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Gay Marriage

Australia is a country with a majority of it's people of Irish descent.

Ireland approved Marriage Equality by a free referendum vote to change it's constitution.

Australia needs to approve Gay Marriage which the the ALP and Coalition have opposed at various times over the last ten years.

I cannot understand why we have two entities vying for government with such contempt for the decision of it's most prominent DNA, the People of Ireland.

Let us have Marriage Equality.

That's a bridge over troubled water right there...

very clever. We should have a plebiscite on Oirish marriage.

British Woman Weds Dog In Expensive ‘Romantic’ Wedding Ceremony – After Marriage To Man Failed
Deolu March 5, 2015

In a rather strange turn of events, a woman has vowed against men and married her pet dog. 47 year old Amanda Rodgers from Brixton in south London was married to a man 20 years ago, but the relationship unfortunately lasted no more than a few short months, so dismayed she decided to swear against men and turn to dogs.

Amanda states that the reason she decided to wed her pet dog was because she had all the qualities that she was looking for in a life partner: “Sheba had been in my life for years, making me laugh and comforting me when I was feeling low.”

Proceedings started out in a traditional way, when Amanda got down on one knee and proposed to her pet dog, Sheba. Though the dog could not respond, Rodgers says that she “could tell by her tail wagging that she said yes.”

More than 200 people attended the wedding which took place in Split, Croatia. Rodgers embraced the day fully making sure that everything was to her liking, adding that: “I’d dreamed of a perfect wedding dress since I was small, I made it myself for the ceremony. The day was wonderful, more fun than the marriage. I gave her a kiss to seal the deal and then everyone threw confetti. It was a wonderful moment.”
I've not read any of this thread so the following maybe in here.

My concern is the future generations of kids coming up.
Male male partners will all need to adopt.(surrogate)
Female female will need donors.

These kids will become adults
The balance of a male female partnership or marriage will
Not be there.

What will be will be but it's a concern I don't hear debated.
My experience is 3 couples 2 male and one Female
Both have kids and I certainly raise an eyebrow more than once
At these kids being kids.

We will have generations of kids desperately trying to find their biological parents, wondering why they are different to their parents and if it's their fault, money being exchanged for surrogacy and the baby business in general, kids being indoctrinated that homosexuality is normal, the general degradation of marriage and parenthood and the artificial production of children as trophies and to be the vanguard of a social campaign that homosexuals are just as capable of producing and raising children when they are unequipped to do so by four billion years of evolution.

Studies suggest that offspring of homosexual lifestylers are 80% likely to carry on the tradition, so the practice should fade away after successive generations. The paradox of it persisting in the general population when it should be defunct, puts weight on the theory it is learned/groomed behaviours filling the vacuum. You only have to look at how many dogooders are carrying the torch for something they don't perceive objectively ..... grooming via social engineering is a powerful opiate, even on some hetrosexuals.
Gays already have the right to children, SSM doesn't change anything. Whether they should or shouldn't doesn't effect their legitimacy to marriage.
Marriage is between one man and one woman.
The GOLD standard.
That is equal, in my view.
I wonder, if the definition of marriage is changed, how straight people will view getting married. It could be that marriage between a man and a woman has no significance regarding family construct and simply remain defacto. Surely will make separation financially less of an issue. Obviously the scheming types will pursue marriage for the legal entitlements.

Marriage, isn't that what queers do.
"gold standard"?

Yes, the good old traditional marriages between a man and a woman... no fights, no extra-marital affairs, no abuse.

Do you promise to love her/him, comfort him/her, honor and keep her/him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him/her, for as long as you both shall live?

Someone always lies.
Marriage privatization

Marriage privatization is the concept that the state should have no authority to define the terms of personal relationships such as marriage. Proponents of marriage privatization, including certain minarchists, anarchists, libertarians, and opponents of government interventionism, claim that such relationships are best defined by private individuals and not the state. Arguments for the privatization of marriage have been offered by a number of scholars and writers. Proponents of marriage privatization often argue that privatizing marriage is a solution to the social controversy over same-sex marriage. Arguments for and against the privatization of marriage span both liberal and conservative political camps.
Marriage what a joke. Just another excuse to rort some money. I have been with my female partner, I am male, for 30 years and we never bothered with marriage. I vote no because marriage is just a crock and excuse.
I really hope people here get the opportunity to have a fully
Committed normal marriage. By the way live together in any form of relationship and the
Law will look at splitting of assets. Seriously do you think adultery, arguments, lying,
Will be limited to Man woman marriages.

The face of society in 100 yrs time will be vastly different to now!
Personally I'm glad I was born into a normal marriage and so we're my kids.
I'm hero sexual and proud of it .
I accept the other " Religions " but don't force it down my throat.
If you do themn I'm being discriminated against!

The reason most are against a vote is there is a chance there could be a no vote.
Push it through parliament is more likely to gain a yes.
Not so many years ago, gays rejected marriage as a hetero-normative contruct. I suspect there are still many with little interest in getting married.

Anyway it's gone beyond SSM now. It's evolved into other things, like free speech, bullying and stultifying political correctness, and the law of the land. About inner city elites trying to dictate to ordinary Australians. About opportunists using the gay cause for their own agendas.

There are plenty of politicians, of all parties, whose reputations have been tarnished by their tawdry conduct on this issue. And not just politicians.
It really amazes me. If same sex couples could marry tomorrow not one of you would wake up and be worse off, assuming no one here is gay then your lives simply wouldn't be affected. You can still negative gear, still receive your CGT discount, you won't pay a carbon tax on your energy bill and you might have good or bad internet depending on your needs. But for a small minority of this country they would wake up and feel more inclusive in our society, there maybe adolescents struggling to accept that they're attracted to the same sex and are bullied for it but society could send a clear message to them that they will have the same rights as the rest of us and all though different they're accepted. Most of us hate the thought of an Islamic dominate society, well a yes vote moves us a lot further away from one, maybe it prevents a few Muslims with their stone-age ideologies from coming to our country.

Frankly have a little empathy for your fellow citizens and allow them to have something positive in their life while sacrificing nothing in return.
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