Printing My Own Money
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If you have a lymphatic or persistent swelling problem, the hot/cold reversal treatment is perhaps the worst thing you can do for it. In fact, it can be downright dangerous.The purpose of this is to get the blood flowing. The hot brings the blood to the surface and the cold pushes your blood into the core. This stimulates your lymphatic system as well.
People who do this have missing teeth regrow, enamel get thicker, fillings fall out and the tooth regrows, etc, etc.
Amongst all this discussion, we are losing sight of the basic point:
that those who believe fluoride will be good for them are easily able to add it via tablets to their water, whereas those of us who know or believe it is harmful to us are simply going to have our basic right of a supply of drinking water removed from us.
I notice none of the pro-fluoride or even the sitting on the fence people have commented on my suggestion that adding fluoride to drinking water is no different in principle to adding any other antidote to any other common problem.
i.e. if you have poor dental hygiene, OK don't worry about taking responsibility for improving that and/or eating nutritious food rather than lots of sugar and acid: Big Brother will just add a poison to our water to help you continue to eat rubbish by providing a coating over your teeth. Doesn't matter that this measure will adversely affect a significant portion of the population.
We would not, of course, dare to suggest that the removal of the Dental Care scheme has anything to do with the increased rate of tooth decay.
Every week I see people whose teeth are rotting simply because they have been unable to access basic dental care.
Could someone - anyone who is pro-fluoride - please offer your response to my suggestion that, given we have an epidemic of depression, it would make sense to add anti depressants to the water supply.
Or perhaps we are more concerned about hypertension. So then we could add antihypertensive drugs to the water supply to protect those people who refuse to modify their diet and lifestyle sufficiently to lower their blood pressure. And in so doing, we drop the blood pressure of people who don't require this medication to a dangerously low level.
I just can't see how either of these examples (and I could think of more)
are any different from adding fluoride to the water. It would be an entirely different matter if fluoride was unavailable from any other source.
whatever else you say about acupuncture, you can't say it's pointlessI've recently found acupuncture (traditional Chinese Medicine doctor) to be amazing.
whatever else you say about acupuncture, you can't say it's pointless(old joke sorry)
Hydrogenation of cooking oil was "safe" when first introduced. So was asbestos, smoking and leaded petrol.i'm neither pro nor anti fluoride because the decision is moot for sydneysiders, but this will become a growing concern as time goes on.
we put antibiotics and hormones into our meat supply, fortify juices with folate and vitamins, pasteurise our milk and we have barely started with the genetic engineering of our livestock and crops. government health authorities do have a job to try and raise the standard of health for everyone and adding extras to our necessities is the easiest way to reach the largest number of people.
the use of antibiotics and hormones especially is a cause of concern to me.
Chops, re your criticism of Kimosabi, I think that's a bit unfair. Kimosabi's recommendation was originally that quoting a Dr Schulze on hydrotherapy. And as I understood kimosabi's comments they were in reply to my having mentioned that I'd found acupuncture really helpful for pain. I took his recommendation to mean that hot/cold water in the shower provided symptomatic relief from pain.
I agree with that suggestion and frankly found that to stand in the shower for several minutes alternating the hot and cold was of significantly greater benefit than all the physio and other therapists put together.
Had he/she recommended the hot/cold treatment in response to my complaining about swelling, then yes, you would have a point. But as it was in response to pain, I support what was said.
Plus after a hot/cold shower you feel all tingly and alive afterwards...Chops, re your criticism of Kimosabi, I think that's a bit unfair. Kimosabi's recommendation was originally that quoting a Dr Schulze on hydrotherapy. And as I understood kimosabi's comments they were in reply to my having mentioned that I'd found acupuncture really helpful for pain. I took his recommendation to mean that hot/cold water in the shower provided symptomatic relief from pain.
I agree with that suggestion and frankly found that to stand in the shower for several minutes alternating the hot and cold was of significantly greater benefit than all the physio and other therapists put together.
Had he/she recommended the hot/cold treatment in response to my complaining about swelling, then yes, you would have a point. But as it was in response to pain, I support what was said.
Bowey - thanks for a great post. Really interesting information. Makes me more irate than ever!
Yeti: glad to know someone agrees with me on the general principles outlined. Please share the thoughts with anyone you think will listen.
As Wayne has said, the issue is not dental health. If people want to use fluoride to protect their teeth they can easily add it themselves. It is not necessary to mass medicate the whole population so that those of us who cannot drink fluoridated water are deprived of a basic need.
Take a look at Queensland's average DMFT (Decayed, Missing, Filled Teeth) numbers
We all have cancer. You do, I do, everyone on this forum has cancer. It is a natural part of life. To say you can "cure" cancer is complete and utter bollocks. We would die without cancer.If you combine the the Hydrotherapy with Nutritional and/or Herbal Supplements you may even experience a Healing Miracle.
Dr Schulze actually recommends Dry Skin Brushing followed by a single hot/cold shower cycle for proper Lymphatic Stimulation to help your Lymphatic System Clean itself of Toxins that collect in the Lymphatiuc System...
