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General Wisdom and Thinking Big

6 September 2008
Just driving through the city tonight I saw some very sad sights, people with no hope, no life nothing...misfits created by the system....and not old people either.

It occurred to me that why are we spending billions on the NBN and other programes, to make life better ?

I'll tell you what will make life better for everyone and that is if we could clean up our society just a bit and make life better for everyone as a result.

Get the drug addicts and those on the edge, put them on a program and give them a job.

Spend the money for the good of's really needed right about now.
Another thing to ponder....rang an electricialn I havent used in a long time, they put me through to him, he just happened to be there, had retired a few years ago, he turns 75 this week. I had no idea he was so old.

He's about to start a bicycle tour of Europe.

When his electrician arrived for the job I said Jim must be fit, he said yes he is , I said bo drinking or smoking ?

He said he has a bottle of wine every day and smokes cigars.
If this isnt handled correctly we will drift into a have /have not society where it wont be safe for anyone with a few dollars to walk the streets.

Where i live we are a have and have not society.

LOL i have a Polyp in my right nostril i would like to 'have not' but the doctors who already have money want to take thousands from a 'have not' like me.
Where i live we are a have and have not society.

LOL i have a Polyp in my right nostril i would like to 'have not' but the doctors who already have money want to take thousands from a 'have not' like me.

Jayzoo !!

Not more about your bloody snot.

Start a bloody thread on it for gawd's sake.

"So_Cynical's Snot : Progress of a Polyp

Let me put is another way.......

If society keeps going this way, you and your kids wont be safe any more, anyone with visible wealth will be a target.
Jayzoo !!

Not more about your bloody snot.

Start a bloody thread on it for gawd's sake.

"So_Cynical's Snot : Progress of a Polyp


I was looking at the Cat Scan pictures last night...amazing.

7 x 14 mm, its an impressive Polyp.
Jayzoo !!

Not more about your bloody snot.

Start a bloody thread on it for gawd's sake.

"So_Cynical's Snot : Progress of a Polyp


Such empathy and compassion, asf is all the better for it GG. You are are role model for all us youngsters.
Thanks for trashing this thread fellas, I thought it might lead to some "outside the square" thoughts but if the best you can do is pick your noses well...........

Thanks for trashing this thread fellas, I thought it might lead to some "outside the square" thoughts but if the best you can do is pick your noses well...........

Sorry Burnsie,

I am partly to blame for the derailment of your thread.

It may not be "programs" that are needed.

But a bottom up change in societal attitudes.

It is a huge problem, especially for the unwell and affected.

Get the drug addicts and those on the edge, put them on a program and give them a job.
I see the point you are making and agree. But it's not at all simple (in practice) to bring about that transition when the person themselves may either not want to change, or be suffering various mental issues etc which cloud their judgement.

It's hard enough getting fully functioning people to eat sensibly, not drink too much etc. Even harder dealing with those who have already fallen through the cracks.
Sorry Burnsie,

I am partly to blame for the derailment of your thread.

It may not be "programs" that are needed.

But a bottom up change in societal attitudes.

It is a huge problem, especially for the unwell and affected.


It is a huge problem but If there's billions floating around (well there wss before Gillard) then some concerted effort should be put into dealing with the disaffected, not welfare but getting them jobs no matter how menial, some self respect.

I think that would be preferable to faster internet.

Might even pay for itself getting people off welfare.

I dont expect any Govt would bother with this, too hard.

You're right unfortunately.....

It is too hard for Government, and perhaps they should not be involved.

The churches have imploded.

I cannot see any other organisations out there to deal with what is now an intergenerational problem.


Sorry to be blunt but these guys don't pay tax or vote and are a minority. Why will the government care?

I agree with you that something should be done but how is a different question. Personally I think the money should be coming from welfare itself. I think there are enough people on welfare that don't necessarily need it. Cut this down and help people that need to be helped.

Will it happen? Probably not.

As for your internet question. There was a really good article I read recently about infrastructure etc and it was a real eye opener. We don't necessarily realize the infrastructure we use today has been around for 30-50 years. Personally we need more projects like the NBN.
I'm more concerned with the breakdown of society, not much fun driving a nice Merc if you are living in a dangerous community.
Too hard, just look at the US if you want to see where we're headed.
It is too hard for Government, and perhaps they should not be involved.

Agree: Keep the government out because they only make matters worse. Remember the NT "Intervention"? Both sides stuffed that one up.

The churches have imploded.

In spite of their tax-free status... Amazing!
I'm not sure though that many of the disaffected that Burnsie started talking about will be very responsive to traditional church approach. And open-minded clerics with suitable new ideas and programs are too few and far between. (Which seems to suit the geriatrics in charge just fine.)
btw, I also have my doubts about many - NOT ALL! - social workers.

I cannot see any other organisations out there to deal with what is now an intergenerational problem.


There lies the crux of the matter: Once you have a generation weaned off work, dropped out of mainstream society and used to street life and associated addiction, you've lost the plot - including all future generations of that subgroup. The best suggestion I can come up with to reduce the number of kids dropping out, is a new approach to schooling. Reward performance; teach responsibility; set achievable and measurable targets.

"Tough love" and providing productive work (as opposed to "social studies", basket weaving or "street art") may offer some kids a successful way out of gutter life. But how do you give them the incentive, the role models, the targets to aspire to? We have started teaching kids their rights to abundance. Nobody will be able to rein that attitude back in by balancing each right with commensurate responsibility, duty, effort.
How do you help these people?
Last week Abbott talked about opening up the north and relocating jobs, didn't you hear the Labor party scream, followed by the press.

Why do we have young people living in poverty on the streets of our cities, and we are importing cleaners and labourers on 457 visa?

You can't help people who don't want to help themselves, a lot would rather live in poverty in the city, than work in hot dusty conditions in remote areas.

Same as I used to work shift work, because it paid a 30% loading, a lot of my workmates wouldn't do shift work no matter how much extra it paid.

Life's about choices, it is very seldom a person can't change his or her cicumstances in Australia.

More often than not this takes personal sacrifice, not everyone is prepared to do that.
How do you help these people?

Perhaps if the Govt was more involved, if we hadnt sold all our esseantial services, the Govt could employ more rather then employing less as they do now to chase profit.
But Govt is notoriously bad at running anything.

Life's about choices, it is very seldom a person can't change his or her cicumstances in Australia.
More often than not this takes personal sacrifice, not everyone is prepared to do that.

True there would be a hard core that are lost but I think if it was a priority and run properly many would benefit.
I'm not just being all big hearted here, I would rather live in a "better" society.
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