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The picture is the point... that fluorosis is not an insignificant issue.

yes you are unable to see the big picture. First it was cancer and bone disease. Now its fluorosis fluorosis fluorosis fluorosis. If you are so concerned about fluorosis then why don't you also turn your crusade against the companies that make fluoride toothpastes and fluoride tablets - history shows that these are the big contributors to fluorosis.

If you reckon the slightly increased risk of (mild) fluorosis outweighs the dramatic benefit of decreased dental disease and tooth loss then that's your misguided opinion. You can stick with it if you want.

Most likely they just haven't updated to the latest research yet completed only late last year.

Lol does this research exist in your imagination? If its real and exists in real life, then find it

And don't forget to please explain how opposing compulsary fluoridation, equates to being self centered and not caring for others.

You answered your own question here:

You might be happy as you say, to see ten suffer from fluorosis in a vain attempt to save one from dying from tooth abscess, BUT the point is those of us who practice good hygene should not have to suffer induced fluorosis in the futile attempt to mass medicate to try to save someone who cares little about their own dental hygene.

What this shows me is that you don't care (or you don't understand) about the benefit water fluoridation has for low socioeconomic communities. These people have high decay rates because they are not as fortunate as you - they did not grow up in a wealthy environment which included the passing on of good dental hygiene and dental education. Your tall poppy syndrome lends you to the your belief of 'why should I have to drink fluoridated water just because these unfortunate (less wealthy and less educated) have poor oral hygiene and lots of decay? That is self-centred IMO. I wonder if you've ever done any voluntary work for less fortunate people in your lifetime.
No, I said I was starting with the so called less serious issues and working up.
Why don't you just list all these issues, your evidence and support for these into a single succinct post? Why the need to fluff about with all this posturing and nitpicking?
Report 1 (1989)
Collection of papers and abstracts of 4th China Fluoride Research Association. 6:73.
Research on the Intellectual Ability of 6-14 Year Old Students in an Area with
Endemic Fluoride Poisoning
Hu Yunsen, Yu Zuxin,
Office of Endemic Disease Prevention and Control, Ankang Region, Shaanxi Provice
Ding Riqing,
Sanitation and Antiepidemic Station, Ankang City, Shaanxi Province

Report 2 (1989)
Dali Ren,a Kecheng Li,a Dawei Liua
Shandong, China

Report 3 (1990)
Liansheng Qin,a Shuyi Huo,a Ruiliang Chen,b Yinzi Chang,c Mingyu Zhao,d
Hubei, China

Report 4 (1991)

Report 5 (1991)
The relationship of a low iodine and high fluoride environment to subclinical cretenism in Xinjiang

Report 6 (1991)

Report 7 (1994)
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology, Vol. 15, No. 4, October 1994
The Effects of High Levels of Fluoride and Iodine on Child
Intellectual Ability and the Metabolism of Fluoride and Iodine

Report 8 (1994)

Report 9 (1995)

Report 10 (1996)

Report 11 (1996)

Report 12 (2000)

Report 13 (2001)

Report 14 (2003)

Report 15 (2003)

Report 16 (2005)
Journal of Applied Clinical Pediatrics Vol. 20 No.9, September 2005; pp 897-898.
The Effects of Endemic Fluoride Poisoning Caused by Coal Burning
on the Physical Development and Intelligence of Children

Report 17 (2007)
Effect of high-fluoride water on 7-11 year-old children's intelligence

Report 18 (2007)
Decreased intelligence in children and exposure to fluoride and arsenic in drinking water

Report 19 (2007)

Report 20 (2007)
Arsenic and Fluoride Exposure in Drinking Water: Children’s IQ and Growth in Shanyin County, Shanxi Province, China

It appears that many of fluoride’s effects, and those of the alumino fluoride complexes are mediated by activation of Gp, a protein of the G family. G proteins mediate the release of many of the best known transmitters of the central nervous system. Not only do fluorides affect transmitter concentrations and functions but also are involved in the regulation of glucagons, prostaglandins, and a number of central nervous system peptides, including vasopressin, endogenous opioids, and other hypothalamic peptides. The AlFx binds to GDP and ADP altering their ability to form the triphosphate molecule essential for providing energies to cells in the brain. Thus, AlFx not only provides false messages throughout the nervous system but, at the same time, diminishes the energy essential to brain function.

