Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Re: BMY - Brumby Resources

Executive Summary
Brumby Resources Limited has acquired the rights to two gold exploration properties, Frances Furness and Brilliant Well, in Western Australia. The Brilliant Well project also has potential for the discovery of base metal deposits.

The Frances Furness project located approximately 4 kilometres southeast of Marvel Loch gold mine south of Southern Cross, Western Australia consists of two granted tenements covering an area of 64 hectares. The tenements contain deposits of high grade gold mineralisation that have been subjected to small underground mining operations at various times during the last century. Brumby has entered into an option agreement to purchase a 100% interest in the tenements.

Frances Furness is located within the Marvel Loch – Yilgarn Star section of the Archean Southern Cross greenstone belt
which has produced over 5 million ounces of gold from open pit and underground mining operations. Regional stratigraphy consists of sedimentary and volcanic rocks which have been subjected to a complex history of structural deformation and metamorphism. It has been suggested that contrast in ductility between metasedimentary rocks and maficultramafic rocks has focused structural deformation and formation of mineral deposits in the region.

The tenements contain three old underground gold mines, Salvation and Frances Furness. Frances Furness, the principal mine, produced over 15,000 ounces of gold. At the Frances Furness mine, underground mining and exploration focused on two sub parallel mineralised reefs, East and West lodes. Gold distribution is erratic in its location in both lodes and confined to shoots. The quartz lodes plunge south at about 45 degrees and the overall outline of the mineralisation shows a distinct similarity with that at the Marvel Loch mine. A sub-vertical northwest trending fault terminates the lodes south of the main Frances Furness underground working. Exploration over the past few years has detected what may be the East and West lode systems offset to the east on the south side of the fault. However, attempts to drill define mineralisation in this area have so far been unsuccessful.

The underground operation mined a south plunging quartz lode up to 1.2 metres in width to a depth of 75 metres. High gold values of up to 7 ounces per tonne were reported in stope sampling during mining in the 1930s. Significant intrusions of flat-lying pegmatite are present in the upper levels of the old workings. Little work has been carried out since that time.

The Eric Lode, discovered immediately northwest of the Frances Furness line of workings in 1996, parallels the general geological trend, dips at 60 degrees to the northwest and has a strike length of about 225 metres. It is hosted mainly within weathered mafic and ultramafic rocks positioned along the west side of a pyrrhotitic metasedimentary unit that has been traced north to the Salvation workings. Significant assays in reverse circulation percussion (“RC”) drill holes include intersections of 2 metres at 14.8 g/t Au, 1 metre at 65.0 g/t Au, 1m at 135.0 g/t Au, 1 metre at 12.25 g/t Au, 2 metres at 33.85 g/t Au and 1 metre at 11 4.99 g/t Au. The Eric Lode is weathered to around 75 metres depth or deeper on some sections and primary mineralisation has yet to be found beneath the current drill intersections. In spite of the high grade intersections there is little correlation between intersections and extreme variation between gold values reported by different analytical methods point to a coarse gold component. Consequently, no resource estimate has been made even though there is sufficient indication that some material could be possibly be mined as a small satellite pit to other gold mining operations in the region.

Recently, a significant intersection of 3 metres at 14.6g/t Au, within a 29 metre interval of alteration and associated anomalous gold at Salvation, highlights the potential for blind parallel lodes within the Salvation-Frances Furness corridor. Although appearing to have limited strike length this mineralisation may have extensive plunge continuity.

Brumby intends to test a variety of targets with RC and diamond drilling and develop new drill targets through further surface
exploration of the project area. Drilling on the Eric Lode to better define the mineralisation, outline resources and test depth extensions is a priority. Follow up drilling of the recent high grade intersection at Salvation could lead to the delineation of a new high grade underground deposit.

Further drilling of the East and West Lode extensions south of the Frances Furnace mine fault could also lead to the delineation of a high grade underground deposit.

