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Gay Marriage

There have been a few polls around and they are pretty close between a plebiscite and a Parliamentary vote, but I think you are right that Labor seems to have found a new barrow to push following decline in union membership.

Considering gays are about 5% of society I doubt if they will "fill the void", most people just want discussion on the subject to stop, one way or the other.
An interesting thing happened to a young friend recently who has spent her life variously protesting on things like aboriginal rights, apartheid, capitalism, etc and finally settling into a lesbian lifestyle after having a child.

It seems that now the hard yards are done by the movement gaining the notoriety and groundswell for gayness in all things, she has realised she is actually a hetrosexual afterall and taken up arms for yet another cause that merits urgent attention.


A few more years and maybe she will join the IPA.

I disagree with you on the ALP membership. I think it will move steadily to become the beacon for the change agents for counter society. As a consequence we should see those ALP disaffected with strong hetrosexual codecs seeking out the one time enemy in the LNP, One Nation, etc for shelter.

Once upon a time the ALP represented at least half of the social conscience of the nation through its direct membership and union leadership. In 1985 50% of all workers were unionists, although not welded to the ALP, but now it's less than half that, so there is no incentive to walk the conservative line; instead look to the scraps to top up the true believer votes.

I believe union membership is now down to 15%.
I believe union membership is now down to 15%.

Yes I think you may be correct, although the public service still sits around ~40% I think and it has a strong influence on govt policy because it has direct access to advocacy and can make the working life miserable for their masters.
International Day of the Girl today ..... shame that doesn't translate into caring for natural gender recognition of parents.
The Senate has rejected the Gay Marriage plebiscite and the Gay lobby have shot themselves in the foot with Gay Marriage three years away at least.

Serves them right for treating their fellow citizens like a bunch of bogan rednecks and denying them any say in the composition of our society of which we comprise 95%.

But you can bet that the LGBxyz's will be bitching and whining behind the scenes and disrupting anything important from being discussed.

Petulance at its worst.

In three years time, the basis of marriage legitimacy will have been reduced to shaking hands. Hetrosexuals will still be working on a new ritual to prescribe their innate ability to naturally copulate and procreate in the one activity (true sexual intercourse).
Yes I think you may be correct, although the public service still sits around ~40% I think and it has a strong influence on govt policy because it has direct access to advocacy and can make the working life miserable for their masters.

I don't think so, I questioned the reasoning behind senior public servants not having to to pay the "super surcharge", the union lawyer told me who said it had to be fair.

That's the sort of $hit you're dealing with.

People with a faulty moral compass, supporting people with no moral compass, is more accurate.IMO

That's a fair comment

Rumpy, I would say it is bleeding obvious the Green/Labor coalition did not want a plebiscite because they knew with the Muslim anti gay Koran beliefs, it would not get over the line so now they are hoping to win the next election and take a vote on the floor of parliament.
Agree, Rumpole.

This was taken to an election as a plebiscite, and we want our say for such a big change in our society.
No public say, no vote, imv.

And we wonder why the US is in the state that it is in, when they have saturated their public schools with all this garbage.
Political Correctness, identity politics etc..dividing their nation.

Any country that willingly says, Happy Holidays, and gives away their heritage, gets what they deserve, imv.

America is divided and gone Trump because.... they abandoned God and their heritage?
A nearly dormant thread.

I get that LGBTI feel unequal. But in nearly every way, they are equal in contemporary Australian society - and should be.

But please understand the magnitude of what you're asking! Look at 3,000 years plus of Judeo-Christian thought. In Australia, 55 years of the Marriage Act 1961. Hetero marriage, the philosophical cornerstone of our nation since Federation in 1901. And making criminals of the clergy, should they refuse to conduct marriage services on religious principles.

LGBTI, you can thank Bill Shorten and the ALP/Greens for sabotaging the plebiscite. It might just have won.

But the issue will simmer along in the background. If I was to be cynical, I'd say it will be until lesbians can get equal priority (and Medicare rebates) for IVF in vitro pregnancy treatment.

But a word of advice to LGBTI, it's in your best interests to be patient.
ALP/Greens will always sabotage the plebiscite solely to gain political mileage - which they did.

It'll be all over the news during the next election.
Marriage to be soleley a sexual preference, formally recognised, association. The apathetic voter will ensure this. It's the type of decision making process that is made by a government that dare not make a decision on a subject that is controversial.
ALP/Greens will always sabotage the plebiscite solely to gain political mileage - which they did.

It'll be all over the news during the next election.

The Labor Party discarded its core fundamentals decades ago in pursuit of the pansy vote. They were the innovators and the Greens were the early adopters, gazumping much of Labor's groundwork.
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