Fluorides also increase the production of free radicals in the brain through several different biological pathways. These changes have a bearing on the possibility that fluorides act to increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Today, the disruption of aerobic metabolism in the brain, a reduction of effectiveness of acetylcholine as a transmitter, and an increase in free radicals are thought to be causative factors for this disease. More research is needed to clarify fluoride’s biochemical effects on the brain.
All very interesting reading Danny

Is there any reason as to why these reports are all from china (and india)?

Any from first world countries?

Can you find any reports from anywhere where pollution, contamination etc from other sources may not be a cause?
Dannyboy, almost every article there is from the journal "Fluoride", which is an anti-fluoridation group. Do you think there may be some bias in those articles?

You should read the articles you posted. Almost all of them just look dodgy and dubious, some of them don't even mention what the concentration of fluoride is in the water of the areas they are studying other than calling it 'high fluoride', and many of them are testing the effects of 'fluoride poisoning from coal burning' which doesn't occur in Australia with our low concentrations of F in just water. Most of them also seem to be from from China for some reason?!?.

They are poor quality extrememly biased studies, sorry. WHO doesn't even bother to look at those types of studies.

Let me give you an example of what a good quality study looks like. The article is called
Water fluoridation in the Blue Mountains reduces risk of tooth decay.
Australian Dental Journal
Evans RW, Hsiau AC, Dennison PJ, Patterson A, Jalaludin B.

This is a good study that differs from all the 'studies' you provided because
-It provides summaries of the data for the reader to analyse for bias
-It has a control group. What they did is they compared the Blue mountains caries experience (fluoridated '93) to a nearby town (Hawksebury - fluoriated since '68). If there was no control group then we don't know if the reduced caries experience may have been caused just by other factors such as the recent increased use of fluoridated toothpaste and awareness of oral hygiene.
-A reputable journal and reputable authors.

What they found is
- that there were huge reductions in caries experience in the Blue mountains but only modest reductions in the control group
-At baseline in 1993 the town fluoridated since 63 had far lower caries prevalence

If you are so concerned about fluorosis then why don't you also turn your crusade against the companies that make fluoride toothpastes and fluoride tablets - history shows that these are the big contributors to fluorosis.

Well... only yesterday you might recall I said;
Stopped using it as a conscientious objection to their corrupt participation in the disposal of toxic fluoride contamination in the mid 1900's and continued sponsership of biased research and much unpublished data that they and their sponsered organisations don't want us to know... such as the Significant Caries index (SiC) data from ARCPOH.

The other significant distinguishing factor that you and medicowallet have no regard for is the civil rights of individuals. If individuals choose to use fluoride toothpaste, tablets, mouthwash etc, that's their individual choice and responsibility.

Whereas compulsary fluoridation goes against the notion of individual rights and responsibilities, especially for people who do not need mass medication forced on them.

Lol does this research exist in your imagination? If its real and exists in real life, then find it

Billy, I have posted the link numerous times already. Here is a collection of reports that the US HHS are currently considering and implementing.

One of the main reports the Fluoride: Exposure and Relative Source Contribution Analysis (PDF) was only published in December 2010.

If you look at the chart below from the report, you will see that in that critical 1 to 11 year age group fluoride from water consumption is only 40% of their total fluoride intake... hence the increasing rate of fluorosis including more severe dental fluorosis.

The other issue also of concern is the likely corresponding increase of skeletal fluorosis which is not visable.

What this shows me is that you don't care (or you don't understand) about the benefit water fluoridation has for low socioeconomic communities. These people have high decay rates because they are not as fortunate as you - they did not grow up in a wealthy environment which included the passing on of good dental hygiene and dental education.

I certainly did not grow up in a wealthy environment, but I was taught and embraced good behaviour and hygene.

Your tall poppy syndrome lends you to the your belief of 'why should I have to drink fluoridated water just because these unfortunate (less wealthy and less educated) have poor oral hygiene and lots of decay? That is self-centred IMO. I wonder if you've ever done any voluntary work for less fortunate people in your lifetime.

Struth, now you think I'm a tall poppy!

Indeed, I have been involved in community organisations and helping the poor for a long time.

The best way to help the poor, uneducated, underprivilaged and handicapped is to help them help themselves. This involves with meeting them face to face to inform, educate and teach them how to make better choices and recognise the consequences they have to accept for their chioces, good and bad.

Patronising behaviour like compulsary fluoridation does nothing to teach people better habits... on the contrary, it leads many into a false sense of security that because the water is fluoridated their dental health issues are taken care of.

It's fairly basis psychology. When you patronize people, like making important decisions for them, they don't learn to make good decisions for themselves to be independent, self sufficient and responsible for their own actions.


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I have addressed cardiac concerns before, remember, the first time in this thread that Julia berated me.

