Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

FLG - Flagship Minerals

27 June 2010
Pan Asia Metals Limited (PAM) is a South East Asian focused minerals exploration and development company with tungsten and lithium projects located in southern Thailand.

The Company is specifically focused on South East Asia for both geological and economic reasons. Their projects are located in the South East Asian Tin-Tungsten Belt, which extends from Myanmar in the north through Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia to the Tin Islands in the South. This belt appeals due to the occurrence of a suite of specialty metals associated with granite related tin, tungsten, lithium, tantalum, niobium, rubidium, cesium, rare earths and other rare metals – including kaolin clay. This belt, which contains some of the largest historical tin producing districts in the world, specifically in Southern Thailand and much of Peninsula Malaysia, has experienced very limited modern exploration.

Pan Asia has a 100% interest in four projects, consisting of two tungsten project areas and two lithium project areas. Three of these four projects fit Pan Asia's strategy of downstream value-adding development opportunities located in low cost environments proximal to end market users.

Listed in order of priority Pan Asia's projects are:

(i) Khao Soon Tungsten Project (Khao Soon, Thailand, 100%, High Priority)

Khao Soon is a significant historical producer. Modern exploration has discovered, potentially world class, district scale tungsten mineralisation across numerous prospects. Reconnaissance diamond drilling by Pan Asia has intersected robust widths and grades associated with strong surface anomalies, from which Exploration Targets have been estimated. The Company is planning additional drilling to support Mineral Resource estimation. Exploration drilling will also test other targets including numerous geophysical anomalies.

(ii) Reung Kiet Lithium Project (Reung Kiet, Thailand, 100%, High Priority)

Reung Kiet is situated in a region of previous large-scale tin mining. Lithium mineralization occurs in association with some of these mined areas. Exploration by the Company has discovered lepidolite (lithium-rich mica) occurring in pegmatites over a combined strike length of 2.5km. Soil, rock-chip and trench sampling have generally defined consistent high grades across good widths. Initial diamond drilling by the Company has also resulted in some encouraging intersections. Several prospects are planned for immediate drilling. Metallurgical test work has begun and initial test results were very positive.

(iii) Bang Now Lithium Project (Bang Now, Thailand, 100%, Medium Priority)

Bang Now is also a historical mining area where lepidolite-rich pegmatites were mined for tin. Exploration of this project area is at an early stage with work to date having defined potential for a lithium rich pegmatite dyke swarm around 2km long and 400m wide, with individual dykes up to 2m wide. Rock chip sampling indicates consistent high lithium grades within numerous narrow dykes. Further mapping and sampling is required prior to drill targeting.

(iv) Minter Tungsten Project (Minter, Australia, 100%, Medium Priority)

Minter is located in central NSW, Australia. Past explorers have defined broad areas of elevated tungsten in soil sampling and mostly shallow follow-up drilling. More recent diamond drilling and mapping would indicate that all drilling has been very poorly oriented to adequately test the mineralisation. Pan Asia plans to conduct appropriately directed drilling. Whilst Minter does not directly fit Pan Asia's strategy we see it as a potential source of tungsten concentrate to feed future SE Asian based downstream processing operations.

It is anticipated that PAM will list on the ASX during September 2020.
Now, if one was registered as a trading company, and the world was normal... one might hop on a plane to Thailand for a tax deductible trip to investigate and inspect their prospects over there.
The "Bang Now" prospect has me intrigued. ?

Just a chart from inception, dunno about FA.
Today's little SP pop is interesting, but that's it. Volumes are too low.
I don't think this makes my watchlist.

More crickets here.

I could say I'm sampling for 'green' lithium in my backyard and it would be enough to get an IPO off the ground right now. PAM have put in for lithium leases around an area of Thailand which looks to be between a national park and farmers fields.... I cannot tell for sure, but I am trying to match satellite images of the area vs page 16 of the latest release. Not like its the outback with just a few rabbits and camels to worry about. A quick read of mining laws in Thailand was very informative. and this https://resourcehub.bakermckenzie.c...a-pacific/thailand/topics/global-mining-guide Obviously Thailand not a fan of gold... Industrial metals only.