Brilliant Well, located approximately 40 kilometres north of the village of Leonora, consists of three exploration licence applications covering an area of 208 square kilometres in the Eastern Goldfields Province of Western Australia. All three tenement applications are held by Brilliant Gold Pty Ltd and subject to a joint venture agreement whereby Brumby can earn up to 85% interest in the tenements.

The project area covers greenstone and granite terrain of the Norseman-Wiluna greenstone belt. The Teutonic Bore and Jaguar copper – zinc deposits arelocated about 10 kilometres to the west of the project area and the Tarmoola and Thunderbox gold camps are located 20 kilometres to the southwest and 40 kilometres to the northwest respectively. All of these deposits are in close proximity to the Keith Kilkenny Tectonic Zone, a transcratonic structure associated with major
gold and base metal deposits.

The Brilliant Well tenements straddle the contact between the extensive Bundarra granite pluton and greenstone stratigraphy
to the west. The contact may in part be related to structures associated with the Keith Kilkenny Tectonic Zone. At least one
major north-northeast trending splay, the Deep Well Shear Zone, comes off the Keith Kilkenny Lineament and cuts through the
southern and central part of the project area and gold anomalies occur at several locations along the splay within the project
area. Most of the project area is covered by a thin to moderately thick cover of transported material and consequently, Archean stratigraphy and lithologies are interpreted from aeromagnetic data and minimal exploration drilling data.

The Brilliant Well project provides Brumby with the opportunity to explore a large area of Archean granite – greenstone terrain
within a mineralised province well known for its deposits of gold nickel and base metals. The property holding contains both
major and minor structures with associated gold and, to a lesser extent, base metal anomalies which to date have only been
lightly explored. Exploration carried out so far can be considered to be of a preliminary nature and Brumby has identified several areas where RAB and aircore drilling programs are warranted to define targets for RC drilling. These are mainly along
the Deep Well Shear Zone where drill traverses are currently at a wide spacing, previous anomalous results have not been
followed up and favourable areas identified from aeromagnetic data have not been previously tested.

In the vicinity of Charlie Chicks Well, previous explorers have identified similar stratigraphy to that hosting the Teutonic
bore copper- zinc deposit. Although EM 7. INDEPENDENT GEOLOGISTS’ REPORTS BRUMBY RESOURCES LIMITED : 31 surveys were conducted in the area and anomalies identified, no base metals were detected in drilling. Since that period of exploration the sensitivity of EM techniques has improved considerably and new surveys are warranted in this area.

Aeromagnetic highs in the vicinity of Madman Well and in the northeastern part of the tenement area may represent ultramafic bodies with potential to host nickel mineralisation. Brumby considers this area to be prospective for nickel sulphide deposits and intends to investigate this potential with reconnaissance aircore drilling to identify bedrock lithologies.

2.The Frances Furness project comprises two granted tenements, Mining Lease 77/25 and prospecting Licence 77/3464 located approximately 4 kilometres southeast of Marvel Loch gold mine, Western Australia. The tenements, covering an area of 64 hectares contain deposits of high grade gold mineralisation that have been subjected to underground mining operations at various times during the last century. Brumby has entered into an option agreement with the tenement holders Dusky Holdings Pty Ltd and Lithios Exploration Services Pty Ltd to purchase a 100% interest in the tenements for a cash consideration and issue of shares to the vendors. The vendors will retain a 2% net smelter royalty on any production from the tenements. Details pertinent to the tenements and the option to purchase agreement are provided in the Solicitors’ Report on Tenements and the Summary of Material Contracts in Section 10 of this Prospectus.

The project area is easily accessible from Marvel Loch by regional roads and numerous tracks cross the tenements providing adequate access within the project area. In general the tenement area has a flat topography and is moderately to heavily vegetated with eucalyptus and acacia forest. Open farmlands of the wheat belt lie immediately to the west.
Re: BMY - Brumby Resources

Geological Setting
Frances Furness is located within the Marvel Loch – Yilgarn Star section of the Archean Southern Cross greenstone belt between the Ghooli Dome and Parker Dome granitoid batholiths. The Southern Cross greenstone belt is highly endowed with gold deposits and has produced over 5 million ounces of gold from underground mining and open pit operations. Regional stratigraphy consists of sedimentary and volcanic rocks which have been subjected to a complex history of structural deformation and metamorphism.

