Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

GHM - Golden Horse Minerals

27 June 2010
Golden Horse Minerals Limited is a mineral exploration company primarily focused on the acquisition, exploration and development of tenure in the vicinity of Southern Cross, Western Australia which is considered prospective for gold and lithium.

The Company's wholly owned Australian subsidiary, Golden Horse Minerals (Aust) Pty Ltd (formerly Altan Rio Minerals (Aust) Pty Ltd), holds the Company's interest in its flagship Southern Cross Project.

The Southern Cross Project is situated immediately north and south of the town of Southern Cross, in Western Australia, approximately 390km east of Perth and 220km west of Kalgoorlie. The Southern Cross Project tenements stretch approximately 95km northnortheast and 35km south from Southern Cross, and comprise prospecting licences, exploration licences and mining leases which are prospective for gold, nickel and lithium. The Project is split into three exploration zones, being the Southern Zone, Central Zone and the Northern Zone.

The Company also has entered into an option agreement to initially acquire a 10% interest in the Redbank Copper Project, located in the Northern Territory.

It is anticipated that GHM will list on the ASX during December 2024.

Listing date02 December 2024 ; 12:00 PM AEST ##
Contact details
Ph: + 61 (0) 494 175 147
Principal ActivitiesMining
Issue PriceAUD 0.25
Issue TypeChess Depository Interests 1:1
Security codeGHM
Capital to be Raised$18,000,000
Expected offer close date15 November 2024
UnderwriterNot underwritten. Canaccord Genuity (Australia) Limited (Lead Manager).
Euroz Hartleys Limited (Lead Manager)
listed at 20c at start of the week ...
...and away...
The Golden Horse tenure is more than 1,888km2 within the Southern Cross Greenstone Belt covering 130km of poorly tested stratigraphy and structure that has not been properly explored with modern techniques and tested by drilling below 50m depth.

The Belt spans approximately 300km in length and has produced more than 12 million ounces of gold. It is one of the top precious metals provinces in Western Australia.

The Greenstone belt consists of altered intrusive and meta-sedimentary rocks which are supported by two operating gold mills at the Marvel Loch and Edna May processing plants.

• At Hakes Find a maiden drill program has delivered thick high-grade intercepts including:
o GHRC0009: 11m @ 3.36 g/t Au from 8m Including 1m @ 20.10g/t Au;
o GHRC0004: 8m @ 4.84 g/t Au from 26m Including 1m @ 25.89g/t Au;
o GHRC0003: 10m @ 2.14 g/t Au from 52m; and
o GHRC0011: 4m @ 8.35 g/t Au from 86m Including 1m @ 25.84g/t Au.
• The maiden drill program also tested and confirmed the historic Hakes Find drilling which delivered results such as:
o HDD002: 12m @ 3.49g/t Au from 24m;
o DVRC011: 11m @ 2.50g/t Au from 19m; and
o HDC017: 7m @ 4.10g/t Au from 46m.
• Hakes Find is seen by the Company as a shallow high grade project that has multiple parallel lodes, approximately 200 metres in strike and remains open along strike and at depth.
• Hakes Find is easily accessible by road and is located in close proximity to key infrastructure such as toll treating facilities and the Southern Cross townsite
• Planning is underway for metallurgical testing and further infill drilling to extend down-dip mineralisation and strike extensions associated with the historic workings at Hakes Find.

listed 3 months

1. The reason for the trading halt is that Golden Horse anticipates making a material announcement in relation to exploration results at its Hopes Hill Project.
Golden Horse anticipates making a material announcement in relation to exploration results at its Hopes Hill Project.
$0.34 .... up 25 per cent

HOPES HILL DRILLING, Including 61m @ 2.5 g/t Au

• First assay results have been received from Phase 1 drilling from the Company’s now flagship Hopes Hill gold project in Southern Cross which show both wide and high-grade zones of mineralisation. The results include an outstanding drill intercept of:
61m @ 2.5 g/t Au from 91m (down hole) in GHHHRC0001:
• Incl. 8m @ 9.2 g/t Au from 144m;
• Incl. 3m @ 9.1 g/t Au from 105m; and
• Incl. 3m @ 7.8 g/t Au from 91m.
• Results also include:
29m @ 1.3 g/t Au from 113m (down hole) in GHHHRC0004:
• Incl. 4m @ 2.9 g/t Au from 113m;
• Incl. 4m @ 2.2 g/t Au from 138m;
• Incl. 3m @ 2.4 g/t Au from 128m; and
• Incl. 1m @ 4.5 g/t Au from 122m.
Assay results for the remaining 54 metres of GHHRC0004 are expected shortly.
• Historical drilling within the surrounding area of hole GHHHRC0001 demonstrated similar wide, high-grade intercepts including:
24m @ 1.9 g/t Au from 68m (down hole) HHRC197:
• Incl. 7m @ 5.0 g/t Au from 75m.
14m @ 2.8 g/t Au from 65m (down hole) HHRC269:
• Incl. 3m @ 7.6 g/t Au from 67m.
• These early results clearly demonstrate the enormous potential of the area with further assays expected shortly. Phase 1 drilling will continue for the next 3-4 weeks with the aim of further validating historical drilling and testing mineralisation and structural controls to extend known mineralisation.
• The Hopes Hill project was acquired from Emerald Resources NL in December 2024 as part of the purchase of an extensive 360km2 tenement package which also included several other highly prospective target areas.
• The historical Hopes Hill open pit mine is approximately 1,300 metres long with a maximum depth of around 90 metres.