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Gay Marriage

The members of the Parliament were put there by the people to make, discuss and decide matters for the people. They are the voice of the people and should do their job and decide this matter within the Parliament and pass the laws which is thier jurisdiction. It's not such a big deal, marriage is a contract between two people be they men, women together or brindle. In fact less young people are choosing to marry at all these days. Its no longer a big deal and to waste money on a plebesite is irresponsible and CHICKENING OUT
Don't forget the other 95% who are in favour of gay marriage, who simply see it as an equal rights issue.

You reckon 90%? That would make it an even greater injustice to the minority who oppose.

Malcolm gave a good speech in parliament today, although he did spoil the mood by attacking Labor for cheap shots half way through which was disappointingly juvenile. He pointed out that "homophobe" is a hate term and that Gillard and Coy were homophobes by applying the same yardsticks.

I'm just glad I'm a bigot and lovin' it
what about giving democracy a chance for a change: Liberals have been elected or is that not valid because you did not vote for them, they were elected on a plebicite program on gay marriage and won.
The Berlin wall may have fallen but the Stalinists are still there: for the better of the people against their will; and they say Trump is fascist!!!
He is a teddy bear compared to the bullying taking place in OZ on this subject
as if this country had nothing better to do....
If at the last election, people wanted gay marriage thrown down our throat, they voted green or labour but they lost.

According to many vocal advocates, SSM is a no brainer and no big deal, so I guess there's no hurry as it's not a game changer.
The ALP actually gained seats in proportion to the libs and the Green percentage went up overall which may suggest the yes vote making ground
The ALP actually gained seats in proportion to the libs and the Green percentage went up overall which may suggest the yes vote making ground
maybe but not enough
So be patient, pass the law when you are next in a majority.No worries, it will happen
maybe but not enough
So be patient, pass the law when you are next in a majority.No worries, it will happen

Latest from Parliament indicates Labor and Greens will block the plebesite. So Turnbull now needs to move on and get down to putting substance behind his "jobs and growth"

So if it is not a BIG deal, why can't the Greens and Labor accept the decision by the people......The government went to the election with the plebiscite as part of their policy and voters have accepted it and may I remind you the LNP did win the election or can't you accept it after all this time?......Do you now want the Liberals to change their mind and be accused of breaking a promise.?...The Government have made the decision, now please accept it in good grace without fear of favor.

The Greens and Labor are running scared and will fight it to the end.......Explod, just lay down your bashing tools and let the government run the plebiscite as promised and accepted by the voters.:horse:
Latest from Parliament indicates Labor and Greens will block the plebesite. So Turnbull now needs to move on and get down to putting substance behind his "jobs and growth"

Just more typical Green/Labor coalition obstruction to a LNP mandate......The Greens and Labor hate each other but still climb into bed together each night....Funny sort of a relationship.......A sort of LOVE HATE relationship.....They can't get on with each other and they can't do without each other.
If the SSM advocates want a Parliamentary vote, may I remind them that they have already had several so isn't it time that they accepted the Parliament's decision ?

They may have formed government but they were a long way off achieving the majority of first preference votes to indicate that they received a mandate, so I don't think it's fair to assume the majority of Australians wanted a plebiscite. The whole mandate is a weak argument in most cases as it makes assumptions that the constitutes voted for a party because they agree with all their polices when that is clearly not the case, there would be many that voted for the coalition that disagree with a plebiscite but it wasn't a priority in the way they vote. Should we have a plebiscite on euthanasia, offshore processing? Where do you draw the line on what moral issues governments can't represent us on?

According to many vocal advocates, SSM is a no brainer and no big deal, so I guess there's no hurry as it's not a game changer.

According to many SSM opponents we have a budget emergency but we can spare $160 million for a plebiscite that will still be non-binding because Turnbull cant control his party.
According to many SSM opponents we have a budget emergency but we can spare $160 million for a plebiscite that will still be non-binding because Turnbull cant control his party.

I wonder who is getting that $160M ? Especially with so much free online polling apps around?

What LNP mandate?

Put all two houses together and its pretty well tied up as one bundle.

It is democracy at work and how that relates to their private business in bed after knock off time I don't know.

