There was another one I read just a few days ago in Indonesia, a guy lost all his money, they where quite a wealthy family.
The wife left a message on her mobile phone saying she couldnt handle being poor, poisoned all her kids breakfast cereal then popped herself leaving the message she was taking the kids for a journey to heaven.
How can people be such nutjobs that they love Money more than life?
Firstly muslims represent no race so no racist comments by me.
As for you Nizar stop quoting and regurgitating others' stuff. Read a couple of books then become an authority on the subject. Go backtest or stop yourself out.
Just for the record
Islamists are not true Muslims
That's good then. By your own logic my comments weren't racist, as "Asians" don't represent a race, as there are Mongols, Japanese, Tamils, Indians, Tibetans etc etc.
That's good then. By your own logic my comments weren't racist, as "Asians" don't represent a race, as there are Mongols, Japanese, Tamils, Indians, Tibetans etc etc.
Realist, Why not borrow to trade? I am interested as the tax incentives make it worth your while. For instance if you borrow against your home equity (Line of Credit) for shares, then use those shares as collateral for a margin loan you get to double dip the tax deductions.
I do understand that this is a very simplistic view as the value of your shares can and will fluctuate over time however a blanket statement of do not borrow to buy shares has piqued my interest and i look forward to your response. Please note that i am not having a go at you just interested as my accountant seems to be in favour of doing this.
I also recognise that buying into explorers etc with a ML and or LoC would be very risky indeed however if you stick to the 60-70% LVR stocks the risks are reduced somewhat?