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Gay Marriage

Ohhhh your outlook on life so 1984
Bobby said:
How about posters state their sexual preference.

Got the Guts ! :sheep:

I'll start then, I'm heterosex'ual .


Already done that Bobby - but only because it makes my argument more objective and not because it concerns me greatly.....

Yep, he's the one visual! Superannuation funds (and I believe this was his Government funded one) have these rules that you must be a dependant (ie non adult child) or spouse before you can claim them. The will is irrelevant if the person's name hasnt been included in the super trust deed, and also, even if you are named in the trust deed then unless you are either a dependent or spouse, you also have to pay 15% tax on the lump sum when the person receives it.

Don also had adult children so this is where it gets complicated, but I believe they accepted their father's relationship.

The legal people should have seen that he was named on the super fund, but the 15% is a Tax and because he was never able to be called a 'spouse' then he will always have to pay the 15% tax bill.
I have had two experiences of children growing in a gay household.

In both relationships, the two women started off their married life in a heterosexual relationship and there were children born. Those heterosexual marriages ended, and in both cases a female homsexual relationship began.

In the first relationship there were 2 female children growing up, in the second relationship there was a single male child. In both cases, the children are now aged around 16 - 20 years of age, and they were around 6 years of age when the homsexual relationships started.

The kids are doing just fine - doing well at school/Uni. Have a normal group of friends. Not getting into trouble.

We all know children who come from 'normal' relationships that sour and the kids go off the rails. Kids go off the rails in completely happy families too.

There is no rule for raising happy healthy kids other than love and lots of luck.
I think however that it is important that there is a male influence somewhere, whether it be a grandparent, the father or a family friend, especially for a boy particuarly if they are single children. The situation for single mums is often worse than a lesbian couple.
Knobby - couldn't agree with you more - the lack of male role models will have a dreadful effect on children raised in single female households - and I believe is a fundamental issue in why we have so many disenfranchised male youths at the moment. Total generalisation but I believe that lesbian marriages understand this better than many single mothers, and try to involve male influences in their kids lives.

Also, correcting myself here - Don's partner didnt have Superannuation issues (he died before Super was such a big deal) it was his Parliamentary Pension (and he was Premier so no doubt it is very generous!). Because he was never regarded as a spouse he cant get access to the Pension that spouses are entitled to.

OK, work to do I am outta here....
Hi kennas

I'll put my thoughts in red fwiw


I agree. I think the problem can exist in male-female marriages as well and don't discount the issues with girls either.

I think for girls a father can give them a greater sense of self-worth than their mothers can.

For Boys I think that it is such things as "Joys of working the Shed". Why would you need to destroy public property if you can have fun making things. Also it is pushing the risk boundaries a little more than mothers would like (How many dads out there have ended a sentence with ".. but dont tell your mother". I think that a few scrapped knees and close calls can do a lot to push the message about risk limits than somebody saying don't do this or don't do that.


ps. Before I get in trouble please feel free to put quotes around Mother, Father, Son's and Daughters. I know that real people don't always match the traditional roles.
Morning Bull,

Hey Prospector and Knobby, I agree with the male influence, but can't kids get that off Humphry B Bear and the Wiggles? he he

There are many ways to get the female and male influences in society, it doesn't have to be just in the household. Actually, think back to traditional single income families where the husband went out and slaved all day while the wife made house. Sometimes during the week, the kids would see Dad come in the door at night just in time to say goodbye. Some 'influence'. Although, I suppose he saw them on the weekends. And when the kids go to school, what's the % of made Primary teachers out there? Pretty darn low. Children in the past, and even the present, have less contact with men, even in hetrosexual relationships.
Um, I did mean male primary school teachers!

True, plenty of secondary male teachers though and as we can see in literature, plenty of influence.