Inextricably linked!! Check out WHO studies linking fluoridation to better oral health my friend.

Inextricable: incapable of being disentangled or untied.

WHO make some casual links with better dental hygene, but none that are inextricably linked to fluoridation.

All you can see is lol flourosis, something which an extremely vast proportion of the population is totally unaware of.... I wonder why.

As I mentioned earlier, I'm progressivly and systematically working up the order of seriousness of the side effects of fluoridation.

Sure most fluorosis may be hardly noticable visually to start with, but it does progress and can be a warning for skeletal fluorosis which is not visable, but far more serious.

As a medical practioner you should know better than to imply that because people are not aware of something it's not important. People generally are not familiar with the signs of many serious disorders and diseases.
Inextricable: incapable of being disentangled or untied.

WHO make some casual links with better dental hygene, but none that are inextricably linked to fluoridation.

As I mentioned earlier, I'm progressivly and systematically working up the order of seriousness of the side effects of fluoridation.

Sure most fluorosis may be hardly noticable visually to start with, but it does progress and can be a warning for skeletal fluorosis which is not visable, but far more serious.

As a medical practioner you should know better than to imply that because people are not aware of something it's not important. People generally are not familiar with the signs of many serious disorders and diseases.

You certainly have your teeth in to this cause.

Do pommies have fluoridation?

They have the worst teeth in the world, especially if they collect antiques or cook for a living.

Any studies, Whiskers, on Pommy teeth?

Why don't you just list all these issues, your evidence and support for these into a single succinct post?

I think all the know issues have been aired earlier in the thread.

The other point I'm currently working on is what data and evidence has not beed published and why? These issues include conflicts of interest between researchers and associated organisations with much of the 'accepted' best practice and advice.

Why the need to fluff about with all this posturing and nitpicking?

Posturing... well I suppose that would be my devils advocate position. I think you would recognise that in any good decision making structure/process one has someone play devils advocate to test the strength of your case/arguement.

Nitpicking... that would be examining the detail, including the limitations, exclusions, terms of reference and other limiting factors that have a bearing on the quality and integrity of the reports.
You certainly have your teeth in to this cause.

Do pommies have fluoridation?

They have the worst teeth in the world, especially if they collect antiques or cook for a living.

Any studies, Whiskers, on Pommy teeth?


I haven't seen many at all on pommies, gg. But keep watching and I'll see what I can find for you.

Most studies, or at least most of those accepted by the Dental associations come from the US or the University of Adelade dentistry school.

There is a fair bit coming out of India and China, probably as a legacy of industrial plants located there by western companies.
As a medical practioner you should know better than to imply that because people are not aware of something it's not important. People generally are not familiar with the signs of many serious disorders and diseases.

Medical practitioners are also aware that there are things people are unaware of which are insignificant too.... like fluorosis.
Medical practitioners are also aware that there are things people are unaware of which are insignificant too.... like fluorosis.

No no no no no no no ......... you have to be a thread hog and spout all sorts of meaningless diatribe and red herrings to fluster the opposition. Have I taught you nothing? A simple sentence will not win the debate/argument/theory/altercation/dispute/moot point .... what about pie charts and graphs and links to other websites espousing the virtues of your opinion??? Post a picture of some gnarly dude with hippo teeth and gum disease caused by smoking and bad diet which has nothing to do with flourosis (or whatever you are damn well arguing about) to prove your point. You are a doctor of MEDICINE for crying out loud !!!!!!!!

Then when it all fails go on about the "written" language and bog yourself down in linguistics to get your message across. DAMN ........ even go for the seven kinds of hats by Ern A Flint with an Asshat on top. For Chrissake man. Don'tgive up now.

Then when that doesn't suit you ..... garble on about some ridiculous findings from third world countries that have brainwashed the masses to keep them in check to stop them from having an opinion and "WE KNOW WHAT IS GOOD FOR YOU !" mentality.

C'mon you can do better than that !!!!!!! :D
No no no no no no no ......... you have to be a thread hog and spout all sorts of meaningless diatribe and red herrings to fluster the opposition. Have I taught you nothing? A simple sentence will not win the debate/argument/theory/altercation/dispute/moot point .... what about pie charts and graphs and links to other websites espousing the virtues of your opinion??? Post a picture of some gnarly dude with hippo teeth and gum disease caused by smoking and bad diet which has nothing to do with flourosis (or whatever you are damn well arguing about) to prove your point. You are a doctor of MEDICINE for crying out loud !!!!!!!!

