The picture is the point... that fluorosis is not an insignificant issue.
yes you are unable to see the big picture. First it was cancer and bone disease. Now its fluorosis fluorosis fluorosis fluorosis. If you are so concerned about fluorosis then why don't you also turn your crusade against the companies that make fluoride toothpastes and fluoride tablets - history shows that these are the big contributors to fluorosis.
If you reckon the slightly increased risk of (mild) fluorosis outweighs the dramatic benefit of decreased dental disease and tooth loss then that's your misguided opinion. You can stick with it if you want.
Most likely they just haven't updated to the latest research yet completed only late last year.
Lol does this research exist in your imagination? If its real and exists in real life, then find it
And don't forget to please explain how opposing compulsary fluoridation, equates to being self centered and not caring for others.
You answered your own question here:
You might be happy as you say, to see ten suffer from fluorosis in a vain attempt to save one from dying from tooth abscess, BUT the point is those of us who practice good hygene should not have to suffer induced fluorosis in the futile attempt to mass medicate to try to save someone who cares little about their own dental hygene.
What this shows me is that you don't care (or you don't understand) about the benefit water fluoridation has for low socioeconomic communities. These people have high decay rates because they are not as fortunate as you - they did not grow up in a wealthy environment which included the passing on of good dental hygiene and dental education. Your tall poppy syndrome lends you to the your belief of 'why should I have to drink fluoridated water just because these unfortunate (less wealthy and less educated) have poor oral hygiene and lots of decay? That is self-centred IMO. I wonder if you've ever done any voluntary work for less fortunate people in your lifetime.