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EVN - Evolution Mining

Good afternoon rcw1, EVN did well today. Closing volume almost 34 million compared to:

Demand is there. Plenty of buyers queued, stacking up for many units.
Phenomenal volume, nice that.

Kind regards
row1 shld be very Happy to see how LYC ran today. Not holding yet but watching it.
Hello Rabbithop, rcw1 favourite Rabbit over an above the South Sydney Rabbitoes...
Yes M8, true that. Brace yourself... you sitting down... rcw1 not holding LYC at the minute...

Kind regards
Hello Rabbithop, rcw1 favourite Rabbit over an above the South Sydney Rabbitoes...
Yes M8, true that. Brace yourself... you sitting down... rcw1 not holding LYC at the minute...

Kind regards
Ouch! Never mind. There are other days n stocks to gain. Also RRL isn't bad today. I think over all our market today is a good swinging up.
Hi rabbit, any win is good.....hope we have lots of happy Larrys today.

EVN's depth has changed, I don't know what to hope for........

Hang Seng having a bit of a bother at the moment. Wondering if they're worrying about the mid term election over there....
Gee, they're good intersections, particularly the copper. These guys are desperate for some good news to get out of the toilet, although most gold seniors have halved over the past year or so. GDX looks to have turned but might be a bear trap too.

? Pump n Dump
You mean me, rabbit? If that's the case, no, not at all. No good pumping after hours and hoping to do a dump; simply won't work.

Purely from a trading point of view, or investing for that matter, normally, big volumes with a price rise indicates positivity. It's worth taking note I think. But yesterday, the spread was not much if you look at the trade history. Today's rise was helped by the comments made by Powell last night which weakened the greenback.

The other day, there was a big block at 2.75. I was watching and thought it was a trick. Someone was trying to block because they wanted to buy, hoping to scare mums and dads into selling. But it was snatched by a buyer...over 1 million shares was taken in one parcel. Of course, our observations and assumptions can be wrong the way, I like the way you think, rabbit, haha........2 suspicious minds.........
No..I don't mean you did it...I was commenting on your post about Big Vol going thru...
Good morning Rabbithop,

I love how our minds work. We interpret what we see and hear in various ways......the brain is a fascinating organ.

I don't think it's the case here, ie, pump and dump. It's an awful lot of money to invest in that kind of activity if the sentiment isn't right. I could be wrong, but someone thinks it's undervalued (which is very possible) EVN has gold and silver mines in Qld and WA, and the share price is barely 2.90. This stock was pushed all the way down to 1.80 a few months ago, and the high for the year was 4.75.

Right now, gold up $56, and our dollar has hardly moved..........anyway, enough for us to do a song and dance today. Good fortunes to you, rabbit, see you about.
Huge volume might relate to this and thus a t/o:
Or maybe the buyer was looking at this Interactive Analyst Center tool
Logged back in after being on the road. Sold at open... thought it strange that punters were lining up before market opened to get out after the massive jump last night. The price didn't get past 2.99. Gold has run hard so taking money off the table makes sense. After all the hype and excitement, it's now like a puff of wind....Have a great weekend, folks

Gold stocks have had a good run recently, but still way off old highs. EVN was $6.50 not too long ago. Gold gain has correlated pretty well with USD weakness, so if USD keeps going down based on probability of interest rate slow downs there still might be some upside. But, might only take a super-inflation number to come out and the Fed will go hard and it'll be down hill again.

(obviously EVN have had a few more issues than just the POG)
Gold holding well, down a tad at the moment, -$4.45, our dollar holding. Looks like it's going to be ok. Other gold stocks performed well today but not EVN.......I was disappointed in her to say the least........anyway, there's Monday. Until then, have a great weekend, Sean....I'm off to the Christmas carols.........
my pick for the Full Year comp. ( 3 more to come later ) is EVN

a tried and tested performer for me

now some mathematically folks gifted may notice EVN did NOT rise over 2022 ( although there are still 3 trading days to go )

so some would ask why would ask why would i select it again ?

well first off , the gold price suppression MIGHT end this year ( see i really am a closet optimist ) OR the Australian dollar might continue to fall , raising local commodity profits

over 2022 i bought ( extra ) EVN in

May @$3.67

June @ $3.08

September @ $1.88

and October @ $1.93

and more than tripled my holding in the process ( yes i left the truck at home , but the briefcase isn't so light any more )

still plenty of headwinds for the company , but some rivals are trying to buy their way to growth ( i don't expect a full take-over but EVN goes into JVs with some juniors and just buys stakes in others , they MIGHT end nicely on the juicy side of that activity )

ALTHOUGH BHP might decide to sell off some of the OZL investments after the take-over completes

EVN is in my 2023 FY stock tipping comp again also.

Creating a Premier global gold company.

It’s all in the name… we’ve evolved from a small company into a globally relevant gold mining business with a reputation of delivering value for all stakeholders. Underpinning it all, is our Australian story and spirit
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