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Burning Bridges...
The fact that Tucker and Cowen are trying to include their insurers as third parties to the mammoth legal proceedings against them, will not bode well for future insurance cover... Surely these two miscreants must now be in the "HIGH RISK" Category with both insurers... The premiums in the future will I'm sure reflect that...
@No Trust, @Triple_Witching, I apologise for hijacking the thread. To keep the thread active until the 10th February 2021 I wanted to make a post about "fraudulent behaviour in general" as it follows the "same pattern no matter who perpetrates the crime".

Stealing from others
We say "fraud" but plain-speaking - it's "stealing" from others.

Fraudulent behaviour is driven by greed
Fraud, it’s rampant & it beggars’ belief how much fraud is yet to be uncovered or will never be uncovered. I’m pleased to read that the perpetrator will soon be fully exposed & dealt with through the courts. I for one, can't wait.

Let’s recap kostag first post for "new readers" of this thread as I'm sure the interest will increase
“I'm an Equititrust investor - historically, all has been good - bit I am hearing some disquieting developements - such as ex MFS execs David Kennedy and David Anderson (OMG!) now in charge - same auditors as MFS used - same business model - and even Royal Bank of Scotland loans outstanding/overdue. There was a press write up about a loan to Al Konstaninidis going bad etc - and a legal fight which involved Equititrust and David Kennedy. David Anderson's recent Court performance re MFS matters was less than flattering and one would need to question whether he ought be in charge of another Public fund. Anyone got any news on this? I saw on an ASIC search that long standing Director Wayne McIvor has resigned from Equititrust as well.... often a sign that things are not good”

Pending early signs
It’s a pity the Equititrust thread highlighted the issue by @kostag way back in June 2010 just after he joined ASF. I’ve often wondered if kostag "passed" (died) before knowing the final resolution with these fraudsters. It’s pleasing to learn that he regularly checks in & has as recently as mid-January of this year. (so that pleases me).

Below is an article on fraudulent behaviour (stealing)
The article relates to the markets, which is financial fraud. The similarities of fraud are simply astounding when you read the summary below by the N.Y. Attorney General in the case against (Bitfinex & Tether Ltd) both joined the hip to defraud its members of millions.

What the boom in fraud says about the current market environment
The hyperlinks at the bottom of the post is an article that lists recent fraud that has been uncovered. The last article is about "Crypto fraud" that has been going from 2018 to the present day. I have included the hyperlinks for an easy Sunday afternoon read how the N.Y. Attorney General is bringing these individuals to justice.

Why pick Crypto fraud by Tether Ltd
No other reason than it was the last article to demonstrate how the fraud was perpetrated by this company. It could have been any article as the "Modus Operandi" (M.O.) is the same in most fraudulent cases. It's interesting that "Modus operandi", is a "Latin Phrase" that means “operating method”, & in criminology, it means a distinct pattern that comes to be associated with a particular criminal behaviour.

Summary of fraud by Tether Ltd
A bit of background first - Tether is a controversial cryptocurrency with tokens issued by "Tether Limited". It formerly claimed that each token was backed by one United States dollar, but on 14 March 2019 changed the backing to include loans to affiliate companies. "Notice the similarities starting to appear".

In November 2018, the Attorney General issued subpoenas to Bitfinex and Tether, which are owned and operated by the same small group of individuals, and claim not to do business in New York. As alleged in court papers filed by the Attorney General’s office, the Bitfinex trading platform allows New Yorkers to purchase and trade virtual currencies, including the so-called “tether” stablecoin, a virtual currency the companies long claimed was “backed 1-to-1” by U.S. dollars held in cash reserve.

The filings explain how Bitfinex no longer has access to over $850 million dollars of co-mingled client and corporate funds that it handed over, without any written contract or assurance, to a Panamanian entity called “Crypto Capital Corp.,” a loss Bitfinex never disclosed to investors. In order to fill the gap, executives of Bitfinex and Tether engaged in a series of conflicted corporate transactions whereby Bitfinex gave itself access to up to $900 million of Tether’s cash reserves, which Tether for years repeatedly told investors fully backed the tether virtual currency “1-to-1.”

Members funds used as a slush fund
According to the filings, Bitfinex has already taken at least $700 million from Tether’s reserves. Those transactions – which also have not been disclosed to investors – treat Tether’s cash reserves as Bitfinex’s corporate slush fund, and are being used to hide Bitfinex’s massive, undisclosed losses and inability to handle customer withdrawals. The Office’s filings further detail how the companies obfuscated the extent and timing of these corporate transactions during the Office’s investigation.

