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What will emerge at the trial of Tucker and Cowen, through document discovery and cross examination is the contours of the conspiracy to defraud...

To date a lot of detail has been concealed and
suppressed. The ownership of trust assets including the beneficial ownership of assets held in Jennifer Tucker's name will all be fully unraveled at trial...
2021 will cancel Tucker and Cowen...
They rolled the dice on a fraudulent stunt because they're money hungry morons...
It backfired...
They bought the ticket, now they get to ride the ride...
Buckle up butter cups...
P.S. Remember the Equititrust investors stolen from...
The subpoena list for the upcoming trial should make for interesting reading...

Tucker's wife
Jennifer, the beneficial owner of many of the marital and trust assets will be a definite inclusion on the list...
This is now literally a fight to the death ...

The financial impact of a judgement against Tucker and Cowen will be devastating, as outlined by Tucker in the Federal Court, when he stated “under oath”, that he’d declare bankruptcy in the event of a judgment against him...
Keep an eye out for Rhett Kennedy's affidavit... Should be a cracker...
The third party claim by Tucker and Cowen against their insurers is a LAST roll of the dice / Hail Mary...
There is speculation that they don't have the funds to fund their defence to trial...
There comes a time when it’s time to pay the Piper... For Tucker and Cowen that time is now... David Kennedy has slipped the noose for now, but is he chipping in to pay for Tucker and Kennedy’s legal fees ???
Fraudulent follies end like this... ?
The insurance companies that Tucker and Cowen are seeking to join as third parties will have formidable legal counsel representing them...
10 February 2020 will be a must see event... ???
E pluribus unum, Latin for "Out of many, one"

For Tucker in 2021 it will be E pluribus nemo, Latin for “Out of many none...

All the deals done and illegitimate profits will amount to nothing when swallowed up by millions of dollars in legal fees... HOW IRONIC...
The biggest threat to Tucker and Cowen is the fact that money held in trust for Equititrust and its investors was illegitimately transferred from their "solicitor's trust account" to a Hong Kong entity called MS ASIA, of which, Tucker is a beneficial owner through a web of companies based in the British Virgin Islands...
If Tucker and Cowen lose at trial, not only will they have to "pony up" upwards of $20M + (including interest), but (excluding legal fees), they will face the prospect of being struck off as solicitors... Who would have thought skid row was the "new black" in 2021...
$20M IS PEANUTS for these Fukas.... They will hide, bs, deceive, etc etc...

They have been doing same CRIMINAL / CORPORATE / ATO FRAUD/s since 1994.
One needs to understand Tukas Client FAILED SCHOOL AND WAS EXPELLED. HIS GRUBBY CRIMINAL and Mates above, from Page 288, stole their Fathers Will, prior to his passing and stole everything, and cremated him, against his Will. EG Extermination.

Tuka and his FRAUD Mates.... from Page 288 here.


TRUTH is on its way.
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