There's a cyclone near the area you to keep in mind.
Other factors the market is unpredictable atm.
Don't FMG have contracts with the chinese at a fixed price for the next few years. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Although I must admit this increase in Iron Ore prices will help all Iron ore Miners. Including the new force in Iron ore
Right now, there are 3 orders to buy FMG at $15.00+
In fact all 10 orders to buy that I see on Commsec are above $8.
though some resistance to get through at $8.
It shot through the $8. Make me wish I hadn't sold out of it back at $7.10
Will it ever stop climbing up is my next question?
Well i got in at $7.70, the same day it hit those $8+ highs and was kicking myself for not grabing a quick Ive been waiting ever since for it to get back to these levels
I'm thinking of using FMG to practice trading with.
I'd be happy to get 10% from week to week and build my money up re investing each time.
Date: 20/2/2008
Author: Kevin Andrusiak
Source: The Australian --- Page: 22
Fortescue Metals Group (FMG) remains on target to deliver the first iron orefrom its Chichester Ranges project in Western Australia by mid-May 2008. Thegroup is nearing completion of its 270km railway to Port Hedland, although ithas disclosed the cost of the project has risen by $A66m as project partnerWorleyParsons increased its estimated cost for the completed line by almost$A62m. FMG shares closed $A0.07 lower at $A7.45 on 19 February 2008
Date: 20/2/2008
Author: Cathy Bolt
Source: The Australian Financial Review --- Page: 5
Andrew Forrest is to announce that James Packer will match his contribution to aproject to improve life for Aborigines at Fitzroy Crossing. Forrest'sAustralian Children's Trust and Packer will jointly contribute almost $A1mto the project that will include a family centre, a children's safe house,and practical vocational education programs. Western Australian (WA) WA HealthMinister Jim McGinty said the project, to which the WA Government will alsocontribute, shows the important role philanthropy has in improving society.Forrest has a personal holding in WA iron ore miner Fortescue Metals Group worth$A7.5bn
Date: 19/2/2008
Author: Michael Vaughan
Source: The Australian Financial Review --- Page: 17
Fortescue Metals Group has called on BHP Billiton to clarify figures on its ironore expansion. A lawyer for Fortescue found a discrepancy in the figures thatBHP quoted for the capacity of its future expansion in the Pilbara region ofWestern Australia. Figures released to the Australian Securities Exchange inFebruary 2008 differed from those in a sworn affidavit submitted to theAustralian Competition Tribunal in December 2007 in relation to Fortescue'sattempt to get access to BHP's rail network
Date: 15/2/2008
Author: Susannah Moran; Kevin Andrusiak
Source: The Australian --- Page: 20
Andrew Forrest, CEO of Australian iron ore mining proponent Fortescue MetalsGroup (FMG), has scored a legal victory against its rivals. The Federal Courthas ruled against Rio Tinto, clearing the way for a National Competition Councildecision on access to rail infrastructure in the Pilbara region of WesternAustralia to be confirmed by the Australian Competition Tribunal. The declaringof the assets for open competition is also being fought by BHP Billiton in theHigh Court. Graeme Rowley, the FMG COO, notes that access to the railroad isclearly in the national interest as set out under Part IIIA of the TradePractices Act. On 14 February 2008 FMG stock rose $A0.45 to close at $A7.50
Date: 7/2/2008
Author: Paul Garvey
Source: The Australian Financial Review --- Page: 22-23
The majority of Australia's best market performers in the past five yearshave been in the resources sector. To an extent, this may represent some"exuberance" on the part of investors. However, it is also a case ofsuch companies, which all at least have good projects at their core, being inthe "right place" at a time of strong demand for commodities. It ispossible that some of these companies would not exist were it not for theexpansion of the Chinese "industrial machine". Fortescue Metals Groupand Paladin Resources are examples of two companies whose "wildappreciation" in recent years has been matched with the swift developmentof projects producing in-demand commodities
Date: 5/2/2008
Author: Kevin Andrusiak
Source: The Australian --- Page: 18
Australian iron ore hopeful Fortescue Metals Group (FMG) has confirmed talkswith major potential investors. There had been speculation that sovereign wealthfund China Investment Corporation or China Shenhua Group were about to make themove, but FMG says there are no imminent results. The sellers could be Leucadiawith 9.9% or Harbinger with 15.8%. The rumours drove up FMG stock on 4 February2008 to close $A0.68 higher at $A7.18. The company aims to ship its first orefrom Western Australia in April 2008, but must still complete its railroadconstruction project
Date: 5/2/2008
Author: Jamie Freed
Source: The Sydney Morning Herald --- Page: 21
Media reports have suggested that two Chinese groups could make a strategicinvestment in Australian-listed Fortescue Metals Group. China InvestmentCorporation is a sovereign wealth fund, while China Shenhua Energy operates coalmines. The "South China Morning Post" report claims that these groupsare negotiating to purchase Harbinger Capital's 15.85 per cent stake inFortescue, which is developing an iron ore project in Western Australia'sPilbara region. Fortescue shares closed $A0.68 higher at $A7.18 on 4 February2008
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