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Gay Marriage

i think it would be a step In the right direction, and would hopefully bring equal rights faster, however a plebiscite only reflects the majority position.

According to the Gay Marriage lobby, majority opinion is heavily in favour of Gay Marriage. However, as they say in politics "there is only one poll that counts", and given what happened in Ireland the GM lobby should be clamouring for a plebiscite, however when the plebiscite option is raised the GM lobby seems to go quiet.

Perhaps they would rather get results by hassling a few politicians instead of letting the public have a say.

What's happening in countries that take on same sex marriage?

Who's heads are being cut off in the name of gay marriage? Who is being crushed?

How are you losing your free speech?

How is allowing gay marriage "moral decay"?

That is incorrect. Section 51 of the Constitution enumerates what areas the Commonwealth may legislate for, this includes marriage (xxi)*. Where a state or territory enacts its own legislation in that same area s109 of the Constitution provides that the Commonwealth's legislation prevails and the state legislation is invalid. The Constitution does not in any which way define marriage, it gives that responsibility to the Commonwealth Parliament and the Parliament effects that definition through the Marriage Act.

*It would be interesting, given the heavy influence of the US Constitution on Australia's, to know why marriage was included as a Commonwealth power.

Yes I believe it would win at plebiscite, I am just pointing out that it doesn't really matter what the plebiscite out come is. The majority does not have the right to discriminate based on race or sexuality, regardless.
As I said, the activists are no different to what you complain about with ISIS, crush people that don't agree.

Yes, gay guys are scary!



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So Norway / denmark / Sweeden / Iceland / Grenland

What is actually happening in these countries that you attribute to same sex marriage?

I see more moral decay in the loudly righteous than most other groups, but that's their right to say one thing and do another.

The Creflo Dollars of this world should hang their heads in shame.

It's prob the best way forward, though as VC said a plebiscite is more about what people are thinking rather than the validity of what they're voting on.

I doubt many here would agree that a plebiscite held in the south against integration would have been a valid way forward ie to keep segregation.

Havign said that, it would be good to show reasonably accurately what the general population's view on the issue is.

If there's a strong view one way or the other it will help to move things along, or not.
Being gay i can tell you I still face the odd bit of discrimination. It's certainly better than my uni days, but you still get the odd redneck or religious bigot that wishes to discriminate or shout abuse....[/I]
I do genuinely regret that Syd. I'd gladly see that sort of idiot get a taste of their own medicine!

Also there's a story in the SMH today about a transgender female being beaten up outside a pub in, of all places, Newtown in inner city Sydney. Really quite disgraceful by these offenders.

It's just that, and perhaps I'm overreacting, but I don't want to end up in this woman's sights.


Mate you need to take a bex and have a good lie down.

You are just making a fool of yourself now, you are reinforcing the point I made that you have no valid arguments for the continuation of marriage discrimination on the basis of sexuality.

Your posts are certainly full of homophobic comments, always raises my suspicions - the most homophobic people are quite often gay themselves and torn apart by self conflict between their sexuality and their religious teaching and repressive upbringing.

The whole socialist/fabian conspiracy stuff is good for a giggle, but again it reflects very poorly on your ability to articulate any sort of rational argument.

Seriously, you will be amazed to discover that once this discrimination is removed, the sky wont fall in, straight people will still be just as married, it actually will make no difference to anyone except the gay people that chose to partake of the civil act of marriage.

As Bill Maher recently said "If something anti-gay is always coming out of your mouth, something very gay is probably going in."

Seems to be very true in the USA. Wouldn't surprise me if the same here too.

Tink it is actually those that are opposed to marriage equality that have views more aligned with ISIS who execute those of that persuasion. If gays were able to marry tomorrow I'm really not sure how life would change for anyone other than those that wish to have a gay marriage.
As Bill Maher recently said "If something anti-gay is always coming out of your mouth, something very gay is probably going in."

Seems to be very true in the USA. Wouldn't surprise me if the same here too.

While some anti-gay people may be closet gay, don't think you can generalise it.

To say a homophobic might be gay... that's like saying the Nazi are Jewish; White Supremacists are coloured.

Sometime people just don't like another other group of people. Could be ignorance, upbringing, bad experience...

While you are correct it shouldnt be generalised, its not uncommon that the most homophobic and bigoted turn out to be actually gay themselves. As I said its probably caused by the internal conflict of being in denial of their true sexuality combined with the religious and repressive upbringing.

Just think of the number of high profile religious homophobes that were then discovered to be homosexual themselves.

Its not really equivelent to saying Nazis are Jewish or White Supremists coloured - they are poor analogies.

OK, poor analogies. But I don't think it's that common. It's common on popular media, in real life people are for or against something for far more creative reasons than to hide their "true" identity.

Could be simple misunderstanding, say equating homosexuals with pedophilia and promiscuity; or simply hating something to feel better about themselves - say, I'm a poor and lowly Aryan but at least I'm part of the super race.

But I don't think you and Sydboy were serious about the point though. So any who...
But I don't think you and Sydboy were serious about the point though. So any who...

Oh I was being serious. Pastor Tom Brooks is the most high profile recent case I can think of, Republican Bob Allen was another, but its definitely a thing. As I said it seems its a product of their religious repression of their sexuality which leads to a form of self loathing and homophobia.

They are one in the same, overhang, just like the islamic extremists, the homosexuals are trying to implement their lifestyle on our children.
Their activists are the same and crush people that don't agree.
They go through the same means, using PC, to silence the majority.

As I have said -- Political correctness is an insidious poison.
It prevents issues of vital importance from being discussed, and lets evil flourish unchecked.

I am standing up for Marriage -- Civil Unions are fine.

How many more hackneyed clichés do you have in that box of yours. You forgot to segue in the deep south of USA and blacks.

Why do you gays have to resort to labels when you can't come up with a valid reason for wrecking an institution that probably seeded your own births.

Just in case you don't know who Bill maher is, he's a comedian.

But what he says has a reasonable element of truth. So many very anti-gay preachers / politicians / state officials have been caught out with "rent boys" or with profiles on various hookup sites and apps.

Why do you have to post ridiculous lists from the USA in your lack or argument against same sex marriage?

You're the one who's making chicken little claims that Australian society will collapse if we allow same sex marriage.

i know the religious right blame gays for earthquakes and floods, but I think it's a streth to blame us for the collapse of society.
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