Three structural domains have been recognised in the area; a Northern domain consisting of an arcuate belt of rocks around the southern end of the Ghooli Dome; a Southern domain comprising a narrow belt of rocks around the northern perimeter of the Parker dome; and a Central domain between the Northern and Southern domains bounded to the north by a prominent east-west trending Proterozoic mafic dyke.

The project area is situated within the western arm of the Northern domain. The Archean sequence in the region from top to bottom consists of pelitic sediments, felsic volcanics, mafic and ultramfic volcanics, ultramafic intrusives and psammitic sediments. These rocks have been metamophosed to upper greenschistamphibolite facies, metamorphism most likely related to the emplacement of the granite domes. Regional upright folds characterise a period of early deformation which has been overprinted by steeply dipping, strongly mylonitic, transcurrent shear zones, principally dextral in movement and traceable over 70 kilometres along strike.

It has been suggested that contrast in ductility between metasedimentary rocks and mafic-ultramafic rocks has focused folding and faulting at this major rock unit contact providing open spaces and traps for mineral bearing hydrothermal fluids and the formation of mineral deposits in the region.

The tenements contain three old underground gold mines, Salvation and Frances Furness which along with Mountain King and Donovan’s Find outside of the leases form the Donovan’s Find Group. Frances Furness is the principal mine in the group and produced over 15,000 ounces of gold (Table 2).

The Donovan’s Find Group is located along a regional northwest trending structural zone controlled by a major strike conformable shear zone along which sections of metasedimentary rocks have been deformed by faulting. Gold mineralisation along this zone is mainly associated with subparallel and tensional quartz veins in shear zones hosted within mafic amphibolite, ultramafic rocks and to a lesser extent pelitic metasedimentary rocks. Mineralisation has also been recorded as lode material in banded amphibolite. Arsenopyrite is the dominant sulphide and the alteration assemblage is commonly pyroxene, biotite and feldspar.

At the Frances Furness mine, underground mining and exploration focused on two sub parallel mineralised reefs, East and West lodes which converge in places. The reefs are located within a coarse grained amphibolite which forms a distinctive unit on the boundary between fine grained siliceous amphibolite and ultramafic rock with associated politic metasediment and metachert. The quartz lodes plunge south at about 45 degrees and the overall outline of the mineralisation shows a distinct similarity with that at the Marvel Loch mine.The West Lode is relatively sulphide rich (arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite) compared to the East Lode which is richer in gold. Gold distribution is erratic in its location in both lodes and confined to shoots within of relatively barren quartz. A sub-vertical northwest trending fault terminates the lodes south of the main Frances Furness underground working. Exploration work over the past few years has detected what appears to be the East and West lode systems offset to the east on the south side of the fault.

Previous explorers have interpreted the lode to be the faulted extension of the Frances Furness lodes. The lode, mined in the 1930s, consists of a south plunging quartz lode up to 1.2 metres thick, cut by flat lying pegmatite in the upper levels of the mine. Spectacular grades of up to 7 ounces per tonne were reported in stope sampling at that time. The two recently discovered lodes appear to be in an intermediate position between the previously mined Frances Furness lodes mand the lode.

The Salvation workings, located in the northeast corner of ML77/25, were developed in the 1930s to the base of weathered rock at depth of 82 metres via an inclined shaft. High grade ore occurs in a steep dipping zone averaging about 1 metre in width. Recorded production grades from Salvation were higher than the other Donovan Find mines and gold may have been enriched in the weathered zone.

