Hi RichKid.
No the “job” is just employment.( no reference to use of warrants in his example )
The person earns $10,000 from other employment. The person also receives a $5,000 dividend with a $2,000 attached franking credit.
This makes the persons total income $17,000.
Chreen calculates that this person would pay $1,870 tax on the $17,000 taxable income.
The $2,000 franking credit is then applied as a rebate against the $1,870 tax that was payable and the person gets a tax refund of $130.
He also calculates that if you had income of $10,000 + $5,000 dividend(without franking credit) your taxable income would be $15,000 and tax payable would be $680.
No the “job” is just employment.( no reference to use of warrants in his example )
The person earns $10,000 from other employment. The person also receives a $5,000 dividend with a $2,000 attached franking credit.
This makes the persons total income $17,000.
Chreen calculates that this person would pay $1,870 tax on the $17,000 taxable income.
The $2,000 franking credit is then applied as a rebate against the $1,870 tax that was payable and the person gets a tax refund of $130.
He also calculates that if you had income of $10,000 + $5,000 dividend(without franking credit) your taxable income would be $15,000 and tax payable would be $680.