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Gay Marriage

What are you saying Bobby? Oh, this is funny at 01.45hrs
Bobby said:
I do Visual, but don't like your avitor (hate bad spelling ).
Bet your a spunk ! :


Oh Bobby,not into that
and you spell your as you`re
Snake Pliskin said:
Do you like trouser snakes Kennas?

He said he's got a woman, thats good !

I bet those Jap chicks like the trouser snake, hope you are doing your duty :

visual said:
Oh Bobby,not into that
and you spell your as you`re

Hullo Visual,

So nice to be able to contact you again
When I stated about how I hate bad spelling, that was about me ! not you .
Hope I have not upset you ?,

Please forgive me if that being the case'.

Regards Bob.
Snake Pliskin said:

What`s the worst thing about having sex with a cow?

Well Snake as I can't claim that why not tell me your experience ?

Bobby,I was correcting your spelling mistake,but I know that I could do a better job of my spellin.
And what do you mean, I didnt know I was lost.
Bob I wasnt upset,what made you think that?
visual said:
Bobby,I was correcting your spelling mistake,but I know that I could do a better job of my spellin.
And what do you mean, I didnt know I was lost.
Bob I wasnt upset,what made you think that?

Your Ok Visual,

Not lost at all , just a mis'hap of communication on my part.

Imagine what happens when little freddy, who's parents are lesbian, has to talk about his mum and dum. Or little lisa has to refer to her parents and dad and mad. lol What a complete ****up that would be.
Far out...what a busy little thread this one is...plenty of members have much to say. I was on this thread last night with only about 8 replies, now its over 50 replies, in less that 14 hours

Nice to see a thread with a good debate going on

ahhh but is it fair that homosexual people pay the same tax as hetrosexual people, considering they do not usually take advatage of all the family tax benefits. Neither do they usually have children, which cost considerable amounts of goverment money to educate etc.

Ummmm I like your missfits quote...don't we already have a generation of missfits born out of hetrosexual marriages? Plenty of damaged goods coming out of broken homes

well said, 10 Points!

a gay bogan is called a bear. Hairy chest, check shirt, beer gut and rides a Harley :

What is the difference now with so many children born from hetrosexual couples living with one parent only. Surely two parents is better than one, even if they are of the same sex.
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