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So readers, this is the reply Tucker’s lawyers have filed in response to one of the insurers... The “Turd Polishing” is in overdrive at the moment at Bartley Cohen...

So Tucker claims he spoke to an “unnamed representative of the insurer” over the phone who assured him he was covered whilst acting as a director... ?‍ ???

So nothing in writing folks, the insurers just have to take Tucker at his word... ???

This whole defence and blame shifting by Tucker and his lawyers on to the insurers is becoming farcical... It’s clear that this is a desperate Hail Mary by Tucker to try and save his ass from the ramifications of the looming court case which will not go his way... The bench of the Supreme Court where he plied his trade will apply the law impartially and will find it ironic that Tucker is appearing before them... HOW EMBARRASSING !!!
So if Tucker acknowledges this money was collected on behalf of Equititrust as trustee of the EPF, as is detailed in the attached document filed by Tucker’s lawyers in the Supreme Court (Further and Better Particulars as requested by one of the Insurers), why did the money hit Tucker and Cowen’s trust account and then wing its way over to Hong Kong ?? ???

MANDATORY disclosure in full view of the public can be a real prick... ?

At the end of this saga, when as promised by Tucker himself, he declares himself bankrupt (more likely Stephen Russell will), we will look back and realise that Tucker crossed the line as a solicitor and involved himself in his clients affairs... Heck he even used his firms Trust Account... Talk about sh#tting in your nest...

The flawed defence being filed in the Supreme Court is quite frankly embarrassing. The turd polishing he is now attempting is nothing more than Tucker gearing up to repeat this thumb-fingered, bumble-brained exercise in self-injury...

Justice is Coming...


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... as a follow on from the images above....

don't forget Page 264 here..........

Yes both David Whyte and his wife Caroline are friends with David Tucker on Facebook… Since this revelation both accounts were changed from a public profile to a private profile so that a friend search could not be done… Why ??? If you’re friends with someone why hide it…
It appears that David Whyte according to his Facebook page has retired from BDO… If that’s the case why is he still the receiver of the EIF ???
The other posts by him celebrating the one year anniversary of his purchase of a Palm Beach apartment on the Gold Coast are nauseating whilst Equititrust Investors have received zilch from him recently…
At least he’s only a hop skip and jump from the Tucker’s beachfront bolt hole ? in Palm Beach…

Beats working eh…

Nice work if you can get it…

How much money has David Whyte as a receiver earned off the back of the Equititrust receivership which has gone on and on and on… He’s officially retired and still making a buck from the remaining funds of innocent elderly investors

Meanwhile Equititrust investors die in poverty without a payout on their investment…

How long will this drag on while the official receiver is posting about “not working” SMFH

Mmmm working hard or hardly working ???

In Whyte’s own words he states on his Facebook posts “It beats working” so why the f#ck are Equititrust Investors paying him ???

This is seriously messed up…

For an official receiver to be posting this rubbish whilst elderly investors starve is deplorable…

6 October 2019

Meanwhile, whilst MS Asia was financially raping and pillaging the Equititrust Premium Fund with wanton abandon, the Liquidators alleging in court filings that BOSI bank statements were being altered after the fact increasing the debt - The receivers of the Equititrust Income Fund, BDO were ploughing litigation and recovery work Tucker & Cowan’s way.

This was a monumental CONFLICT OF INTEREST and BDO knew the contentious and controversial prior roles of Tucker and Kennedy at Equititrust. ASIC intervened in court proceedings where Tucker was trying to appoint his own receivers to Equititrust and applied to have an “independent court appointed receiver”...

Friday’s judgement by Bowskill J should OUTRAGE investors of the Equititrust Income Fund.

A court appointed “Contradictor” representing the “unrepresented interests” of EIF investors and creditors needs to be appointed by the court to investigate the conflict of interest in BDO giving swathes of legal work to Tucker & Cowan and to look into any consultancy payments made to David Kennedy as a result of meetings with him as listed in the billing sheets of BDO.

The “Court Appointed Contradictor” needs to :

1) Independently examine the billing of BDO as it relates to meetings with Tucker & Cowan representing MS Asia.

2) Have Independent experts review the quantum of billing by Tucker & Cowan in relation to the work given to them by BDO relating to the EIF which was clearly a conflict of interest.

3) Apply to have independent forensic experts review the BDO and Tucker & Cowan billing and seek directions from the court for compensation for any billing amounts which are found to be not in accordance with the law.

It’s clear from the judgement of Justice Bowskill that there are serious allegations of self interests being served and multiple allegations of self dealing.

For BDO to have the temerity to tell the Courier Mail that giving work to Tucker & Cowan Solicitors was in the best interests of investors, is the antithesis of what was in the best interests of investors as is played out in the factual matrix of allegations outlined by Bowskill J in pushing the matter to a full trial.

Extract from the Courier Mail 2019...

Here are the facts : -

Tucker says he acted in the best interests of EPF investors - Retires and buys a beach house at Palm Beach on the Gold Coast...

Whyte says he used Tucker "in investors best interests" - retires buys a beachfront unit at Palm Beach...

All this interest by third parties in Equititrust investors has really got them what ??? A peaceful and prosperous retirement with a beachfront property at Palm Beach ??? Absolutely not, but the lawyer and receiver feeding off the carcasses of the EPF and EIF have most
definitely retired and have secured themselves beach front properties...

If it
wasn't enough that Tucker was pillaging the EPF through his front company MS Asia, Whyte gave him hundreds of thousands of dollars of legal work related to the EIF... This is despite the fact that Tucker was a former director and lawyer of Equititrust, had bankrupted McIvor his former friend and client and had invested over $500,000 of super into Equititrust... Could the conflict of interest been any greater...

Remember folks beachfront properties are expensive to upkeep...
What gets me is the unashamed gloating on Facebook and Instagram...

Do these people have such major inferiority complexes that that have to post this garbage on social media.

Given what the remaining innocent, elderly, Equititrust Investors are going through this showing off on social media is PATHETIC...
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