These Hyperlinks make interesting reading to follow the pattern of fraud

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It pleases me greatly also, that Kostag who started this thread still checks in... Hello to our friend and hero for starting this thread... You have been vindicated in your early warnings about McIvor, Tucker, Kennedy and Anderson... What a conga line of grubs...

McIvor banned for life by ASIC...

Anderson charged for fraud by ASIC...

TUCKER off to court on fraud allegations levelled by the liquidators Hall Chadwick..

Kennedy hiding in Hong Kong ?? fearing allegations of fraud...


Justice Reeves' comments will be ringing in Tucker's ears for many years to come... The trusts, (all of them) will be unwound to satisfy the judgement against Tucker...

The insurers will not provide any form of indemnity to him and will rely on their
exclusion clause for Fraud / Dishonesty as the lawyers for the insurers have already outlined.

Any appointment of a bankruptcy trustee will be governed, most
likely by Stephen Russell, the lawyer for the liquidators. Tucker will not be allowed to self appoint a friendly bankruptcy trustee like Worrells- (the firm with no morals) who he used as the receiver for MS ASIA's EPF debt... His old "go to mate" at Worrells', who sold him out to the liquidators has left the firm. There's as saying, "Control your destiny or someone else will" Tucker's destiny is well and truly in other peoples hands... Namely Stephen Russell's hands... It would truly suck to be David Tucker and Richard Cowen right now... Misery Sowed is Misery Reaped...
Tucker's go to "friendly receivers"/ "bankruptcy trustee's" were Worrell's (the firm with no morals) namely Michael Peldan, (since resigned)... Peldan was publicly examined by the Liquidators in the Federal Court in relation to the MS ASIA SCAM. Maybe that experience broke him... Crocodile tears here...

There’s a pattern in Tucker using his good mate Peldan. When both Tucker and Cowen bankrupted McIvor, (
who deserved being bankrupted at a minimum for the fool he was in trusting Tucker), Tucker appointed Peldan to be McIvor's trustee in bankruptcy, to silence McIvor to some extent.

When Tucker was looking for a friendly
receiver for the MS ASIA SCAM with David Kennedy, where did they go ??? To receiver Worrells of course and Michael Peldan who they could control...
Worrells have investors blood on their hands as much as Tucker, Cowen and Kennedy...
As predicted in 2017, the exclusion clauses relating to fraud and dishonesty will be the bane of Tucker and Cowen's existence from hereon in...

They most likely will be allowed to add their insurers as third parties to the proceedings, as the liquidators don't care where the money comes from to satisfy any judgment they obtain against Tucker and Cowen. Tucker and Cowen's litigation against
their insurers will however ultimately FAIL on the basis of the exclusion clause in the policy.
Don't forget the "liquidators" ( 2 of whose principals are former solicitors struck off the rolls for dishonesty} are every bit as crooked as Tucker. In the 8 or so years they have been acting they have recovered many millions of $, not 1 cent of which has ever been returned to investors. They will misapropriate any funds recovered from Tucker
The last round of litigation against McIvor and KPMG went on for years and the money all went to the litigation funder and to the payment of the liquidators fees to sit on the sidelines whilst the action wound its way through the Federal Court... This is all a self serving exercise at the expense of creditors and investors...
Will this application proceed on the 19th of February 2021 ???
Is there a "poison pill" in proceeding with the application that both Tucker and Cowen have overlooked ???

When will the mystery Thumb Drive surface with
Terra-bytes of damning data ???

Here we go... The hearing to join the insurers has now been delayed to 19 February 2021... WHATS UP ? ?‍

Every transaction leaves a trail... Tucker not only left a trail he boasted about his involvement to borrowers who he was taking their homes from... Both he and Kennedy relished taking peoples homes. Pretty sick ha...
Now that Tucker’s own home is potentially on the chopping block, I don’t think he finds his predicament that pleasant...

It must be tough for both Tucker and Cowen to have a peaceful existence and plan ahead for the future, on both, a professional and personal level, with this level of litigation pitched against them... Financial projections and planning luxury escapes with money misappropriated from others must be a nightmare... The irony of the predicament they find themselves in both gob smacking and comedic... #nightsweats #nightterrors #caughtout
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