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All futures are up.

Sunshine & lollipops for all... :bananasmi:

USA feds are pushing for arms reduction while ordering millions of non approved by Geneva rounds for DHS as well as selling arms to drug dealers.
Do the FEDs know a depression is coming and it is going to be bad and therefore disarming every one is in the Feds interest.
As you can imaging the Yank are up in arms( oops) and madly stocking with guns seller's stopped taking orders while they catch up with orders for 1Million a month.
All futures are up.

Sunshine & lollipops for all... :bananasmi:

could there be anything more frustrating than this bullsh!t? just let it crash already. it's only a matter of time before our taxes are bailing out the big 4.
HoWs this interesting tidbit from the moneymorning newsletter ...

Amazing stuff huh !?
Who said history doesn't repeat like 1930
In the meantime, Spanish Yields...

Spain has hit 7,28% word is big Ben will kick off QE3 Wednesday
I understand 7% n up is considered 'ynsustainable'.. Does anyone know how long it can be sustained for? Weeks, months, years?

7% is the level where other PIGS nations needed a bailout. The majority of debt is not serviced at that level yet, and it would take years to refinance that debt i would think. Its a physiological level more than anything.

McLovin could elaborate i reckon...


I can try.

I think, iirc, they have to raise eur300b in the next three years. At 7%, they'd be paying over 10% of revenue in interest (and growing rapidly). Personally, I think the bigger issue is the sustainability of their public finances, automatic stabilisers (running counter-cyclical fiscal policy) are supposed stimulate demand during recessions, the problem is that isn't happening. There's only so long that you can run a 10% deficit. If you're running 10% deficits year after year then the interest rate you are being charged becomes secondary to the certainty that you won't be able to repay.
German Bailout:

So, Angela Merkel arrives at Passport Control at Athens airport.

“Nationality?” asks the immigration officer. “German,” she replies.
“Occupation?” “No, just here for a few days.”

I suspected the world might be saturated with wotsits and gizmos and it seems it is .....

Those pesky Italians have been partying hard too !

Debt's Drag*- We begin by looking at Italy's debt profile. At 120% (as a % of GDP) –the second highest in Europe behind Greece””its debt servicing load will equate to €400 billion over the next 12 months alone.

Thats alot of Ferrari's to sell Luigi !!

What a mess .....
And it seems people have enough Chinese trinkets -


Unca Benny's pep talk only lasted 24 hours.

:1zhelp:..we need some Sunshine & Lollipops from Herr Schwann & his trusty sidekick Jools to restore the Faith.

Lemme guess - Ozzies will cop a mass media reassurance rocket from the pair within the next coupla hours. Sweeeet! We'll all feel betta then, huh?



Hmmm from that link

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