I do recommend that everyone does their own research, and watch all of the Dr Schulze and Dr Christopher video's etc. before trying any of this stuff.
I'm sorry Chops, considering just about all of us are now expected to get cancer in this wonderfully advanced modern world of ours, the medical/pharmaceutical/mass market food industry's have no credibility.
A nice little summary of this issue can be found at
"Worldwide, around 360 million people drink water containing fluoride, including 40 million who benefit from naturally fluoridated supplies. Major cities using f luoridated water include Sydney and Melbourne, Los Angeles , New York and Chicago. Indeed, 47 of the USA’s 50 largest cities are now fluoridated.
Sorry I don't believe that. If that were the case, then why would my local Council have been handing out tablets to anyone who wanted them for many years. The Council felt that was the most reasonable way to allow those who wanted to consume fluoride to do so, without affecting those who don't.Julia, you cannot add Fluorine or ionic Fluoride to your own drinking water. It is a complex chemical process that is done at the source.
Well, then, that's their bloody choice! I don't see why the whole population should be considered in the light of the irresponsibility of some minority.Even if you could, people wouldn't do it themselves.Just like people don't immunize themselves against infectious diseases.
By using such expressions as this, you are showing no respect for those who have opinions different from your own. I have not - and I don't think any of the other posters who are anti fluoride - been rude in presenting our arguments. I notice in all of your lengthy post you have chosen to make no comment on my original concern - that of disfiguring fluorosis.Sure the antifluoridationists (some have already posted) will tell you that Flouride is toxic and the nazi's used it etc blah blah blah.
In my own instance, it's not a case of belief. It's a case of the evidence of my own experience.You can believe the non-scientific rhetoric from minority groups or you can beleive the science.
Well, then, that's their bloody choice! I don't see why the whole population should be considered in the light of the irresponsibility of some minority. We live in such a nanny state that soon most people will have lost the capacity to make decisions for themselves!
Based on the evidence I've seen in this thread, it's drawing a long bow that flouridation is for the greater good ah lah immunization. The benefits just aren't that demonstrable in an improving dental hygiene era... and some are experiencing real harm.equality of health is an important part of an egalitarian society. people want a safety net and a society that cares for its citizens so the tradeoff for this is things like immunisation programs and fluoride whether you want it or not.
compulsory immunisation helps eradicate diseases that have plagued us forever while saving money on costs associated with treating these diseases. the government is probably using this same logic in its push for fluoride, and it is a sound decision to make - greater good and all that.
the alternative is leaving public health up to the individual which will end up in a mess of outcomes with haves and have nots and people bitching about how come its poor kids who get polio etc. etc.
Snap!Follow the money...
Sorry I don't believe that. If that were the case, then why would my local Council have been handing out tablets to anyone who wanted them for many years. The Council felt that was the most reasonable way to allow those who wanted to consume fluoride to do so, without affecting those who don't.
That's because it's the next best option to fluoridated water. It has nowhere near the efficacy. It is also dangerous because if children are going to be exposed to potentially harmful doses of Fluoride, it's going to be because they are incorrectly dosed by their parents , not the water supply.
They have now, of course, been overridden by the State government.
That's because it is for the greater good of the majority
Well, then, that's their bloody choice! I don't see why the whole population should be considered in the light of the irresponsibility of some minority.
We live in such a nanny state that soon most people will have lost the capacity to make decisions for themselves!
By using such expressions as this, you are showing no respect for those who have opinions different from your own. I have not - and I don't think any of the other posters who are anti fluoride - been rude in presenting our arguments. I notice in all of your lengthy post you have chosen to make no comment on my original concern - that of disfiguring fluorosis.
I have chosen not to address your previous claims about Fluorosis of your own teeth because it seems to me that your claims about the staining of your own teeth are misguided and in no way related to fluoride.
Fluorosis is a mottling or discolouration of the enamel of the teeth that occurs due to high systemic Fluoride levels AT THE TIME THE CROWNS OF THE PERMANENT TEETH ARE DEVELOPING. IE From 32 weeks in utero to about 2 years of age for most teeth. It an intrinsic diclouration of the enamel, not a surface stain as your posts seem to suggest.
Unless you were exposed to high fluoride levels during that period of your life, your stains are not Fluorotic. When reading your previous posts (correct me if I'm wrong), you state you were in a Fluoridated area for one month (as an adult?).
Fluoride in the water supply does not cause extrinsic staining to the teeth either. Other minerals might.
In my own instance, it's not a case of belief. It's a case of the evidence of my own experience.
Your beliefs may be misguided by incorrect "information" given to you by your dentist at the time.
Fluorosis is a common finding these days, but for the most part it is a minor cosmetic issue. Tooth decay is a health issue. Moreover, Fluorosis is not caused by drinking fluoridated tap water. It is usually, from children/ingesting ingesting too much fluoride toothpaste in there early developmental years, being overdosed on fluoride tablets, drinking bore water when is naturally very high in fluoride and other minerals, or drinking infant formula that has been made up with tap water, thereby doubling the fluoride concentration.
Why do you suggest so many countries who have fluoridated their water supply in the past have subsequently chosen to withdraw it?
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