In 1996, a new zone of gold mineralisation was discovered immediately northwest of the Frances Furness line of workings. This
zone, called the Eric Lode, parallels the general geological trend, dips at 60 degrees to the northwest and has a strike length
of about 225 metres. It is hosted mainly within weathered mafic and ultramafic rocks positioned along the west side of a pyrrhotitic metasedimentary unit that has been traced north to the Salvation workings.

Exploration History
Modern exploration in the project area commenced with geological mappingcarried out by Union Miniere as part of a regional assessment of the Marvel Loch district for nickel deposits in the 1970s.

Having no interest in gold, Union Miniere sold what was at that time a small package of six gold mining leases( “GMLs”) to Kia
Gold Corporation (“KGC”), who in the early 1980s commenced a re-examination of the Frances Furness underground workings
and undertook surface exploration of the property. KGC’s surface exploration was orientated toward discovering new mineralised areas and work included auger sampling, costeaning, rotary air blast (“RAB”) and RC drilling. Some underground development was completed at Frances Furness and about 1300 ounces of gold at an average head grade of 2 ounces per tonne was produced. A number of underground drill holes were used to probe for parallel lodes with limited success. KGC later converted the GMLs to a single mining lease, ML77/25, and farmed out the project to Mawson Pacific (“Mawson”) in 1987.

As operator of the joint venture, Mawson continued exploration of the tenement without success and in 1987 became the
sole owner of the lease when the joint venture terminated. Mawson drilled 5 shallow holes across the Frances Furness workings intersecting mineralisation in three holes. One hole, FFP4, intersected 7 metres at 4.98 g/t Au including 2 metres at
13 g/t au in the footwall of an old stope.

Mawson was subsequently taken over by Reynolds and the area became part of Reynolds Yilgarn Gold Operations Limited (“Rygol”). Exploration of ML77/25 continued with a comprehensive reinvestigation of the overall tenement and soil geochemistry and ground magnetics were undertaken. Limited shallow drilling focused on locating a southern extension to the Frances Furness mineralisation trending toward the workings. Rygol concluded that a fault had terminated the Frances Furness lodes and an abundance of pegmatitic intrusions near the fault had minimised the prospect of finding significant ore between the two mines.
Re: BMY - Brumby Resources


If you are going to post huge slabs of text, please format them properly.

I can assure you i am not reading it because of its layout.

Also, people are capable of looking at previous announcements via their own broker, so there is no need to post a heap of past announcements. Links would clutter the thread less.


Re: BMY - Brumby Resources


I want to make a few things very clear.

1) Any more posts made in all capitals will be removed from the forums. All capitals is considered to be shouting on internet forums and it is not permitted at ASF.
2) If you are going to post past announcements please put them into context with your own commentary.
3) Please make an effort to format text that you cut and paste into threads. See this thread for more detail:

I will go through and remove the all capitals from your posts and attempt to format your cutting and pasting of text so people can actually read and comprehend it.
Re: BMY - Brumby Resources

the text doesnt run left to right which makes it easier to post but in a series

of 3 thin verticals,this is the way it comes out...good to see you are reading

Re: BMY - Brumby Resources

We are not reading it due to the poor formatting.

That is our point. Please make a note of this in the future, as Joe has mentioned above.
Re: BMY - Brumby Resources

Yep, I didn't read it, and will not either.

To successfully ramp a stock you own, you need to provide some sense of professionalism, otherwise the reader with means will think you're a mug.

Personally, when I want to convince the public that a stock is good value, I pretty it up a bit, with capitals and pictures and the like. And, when I want some information from people, I ask nicely with a please, or a thanks....

I think you'd gain much more credibility with at least some correct grammar.
Re: BMY - Brumby Resources

Yeh, I think providing a summary of the announcements, with a link is the way to go also.

Much better than huge slabs of texts.

