Posted this on the Chartist site as well, but for any esuper clients who may not be aware or those looking to run a SMSF.
Things have changed and not only can esuperfund clients use IB now but they can also trade futures.
ESUPERFUND clients can invest in Futures through our Optional Brokers namely Halifax Brokers or Interactive Brokers.
IB Rates are a little higher than there atandard rates but still very low, the Spi for example is usually $5 per side but using esuperfund its $7.
Things have changed and not only can esuperfund clients use IB now but they can also trade futures.
ESUPERFUND clients can invest in Futures through our Optional Brokers namely Halifax Brokers or Interactive Brokers.
IB Rates are a little higher than there atandard rates but still very low, the Spi for example is usually $5 per side but using esuperfund its $7.