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Gay Marriage

And why should it be confined to Gays?

Obviously the cartoonist sees the next possible thing is for people to want to marry their pets...

And with marriage comes the legal right to adopt children? Paw prints on excursion permission slips???

lol, you're kidding yourself if you think making it so you have to be married to receive benefits will change any of the above points, in fact it will probably make it worse, the people who need it the most will suffer - meaning more kids will be put in bad situations & environments and it would not stop others from exploiting the system.

I pay my taxes (probably more then most), contribute to society in many different ways and am in a very strong and stable relationship that has been going for over 10 years but shouldn't be eligible for tax benefits for my kids because I'm not married? And a lot of my friends are in the same situation.

I really don't understand why people get their knickers in such a knot over gay marriage. These couples still have the same relationship all that changes is a piece of paper that says they are married. Big deal.

Allowing same sex marriage hardly opens the door for incestuous marriages. I think that even comparing the two is a bit over the top and a bit of a weak argument. It's a pretty big jump.
LOL sails at the paw prints - where does it end

I agree with drsmith
Dr smith is right
Roland how long would it take before there are no heterosexuals left then what? sperm banks
I remain suspicious. If gay and lesbian want to get married, go on ahead. But they shouldn't mess with the rule of law.

Kids need a mother and a father. You can't legislate that away.

I think it's a wedge with a thin end, and a bit of a con job besides.

I'm 100% with you, Logique

Today's advanced media technology has stood the principles of democracy on its head. Whoever shouts loudest and gets a vocal group of "professional protesters" and social engineers behind themselve, gets away with new rules that slap in the faces of decency, common sense, and social stability. The majority may still be sensible enough to see the trainwreck coming, but they're silenced by mobs demanding "tolerance".
So, patients, who would draw comfort from a cross in a hospital ward, have to "be tolerant" of the hypothetical discomfort some hypothetical non-Christian might feel looking at the same. Why not suggest the hypothetical person show tolerance and "get over it."

Or take "Gay Pride Parades": If hetero couples were to celebrate and consummate their convex-concave relationship in a public place, they'd be arrested for indecent behaviour. But it's OK to flaunt your Otherness and shove it in the faces of those who cringe with embarrassment. Tolerance? By whom??

Anyone who has studied History - especially the rise and fall of Athenian society - knows what happens when minorities force their demands on the population at large. Makes a mockery of democracy.
I really don't understand why people get their knickers in such a knot over gay marriage. These couples still have the same relationship all that changes is a piece of paper that says they are married. Big deal.

Exactly. So why are the homosexual people making such a big fuss about wanting that piece of paper?
It's not heterosexuals who have brought on the discussion!
Allowing same sex marriage hardly opens the door for incestuous marriages. I think that even comparing the two is a bit over the top and a bit of a weak argument. It's a pretty big jump.
Yes, it is indeed. But a few generations ago, no one would have thought we'd have homosexuals wanting to marry.

And you have selectively quoted from what I have earlier said which was a passing on of a comment I had heard alleging that 'all that should be needed for two people to marry should be that they love each other'.

Plenty of people think they love each other, including those in incestuous relationships.
Exactly. So why are the homosexual people making such a big fuss about wanting that piece of paper?
It's not heterosexuals who have brought on the discussion!

The same reason anyone wants equality I suppose. If they want to get married why shouldn't they be able to?

Do you think that allowing gay marriages is in any way going to affect our society? Considering these relationships are already happening in our society now as de facto relationship which as far as I'm aware provide all the same rights as a married couple.
The government has no right to determine who can and can not get married in my opinion. I'm all for it.
With the divorce rate so high, I'm genuinely puzzled as to what "marriage" is supposedly about these days?

You get married because, supposedly, you will be spending the rest of your life together. That it so often fails strongly suggests that the "committment" is essentially worthless - couples either stay together or split, whether or not they are legally married having very little to do with it.

I'm not saying that you have to get 'married', i am just saying that there should be a commitment to each other and to the eventual children, before you can actually have children and claim tax and other benefits for them.

In your case, you and your partner have very obviously committed yourselves to eachother through 10 years of stable relationship. So if the government said you had to go down to the courthouse and sign a piece of paper (a sort of contract) otherwise you wont be able to get tax benefits, are you saying you wouldn't do it?

The fact is, eventually we need to start preventing bad parents from having kids. 'Chuck a bit of chlorine in the gene pool' so to speak. The world is filling up with dropkicks!

In relation to the discussion of gay marriage opening the way for other 'out-there' forms of marriage. I think this is a very big concern. As a previous poster said, 20 years ago people would have laughed at you if you said some gay people would want to get married. Its the same now with marrying relatives etc. If we keep relaxing the rules then it opens the door for anything to happen. Any Seinfeld watchers here will be very aware of the 'PigMan' problems!!!!
If you believe that a human being's purpose in life is to recreate and the idea of marriage is to provide a stable home for life then gays should never be allowed to marry. Simple as that. Let them have partnerships etc.. but the exchange of rings, vows ie: the typical marriage is a disgrace.

Im not homophobic but that's just the way it is. I hope I never see the day of this being legalized in Australia.
... I hope I never see the day of this being legalized in Australia.

Me too.

However, cannot stop thinking about picture posted few pages back: “They don’t go far enough”

Fair dinkum, if our genes are 80% identical to pigs and 98% identical to great apes, why stop at same sex?

Yep Julia I agree

Off topic -- A few years ago there was a couple from Adelaide on the TV and newspapers, father and daughter. Made me question why they were getting so much air time.

As I have stated, I dont really care what people do but, were they expecting us to start accepting that?

What were they hoping for to go public.
I certainly accept the challenges/bullying faced by gay people in their younger years as being difficult. I used to be far more sympathetic to their trials. I have come to the realization, however, that they seem to be a group who do not "get over it". Many people face difficulties and the challenge of life is to get to a point where you have faced difficulties, overcome difficulties and have become content with who you are and what life has thrown at you. Overcoming any bitterness is the hardest part, but the secret.

A lot of the gay people i have met are the most obnoxious, judgemental, know-alls you could possibly know. I say to them, "Why should I be tolerant of gay people when they are tolerant of nothing".

Many of these "obnoxious, judgemental, know-alls" are such because of bitterness. My message to gay people is "get over yourselves". If you choose not to and continue the constant whinging about intolerance that is fine.... but I am not listening any longer, you have lost me.
And why should it be confined to Gays?

We're too late;

'A YOUNG Toowoomba man yesterday tied the knot with his best friend - a five-year-old labrador named Honey.
In perhaps a first for the Garden City, Laurel Bank Park hosted the wedding of Joseph Guiso and Honey, a labrador he adopted five years ago.

Thirty of the couple's closest friends and family were in attendance for the emotional ceremony, held at dusk.'
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