And throwing in some of your own calculations, rather than just company information, shows that you have actually gone ahead and done some in depth research.
Re: BMY - Brumby Resources

Ok Tigerboi...hit me with it (in your own words). Can you answer the following questions:

Do they have a JORC?
When is the next round of drilling?
What is the cashflow like?
Are they unhedged?
When is production to commence?
Any major backers?
Any reccomendations?
Re: BMY - Brumby Resources

Ok Tigerboi...hit me with it (in your own words). Can you answer the following questions:

Do they have a JORC?
When is the next round of drilling?
What is the cashflow like?
Are they unhedged?
When is production to commence?
Any major backers?
Any reccomendations?

excuse me for not getting back,bigpond 10 days off the planet.

firstly this company only listed about 16 months ago,jorc no

drilling at ff starting this week

cash flow last 1/4 was 1.8m


production possibly 2010 i reckon

major backers:jv partner IGO has 11% of bmy

In the ten days since BMY has exercised its 75% rights over goldsworthy

this morning i was speaking to md geoff jones as the anns. of new pilbara

tenements came thru,west of port headland see anns.geoff jones pointed

out to me that AGO paid 4m cash for tenements at abydos BMY only paying

1% royalty,that is a great deal..
Re: BMY - Brumby Resources

brumby today announced an entitlements issue of 1/2 at 14c plus

oppies to raise $2.57m to accelerate exploration of their pilbara iron ore

tenements,this fits nicely with recent announcements of the 75% option on

goldsworthy project being exercised to also go with the new tenements

purchased for a 1% royalty..tb

Re: BMY - Brumby Resources

Exciting news that brumby will have 18m listed oppies so i have set a target

of 2 million for myself,january 2010 at 15c.So to get an idea on all oppies of

the other miners i picked out all the 2010 oppies from the asx list to put

together for myself. For those who havent seen the asx oppies list heres the


It is up to date at end of january,maybe i can post the 2010 list somewhere

for all punters to look & compare the prices of companies..tb:D
Re: BMY - Brumby Resources

Whoever said there is no such thing as a free lunch, well there is. We have free shares on offer and not a buyer in sight. What is wrong?

Well I am going to buy some more shares today, topping up on my holding to get more free shares
Re: BMY - Brumby Resources

Whoever said there is no such thing as a free lunch, well there is. We have free shares on offer and not a buyer in sight. What is wrong?

Well I am going to buy some more shares today, topping up on my holding to get more free shares

whats on offer is one share for every two that you hold for issue price of 14 cents each with one attached option free with excercise price of 15 c. The only free is the option.
Re: BMY - Brumby Resources

Whoever said there is no such thing as a free lunch, well there is. We have free shares on offer and not a buyer in sight. What is wrong?

Well I am going to buy some more shares today, topping up on my holding to get more free shares

Have you deliberately misinformed people of the 'free shares' or have you not read the ann correctly.

Other members would be very interested to know your motivation for misinformation, or your lack of attention to detail for future reference.

Re: BMY - Brumby Resources

That is correct free shares (options) which you can trade on market when issued, which is free money, or exercise them at 15 cents to buy heads.
Re: BMY - Brumby Resources

That is correct free shares (options) which you can trade on market when issued, which is free money, or exercise them at 15 cents to buy heads.

Saying 'free shares' when you mean 'free options' is straight out misrepresentation Kris and wil not be tolerated by you or anyone else.

There will be no further warnings.
Re: BMY - Brumby Resources

Shares in a company come in 2 forms (Heads, fully paid) and (Options), even holding options is considered owing a part share in a company, without the voting rights, so in no way was I being misleading.

I must stress that I never mislead anyone. I consider the free attaching options given by BMY as a part share in their company. These options can be traded at any time after being issued, therefore its free shares, and free money.

Might be worth starting a thread on Fully Paid Shares and Options (also considerd a share), so we are all on the same page.

A 10 point infractuion is being harsh considering the that options are shares too.
Re: BMY - Brumby Resources

When a company goes into trading halt both shares halt, the heads (fully paid shares, and the options). They are both closely related.

Can anybody else define what an option is?

Am I correct in saying that an option is a part share in a company, whithout the voting rights.