Humphrey Bear is a typical male. Acts like a child half the time and can't put two words together :
I dont care about what people do in regards to same sex relationships, its become more accepted these days as there are so many out there. Forinstance a couple of ladys that lived accross the road from me, they were in their 50's very successful, owned a restaurant that celebs used to go to etc.... the two blokes that run the canteen at my work... the list goes on.
Point is you dont have to look far these days to find em. I think the people that have the hardest time coming to terms with it are those that are either ignorant (couldnt even tell if their next door neighbour was gay) or those that live in places where it is unusual to see a gay couple.

marriage, hmm I dunno. Have to hav a think about that.
however if my above comment is anything to go off
its become more accepted these days as there are so many out there
then we will probably see it in my lifetime and it will probably be accepted.
I realize this is an old thread but I saw this on another forum and, even though its author is American and it refers to the gay marriage debate in America, thought it was worth repeating here:

Back on the federal political agenda, thanks to the Greens. Looking forward to my local MP knocking on my door to ask my opinion, in line with Green MP Adam Bandt's legislated wishes.

I'm with Tony Windsor to this extent: as long as it's not compulsory.

One of those things that in a human sense, initially seems ok, but what does deeper consideration reveal? My fear that this, in the eyes of some, is yet another attempt to re-model our society, attacking our values in the process.

Our society is based on man+woman = marriage. It's served us pretty well hasn't it.

But baby bonuses have become paid maternity leave, and how long before IVF ends up being Medicare claimable? Reducing men to little more than sperm donors. With the perks of legalized marriage thrown in, father-less families will have it sown up.

There are feminazis out there who will rejoice in the further marginalizing of men in our society.
...Our society is based on man+woman = marriage. It's served us pretty well hasn't it....

How people choose to live is entirely their own choice.

What concerns me is the fact that often same sex couples who seek marriage will then want to raise children with their new marriage status. This brings a whole new element, IMO, as the children they either adopt or have by some other means may not be thrilled at being a child with same sex parents. These children have no choice.

Two of my grandkids have had a difficult family life since their dads left. It doesn't matter how old they get, they yearn for their own Mum AND Dad in their life. I know because the oldest one (11) talks to me about all sorts of things. She gets on with life, but from time to time, she has her moments of sadness and just wishes with all her heart that things could be different in her family.

The little one is three and so many of her imaginery games are about families (mum and dad being the foundation). She becomes distraught for her Dad who doesn't seem interested at this point in time. He comes and goes in her life which makes it emotionally difficult for her.

It is amazing how, at such an early age, children seem to have a clear instinctive need for THEIR Mum and Dad. IMO, it raises concerns for children lumped into gay families. What happens to these natural instincts? What sort of teasing would they have to endure at school?

Just changing laws to suit the grown-ups doesn't necessarily mean that it is in the best interests of future children to gay couples.
That last post of yours sails is spot on. I left my wife and three children when the youngest was 18 years and had a job. It has effected them and still does big time and with one I have no relationship though I work on it all the time. Its 17 years now since.

Although I still feel I had to go I do regret not trying harder to stay and work something out. Mid life crisis or wet behind the ears but huge damage that can never be made right.

Gay mariage not problems on its own, in fact post 18 years the laws ought to allow total freedom to all consenting adults in this and many other issues.
Back on the federal political agenda, thanks to the Greens. Looking forward to my local MP knocking on my door to ask my opinion, in line with Green MP Adam Bandt's legislated wishes.
Should my local MP knocking on my door to ask my opinion, I might suggest he drop his strides and bend over.

Should he comply, it would be my right boot that would swing into action.

While people should have the right to live the lifestyle they choose, marriage is between a couple of opposite sex.

Marriage is a promise backed up by a peice of paper. Unless the heart is there it is no more than rubbish. If people of the same sex want to have such a ceremony why not the right, they pay taxes and support the state the same as you do.

Dictating to others is totalitarianism.

Time to grow up and concentrate on things that really matter, education of women and controls on the worlds birthrate
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