PAM have only been listed a short while - but so far it seems the ASX have issued them a previous please explain. The number of announcements put out have been staggering. I see stockhead helping these guys along... Not sure if they are paying for advertisements but we'll see if the internet army pushes these guys up - $40 mill market cap is still cheap for a potential pump. Maybe these guys took some shine off aldoro today.
Thanks for bring PAM to my attention.

Those crickets you mention were probably stunned by the chart showing the value in value-adding.
The P&Dump brigade clearly liked the picture of the small hot spring near the river. They have visions of the possibility of geo-thermal green mining capability (geo-thermal lithium ala VUL).
I can imagine all the locals be completely supportive of expats smoking, drinking, snorting, and drilling on that lovely land. I don't even think PAM actually has the leases! Looks like they simply applied for the leases. Incredible stuff happening in the market these days.

Ahhh Bang on - Trading halt pending capital raising!

Fairly sure the ASX and ASIC have joined hands in declaring open season on all moms and dads. ;)
I can imagine all the locals be completely supportive of expats smoking, drinking, snorting, and drilling on that lovely land. I don't even think PAM actually has the leases! Looks like they simply applied for the leases. Incredible stuff happening in the market these days.

Ahhh Bang on - Trading halt pending capital raising!

Fairly sure the ASX and ASIC have joined hands in declaring open season on all moms and dads. ;)

Do you think they'd planned a CR last week? :rolleyes:
PAM is raising $6 million via a placement to institutional investors and $2 million via a share purchase plan for retail investors. It has appointed Viriathus Capital as lead manager.

The offer has been priced at 40¢ per share - a 20 per cent discount to its last trading price.
PAM is raising $6 million via a placement to institutional investors and $2 million via a share purchase plan for retail investors. It has appointed Viriathus Capital as lead manager.

The offer has been priced at 40¢ per share - a 20 per cent discount to its last trading price.
Do you think they'd planned a CR last week? :rolleyes:
I stand to be corrected - but to somewhat answer your question....

...a SPP takes considerable effort to put together. Not something you do in an afternoon. A placement to 'sophisticated' investors can be done very quickly, can come out of nowhere, and can be done in about an afternoon. My thoughts are that this was all pre-planned.

Think of all those suckered in for an overnight hold...
PAM back trading .... and the action is all one way ..... /\ .... as high as 68c, and now 66c or a 30% jump on last week's close.
Insto investors buy shares at 0.40 can sell them quickly for +50%. (+$3Mill) They're happy and awaiting the next offer.
PAM is happy, they've got more capital (+$6Mill less 6%).
Lead manager is happy with 6% of $6Mill and may also hold some shares.
Who's holding the bag and paying out?
Just got around to checking in on PAM. Back in December the ASX sent them a please explain letter. Looks like the ASX was felt that PAM was releasing price sensitive information to mining promoting websites and were giving out production target numbers which is in violation of various ASX listing rules... This is a specific screenshot below where it states the MD is writing the articles to give to a website to publish!

The defense from PAM appears to just blame mining dot com for publishing the article earlier than they were supposed to... When you read these things, it just reinforces how awful this industry is and how weak the ASX and ASIC are. The excuse in these situations is always the same 'we're sorry, we won't do it again, there was an oversight.' Anyways, too many red flags still, I didn't look much further other than to figure out PAM were down to 1 million cash, and just raised $4.5 before costs from 'sophisticated' investors.

On January 10th, 2025, Pan Asia Metals Limited (PAM) changed its name and ASX code to Flagship Minerals Limited (FLG).
Chart update. Still showing as PAM though. This provider can be a litt slow to show new names and IPO's.

Wam pam what a scam.
