The scientific research that has directly compared outcomes for children with gay and lesbian parents with outcomes for children with heterosexual parents has been generally consistent in showing that lesbian and gay parents are as fit and capable as heterosexual parents, and their children are as psychologically healthy and well-adjusted as children reared by heterosexual parents,[3][4][5] despite the reality that considerable legal discrimination and inequity remain significant challenges for these families.[4] Major associations of mental health professionals in the U.S., Canada, and Australia, have not identified credible empirical research that suggests otherwise.[5][6][7][8][9] Literature indicates that parents’ financial, psychological and physical well-being is enhanced by marriage and that children benefit from being raised by two parents within a legally-recognized union.[5][6][22][23]
Since the 1970s, it has become increasingly clear that it is family processes (such as the quality of parenting, the psychosocial well-being of parents, the quality of and satisfaction with relationships within the family, and the level of co-operation and harmony between parents) that contribute to determining children’s well-being and ‘outcomes’, rather than family structures, per se, such as the number, gender, sexuality and co-habitation status of parents.[4][22] Since the end of the 1980s, as a result, it has been well established that children and adolescents can adjust just as well in nontraditional settings as in traditional settings.
Soon enough, we'll see gay marrieds, denied an adoption, off to equal opportunity and the courts - 'we're legally married' they'll say.
No, but it would be interesting to know why gay supporters of same sex "marriage" on this thread are averse to declaring their sexual orientation. Whatever happened to "gay pride"?
Can you share some research to the contrary of Dock's post or is this some more, in your own words, "propaganda"?Of course this is about children. Anyone who says otherwise is so short sighted.
People should have to balls to stop spouting none sense about rights, whilst ignoring where this issue is heading and the rights if the innocent children that will be suppressed.
Can you share some research to the contrary of Dock's post or is this some more, in your own words, "propaganda"?
The universe / nature or whatever you want to call it isn't a moral system or one that is inclusive of only binary outcomes. It is a complex web of relationships between its different components. There is logic, some things work and some things do not. But there is nothing inherent in the system that says there is only one way.See my above post.
What more evidence do you want than the fact that we either:
1) evolved in this manner (i.e. nature determined that a man and woman would have children and that the child has specific needs that can only be met by both - this point is obvious to not warrant further explanation I'm sure you'd agree)
2) we were created in this manner (an all powerful and knowing creator decided this was best - well that ends the argument)
Who are we to try and change this because of our mere personal opinions?
Take either point 1) or 2) and something much bigger than us is trying to tell us something. How can we be so dumb as to not realise what this is?
Good reasoning and well put, Ves. Pavilion, if you're going to be adamant that every child must have a male and female parent to develop well, how do you account for the many productive and caring people who are brought up by just a single mother, the father having no input?Point 1) there is nothing in evolution that says that a man or woman need to be present after conception and birth - unless you can show me by using science that this is the a biological rule that a man and woman must be present when a child is being raised?
Point 2) we were created with the biological rule that you need a man and a woman to make a child - nothing after that point has a biological rule that governs it
I may be misunderstaing you, and you may need to clarify your argument, but it seems that you are saying that you have a mum or a dad, and nothing else can work. edit: you seem to be saying that this is the ideal scenario, and I would agree with that, but with the addendum that other ways can, and have empirically, worked. There is plenty of empirical evidence in society that would suggest that this argument is void.
See my above post.
What more evidence do you want than the fact that we either:
1) evolved in this manner (i.e. nature determined that a man and woman would have children and that the child has specific needs that can only be met by both - this point is obvious to not warrant further explanation I'm sure you'd agree)
2) we were created in this manner (an all powerful and knowing creator decided this was best - well that ends the argument)
Who are we to try and change this because of our mere personal opinions?
Take either point 1) or 2) and something much bigger than us is trying to tell us something. How can we be so dumb as to not realise what this is?
No, but it would be interesting to know why gay supporters of same sex "marriage" on this thread are averse to declaring their sexual orientation. Whatever happened to "gay pride"?
It's a free country. People can do as they want and don't need to consult or inform you about it. Why would you want to know what goes on in people's bedrooms?
You mean like they do publicly in the Mardi Gras.
Don't worry he will have backed himself into a corner by the time Pyne and Abbott do one of the biggest backflips in modern political history and leglislate gay marriage in Australia in their governmental period.Another post that adds nothing to the discussion, except maybe to show a level of distain
Don't worry he will have backed himself into a corner by the time Pyne and Abbott do one of the biggest backflips in modern political history and leglislate gay marriage in Australia in their governmental period.
This morning shadow education spokesman, Chris Pyne suggested that Coalition’s stance may be reviewed in the lead up to or after the September election but out gay brothers and sisters would be wise not to hold their breaths waiting. This is especially so given that Tony Abbott spoke at a community forum last night and said he believed “gay marriage” was not an inevitability, at least “not any time soon.”
And bellenuit, just to put you "who doth protest too much" on the right track...nowhere on this thread have I made any criticisms or made any derogatory remarks or passed any judgement on or about anyone's sexual orientation.
I'm not fixed on any point of view, just throwing up some ideas here, some contradictory... like the following single case study...
Derren Brown is gay. He's also an expert in psychology, mentalism, influence and hypnosis. What he can do with peoples minds is quite extraordinary....there are few as skilled and powerful as him. He wasn't happy being gay when he was younger. He tried everything on himself in order to 'cure' his gayness. And it didn't work. While working on oneself is not that easy, one might say that this is fairly strong evidence for the genetic/biological cause.
Hardly putting me on the right track, when I never ever claimed that.
But you have several times stated that gays' motivations for wanting gay marriage are malevolent, rather than what they state their motivations to be.
Having or showing a wish to do evil to others.
malicious - malignant - ill-disposed - spiteful - vicious
You have made statements that want to denigrate marriage.
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