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There is a key to the puzzle within the Federal Court Order and one the insurers are "surely likely to stumble across it"... ??Well after this post they definitely will... They have much better law firms acting for them...
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Tick Tock... Tick Tick Tock Tock... ?There are clues everywhere...
Read what Tucker says about the litigation against the Meridien directors who owed the "EPF" $12M Dollars... Suing on behalf of Equititrust to protect the investors then trousering the proceeds of the EPF with the former CEO of Equititrust... The CONFLICT OF INTEREST is strong with this one...

A look back at the Federal Court File for the Examination and Production of Documents, particularly as it relates to Tucker, shows the extent to which he tried to avoid producing documents and appearing for his public humiliation... The light was finally shone on his nefarious activities...

Tucker was told his day of reckoning would come many moons ago... He arrogantly thought he could get away with this monumental scam and not be exposed in such a public manner... The media attention will only intensify... Keep counting your losses “Davey Boy”...
This statement of claim is something the insurance industry will use for years as a precedent to print out and line the bottom of their members budgie cages.. It analogous to bank robbers claiming indemnity for their crimes...

It appears a contractor is about to get screwed... The Civil Works contractor issued a Statutory Demand last year.

Essentially a filed and served statutory demand alleges there is no disupute as to the debt being owed and demands payment within a precribed time. (21 days)

The contractor must have some solid footing to have been able to apply to the court to have the company wound up...

There is more to this story... Why would a real estate salesman like Greg Bell be undertaking this development in his own name ??? Bell states that the financier is stepping in to help protect him as well ???

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