Then when it all fails go on about the "written" language and bog yourself down in linguistics to get your message across. DAMN ........ even go for the seven kinds of hats by Ern A Flint with an Asshat on top. For Chrissake man. Don'tgive up now.

Then when that doesn't suit you ..... garble on about some ridiculous findings from third world countries that have brainwashed the masses to keep them in check to stop them from having an opinion and "WE KNOW WHAT IS GOOD FOR YOU !" mentality.

C'mon you can do better than that !!!!!!! :D

Yes Sensai

I also note your keen use of the exclamation marks, capitals, repeating the same word many times, and am wondering if using bold would also help my cause?

Yours Sincerely
Yes Sensai

I also note your keen use of the exclamation marks, capitals, repeating the same word many times, and am wondering if using bold would also help my cause?

Yours Sincerely

First of all it is Sensei with an "e". ....Usually a Japanese title used to refer to or address teachers, professors, professionals such as lawyers, CPA and doctors, politicians, clergymen or people of high importance in a structured society.

And yes my little lotus flower it will not hurt to use some BIG LETTERS and some exclamatory points to get across your valid constructive FACTS as well as the good old "strawman theory" to get your point accepted by the great unwashed masses ..... not to mention how many times you have PROVED a case point argument which has been subjugated by alterior thinking that has little or no relevance to the subject matter at hand. The classic red herring to throw the fox off the scent when you are losing is an old foe for political tricks ... been around for centuries and takes the mind away from the core of the end whistle.

I am on the medical and dentistry side personally and have swallowed flouride from a very young age. My teeth are perfect and my liver is poisoned. This is from alcohol and nothing else. I rest my case. Chin chin old man.

Mention of the Pineal in this news story.

This study has added new knowledge on the fate and distribution of fluoride in the body. It has shown for the first time that fluoride readily accumulates in the human pineal gland although there was considerable inter-individual variation (14-875 mg F/kg). By old age, the average pineal gland contains about the same amount of fluoride as teeth (300 mg F/kg) since dentine and whole enamel contain 300 and 100 mg F/kg, respectively [Newbrun, 1986].

Unlike brain capillaries, pineal capillaries allow the free passage of fluoride through the endothelium. If there had been a bloodbrain barrier in the pineal, it would have prevented the passage of fluoride into the pinealocytes and the pineal fluoride content would have been similar to or lower than muscle.

This was obviously not the case: the fluoride concentration of the pineal was significantly higher (p<0.001) than muscle. The high fluoride levels in the pineal are presumably due to the large surface area of the HA crystallites both intra- and extracellularly. In addition, the pineal has a profuse blood flow and high capillary density; pineal blood flow (4 ml/min/g) is second only to the kidney [Arendt, 19951.

Can not see how you can divorce Dental Health with Health in General
I think there is important link between Vitamin D and Diet , The History of Rickets
And the relation to changing Dental health over the 20th century

Statistics of the 1920’s are almost unbelievable. After Hess observed 250 babies for 4 years He concluded that rickets was
universal in bottle-fed babies (41). lncidence increased from summmer to March
In Baltimore, 50% of a group of wellnourished, breast-fed babies had rickets by
the end of March (42).

The deaths of 11 out of 22 children convinced Howland
(43) that a rachmitic thorax could be the
direct cause of death. Statistics became
more alarming. In a stut!y of 197 breastfed babies in New Orleans, all showed
rickets within a year.

A report of 25 Cincinnati women showed that adequate prenatal nutrition did not prevent rickets in offspring (44). Of 400 babies in Boston,
95% had rickets before they were 8 months
old (45).

In a 3-year project begun in 1923, incidence was so high that Eliot stated,
‘ ‘Our investigations have shown that a slight degree of early rickets is well-nigh
universal in our climate and in our state of society” (47).

The Teeth in Rickets
J. Lawson Dick

THESE observations on the teeth in rickets form part of a general
examination of 1,000 school children attending L.C.C. schools in the
East End of London. Without entering into the larger results it
may be stated that 80 per cent. showed distinct evidence of rickets.

In other words, practically all children living under conditions such as
prevail in the East End of London have to struggle through a rickety
phase of their existence in the first two years of their life, and this
struggle leaves its marks in certain definite signs or stigmata which
persist during the whole of the child's school career.

GG Interesting that Rickets was called the ""ENGLISH DISEASE"

A little Vitamin D and Improvement in Diet.. Cured rickets as an "epidemic " and would have resulted in significant improvement in Dental Health ..

