's a disconnect between the polls showing KR is much more popular than JG and what the actual reality would be if she were to give way to him?

I'm not sure quite how to express this, but I think Rudd's popularity is largely because of the sympathy factor over how he was knifed, and that that might quickly dissipate in the face of the ludicrous behaviour of any government that will assassinate a leader, subsequently take a dislike to his successor, and then bring about the rising of the dead of the original. It's just farcical. Imagine the global news media, especially their cartoonists!

Also it would involve pretty much a complete change of the front bench which is hardly practical this close to an election.

But perhaps KR's self belief is so strong that he even believes he could win the election.

I just can't believe they will do it.
I've been wondering if Gillard is so desperate to prevent Rudd from toppling her, that she might bring the election forward. She could use the escalation of boats arriving and the loss of life to say the ALP needs a mandate to pass legislation to implement the Malaysian solution.

I also think Rudd might be happy to be Prime minister again even if only for a month or two. It would mean that this labor government started and finished with him as PM. Being a defeated prime minister is common enough however being a deposed PM serving less than 1 term would be humiliating.
I also think with a Rudd return, Gillard supporters such as Swan may not even contest the election. I don't see Swan wanting to be in opposition with Rudd as a leader and having to listen to the new coalition government dump on his performance as a treasurer on a daily basis.
Pro-Rudd and Anti-Abbott? I think you meant left-leaning.
You will get your wish. The Greens controlled Senate will sink any reforms the Coalition attempt, or to roll back any of Gillard's nasties.

I'm not Pro-Rudd. I don't agree with Labor policy nor him as a leader. I find him slippery. I do not want Rudd or any Labor PM at this point in time.

What I do think about him is that people on the street know him, like him and get behind him. This means that the media will pay more attention to what he has to say as opposition leader because someone out there cares. This is CRUCIAL to holding the God-botherer snake and his financially illiterate treasurer we're destined to have to account.

The QLD state budget reply speeches were on Friday in Qld parliament. Of the seven (7) Labor opposition members only two (2) could be bothered showing up to reply. Instead, they broke the Anna Bligh has cancer story and noone talked about politics for the day. The media, the parties and ultimately the parties themselves CANNOT BE TRUSTED to run our country without scrutiny. They must be challenged, they must be forced to justify their positions, they must know that we are all more interested in our futures than their pensions.

A strong, popular opposition is the only way to have a hope at that.

EDIT: I will say this. I'm not hard-right, I'm right-leaning. I have always had a strong sense of justice and honour, and I don't think you get that at any extreme end of the spectrum. I am far from left-wing with my attitude towards employment, welfare, tax and immigration...
The timeframe would be consistent with Barrie Cassidy's commentary while the Rudddozer heads for Western Sydney,

LABOR powerbroker Bill Shorten is being urged to move against Julia Gillard later this week as Kevin Rudd prepares for another marginal seat rescue mission - this time in western Sydney.

A key Rudd supporter said Mr Shorten and those loyal to him must act this week, allowing a leadership ballot when parliament resumes next Monday.
The timeframe would be consistent with Barrie Cassidy's commentary while the Rudddozer heads for Western Sydney,

If I was Gillard I would bring the election forward, this long election campaign is just giving everyone one a free shot at mischief.
This has to be the dumbest strategy ever, unless it was for some sort of personal gain, which isn't immediately obvious.
I think the Scotish dude needs to have his 457
Brains and Labor don't seem to have a lot in common at the moment, but she could give a final one figure salute to Kev by having an early cuppa with the GG herself. She might even gain back a few votes for finally putting this sad and sorry parliament out of its misery.

She might want to be quick though, before the Rudddozer gains too much momentum.

It seems like the only way out, unless she believes there is some benefit in having this circus run on untill september.

Well you certainly like Rudd and hate Abbott and Hockey. But you claim to be right-leaning because you "have always had a strong sense of justice and honour," and because of your "attitude towards employment, welfare, tax and immigration."

Well I have no idea what your attitudes to these things but you have a strange "sense of honour and justice" when you refer to Abbott as a "God-botherer snake" and Hockey as a "financially illiterate treasurer". You are certainly dripping with sarcasm.

Obviously you prefer the atheist Gillard and the "world's best treasurer" Swan, whom most conservative voters detest.
It seems like the only way out, unless she believes there is some benefit in having this circus run on untill september.

I thing that she is counting on a feeling in the community that anyone forcing "Australia's Female PM" plus Timmy and the dog, out of the Lodge would be forever labelled as a misogynist pig.
It seems like the only way out, unless she believes there is some benefit in having this circus run on untill september.

Does anyone know the formulae used to calculate the pensions of these rogues?
Therein probably lies the answer to your question - especially if a month or two makes a big dfference.
I thing that she is counting on a feeling in the community that anyone forcing "Australia's Female PM" plus Timmy and the dog, out of the Lodge would be forever labelled as a misogynist pig.

That's the trouble. She has succeeded in convincing everyone that if you don't like her or you disagree with her you are a misogynist. That's why in another thread I coined the word 'gillogynist' as a substitute.

Agree with both your points, AAA. I just can't see a complete front bench reshuffle at this late stage.

My view might be prejudiced in that, much as I detest Julia Gillard and can think of nothing better than never again hearing her horrible accent and shrill shrieking, I find the utter hypocrisy and insincerity of KRudd even worse.

At the same time, I also fear what we might be discussing this time next year after an experience of an Abbott/Hockey et al government.
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