The people have been very wise in their choice and the parties have to work together and negotiate. Dominance and self interest as we have seen for many years is being questioned. Very healthy indeed.
I wonder who is getting that $160M ? Especially with so much free online polling apps around?

Well the coalition have already proposed to give supporters and opponents 7.5 million each to fund campaigns. But the ABS couldn't even manage the census online and you expect AEC to be able to handle a compulsory online poll.

Climing into bed with each, as you well know, is a figure of speech.

What has the Green/Labor coalition Party got to fear about a plebiscite?.......The decision has been made for February 11 2017...If the Green/Labor coalition want to block it in the senate so be it.......I am pleased you accept we live in a democratic world so show your true spirit of democracy and let all people have a their say......The gays will have to wait another 3 years and in the meantime according to Bill Shorten we will have a heap of gay suicides....Oh dear, if there is only one suicide, that is one too many.

Nothing to do with fear noco, its just a waste of good money on a matter that the elected Parliament should decide and vote on within the Parliament. End of story, move on.

Your figure of speech is not in reasonable taste in my humble view, hence the bit of a sendup

Nothing to do with fear hey.....Well, 48% are in favor and 30% against of a plebiscite .......So it is obvious the Green/Labor coalition do have a fear of losing.

You continue to harp on about a waste of money but I did not hear you screaming from the roof tops about the amount of money Labor wasted on pink bats, over priced school halls, cash for clunkers, fuel watch, food watch the $11 billion Labor cost this country on open borders and we are still paying the price for the social security of Muslims who can't or don't want to find work, who have 4 wives and 17 kids.....The amount of money it still costing us in interest on borrowed money....$1 billion per week.

Don't talk to me about the waste of money....The Green/Labor coalition are past masters at wasting tax payers money.

You are echoing the Green/Labor mantra on the cost just like a Green/Labor parrot.

A Galaxy poll of 1000 people taken from Thursday to Sunday this week found 48 per cent support holding a plebiscite to determine whether same-sex couples should be extended the same marriage rights as heterosexual couples.

That outweighs the 30 per cent who oppose a plebiscite but the result is significantly lower than a July 2 Fairfax-Ipsos poll of nearly 1400 voters that found 69 per cent of people backed a nationwide vote over a vote on the floor of Parliament.
At least the pink bats was an attempt at lifting the economy at a difficult time in a productive way. My Daughters home was done and the insulation had a significant difference to power usage and comfort in her house. This by the number of homes probably made the overall scheme cost effective. Spend a quid to make a quid.

Since the LNP came to power our government deficit has more than doubled to nearly half a trillion.

Gallop poles are not government and more often frame questions for the answers they want.

What about the 50 billion the LNP are going to spend on subs that will be redundant in the type of auto drone wars to be fought in the future. And apparently these French subs are nuclear and will be stripped and converted back to current conventional power back here in Australia, what a huge waste.

And if you are going to hit the past noco, what about the LNP's interfearing involvement in Iraq and Aphganistan which we all know was really about protecting US oil/gas interests and to keep their arms industry in plenty of money making.

And we could add :"pig ion Bob" of WW2 fame, Vietnam, overpriced freeways when in fact we should be focused on more and improved public transport and decentralisation. And on that we let the property developers rule the roost. In fact its a good thing that Greens are gaining considerable ground at Municipal level.

Gay Marriage, its nothing, certainly does not bother yours truly and I see no reason why the Government should not just get onwith it and allow personal choice for the Democratic freedom of the persons who are effected. In 95% of cases the persons making a decision on the matter are not personally effected but could in fact by the plebecite be lording it over those who are. are desperate aren't you plod......:topic

The plebiscite has been fixed if the Green/Labor coalition want to reject it in their usual selfish way in the senate so be it...No more action for 3 years and then Bill Shorten will have sent many gays to suicide

Once again must I remind you the law states, as it has done for centuries, marriage is between a man and a woman.....The Muslim community is certainly against gay marriage so no doubt they will vote NO....Is that why Bill Shorten is so worried.

Let it go plod and let the people decide.

BTW..the US are 90% self sufficient in oil so I don't know what you are going on about....And should we brand Gillard and Rudd with pig iron that they sent to China 2007/2013 to build more war ships to take over the South China Sea..After all Labor's Sam Dystiari thinks it is OK for China to do so.
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