Diet is probably KEY

Tooth decay is epidemic in poor and minority populations, according to the Surgeon General, the same groups that suffer a disproportionately high amount of almost all recorded diseases including obesity and diabetes -- both linked to sugar overconsumption.

Many poor continue to eat diets that lack several key nutrients and are high in fat and sugar, according to a study reported by Reuters Health on April 26, 2001.
Dentists also report tooth decay increases in soda drinking children despite ingesting recommended fluoride.

Dental researcher, Professor Brian Burt, DDS, University of Michigan, reported to the NIH panel, "... avoiding consumption of excess sugar is a justifiable part of caries prevention, if not the most crucial aspect."



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So how are you managing to live with your fluorosis, or has your IQ dropped to such a level you don't care?

Whats an IQ ? Do they even do those tests these days? Ohhhhhhhhhhhh sorry ....... I thought you were talking about cirrhosis and not flourosis. Had dental flourosis when I wsa a kid. After my primary teeth fell out no more problem . Oh well.
Hope you don't mind if I climb all over this, Danny.

Dannyboy, almost every article there is from the journal "Fluoride", which is an anti-fluoridation group. Do you think there may be some bias in those articles?

So by your rationale one could say all your so called peer reviewed articles are from anti, anti-fluoridation groups.

Billy,'anti' compulsory fluoridation is a civil right, not a bias.

Just because a government makes statutory legislation to mass fluoridate, (fluoridation) doesn't make it right... it just makes their bias temporarily 'legal'.

Bias is an inclination to present or hold a partial perspective at the expense of (possibly equally valid) alternatives.

Since you mention bias... please list all your peer reviewed articles that don't have a bias, more particularly a conflict of interest with the fluoride waste/by-product industry or rely heavily on material produced by those with such conflict of interest.
GG Interesting that Rickets was called the ""ENGLISH DISEASE"

A little Vitamin D and Improvement in Diet.. Cured rickets as an "epidemic " and would have resulted in significant improvement in Dental Health ..

Diet is probably KEY


Another very informative post, motorway.

Let us know if you need more info gg. Someone will know something.

I think it's worth highlighting the notion of cause and effect that you remind us of again, motorway.
Tooth decay is epidemic in poor and minority populations, according to the Surgeon General, the same groups that suffer a disproportionately high amount of almost all recorded diseases including obesity and diabetes -- both linked to sugar overconsumption.

Many poor continue to eat diets that lack several key nutrients and are high in fat and sugar, according to a study reported by Reuters Health on April 26, 2001.
Dentists also report tooth decay increases in soda drinking children despite ingesting recommended fluoride.

Dental researcher, Professor Brian Burt, DDS, University of Michigan, reported to the NIH panel, "... avoiding consumption of excess sugar is a justifiable part of caries prevention, if not the most crucial aspect."

It's also interesting that the American Dental Association (ADA) list fluoride as a "nutrient" despite there being absolutely no evidence that it is inextricably necessary for human life.

Fluoride is more correctly a mineral or chemical by-product of volcanic and industrial activity.

Also interesting that the ADA don't include Iodine, which is an essential nutrient... that the body can confuse with fluoride and which fluoride displaces. The WHO report about half of the world population is either deficient in, or at risk of Iodine deficiency. A brief reference to iodine deficiency in laymans terms at wikipedia:
iodine deficiency gives rise to goiter (so-called endemic goiter), as well as cretinism, which results in developmental delays and other health problems. While noting recent progress, The Lancet noted, "According to WHO, in 2007, nearly 2 billion individuals had insufficient iodine intake, a third being of school age. ... Thus iodine deficiency, as the single greatest preventable cause of mental retardation, is an important public-health problem."[1]
So, you don't have to be an Einstein to see a correlation between the proliferation of fluoride and fluoridation which coinsides with the proliferation of serious health issues from Iodine deficiency.

Whereas some fluoride products can have a medicinal effect to repair poor health issues on an individual level, mass fluoridation certainly has some big issues with the holistic efficiency of Public Health cost-benifits and impartial (no conflict of interest) research and advice.
[/INDENT]So, you don't have to be an Einstein to see a correlation between the proliferation of fluoride and fluoridation which coinsides with the proliferation of serious health issues from Iodine deficiency.

Whereas some fluoride products can have a medicinal effect to repair poor health issues on an individual level, mass fluoridation certainly has some big issues with the holistic efficiency of Public Health cost-benifits and impartial (no conflict of interest) research and advice.

"I think it's worth highlighting the notion of cause and effect"

So you previously highlighted something now that you disregard?

Typical of your efforts in distorting reality isn't it.