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Re: One more bites the dust

McIvor will not get his hands on the Super money... Additional complaints have been made to ASIC and due process has to be followed in terms of holding Public Examinations... If Hall Chadwick had been doing their job these examinations would have already have been instigated and statements of financial affairs obtained from McIvor...

Interesting to see that Hall Chadwick has backed off on the court action in regard to their fees... The Four Corners expose has been in the works for some time and will be explosive on Monday night... ASIC and all the characters involved will be exposed for their negligence in protecting investors...

Good luck to Hall Chadwick in collecting their fees after this especially given the fact that they promised on 2 occasions not to claim the fees from the innocent elderly investors...

Four Corners FINALLY

Four Corners FINALLY the truth will come out... A few people will be shaking in their boots prior to Monday Night...

This will be an explosive expose which will lead to prosecutions... ASIC will have political pressure put on them in an election year... It's time for Abbot and Gillard to finally make comment on this and what they will do about it..

It will become a political issue given the fact that Billions have effectively disappeared...
Re: Four Corners FINALLY

I think it also might have the potential to scare existing managed fund investors out of their investments as well as the potential to dry up interest in investing in managed investment funds.

Some years ago, ASIC commented on "tweeking" (I think that was the word) between more and less regulation - ASIC seemed fearful that more regulation would dry up investment while less regulation would mean more investor losses - well, it seems ASIC mightn't have any choice now, I'd guess the "knob" will be "tweeked" towards more regulation: Clearly less regulation has meant far too many investor losses.

ASIC tried to keep the "knob" at less regulation by spruiking education.

ASIC does not like playing with its "knob" - once it's got it where it wants it, it wants to keep it there.
Re: Four Corners FINALLY

ASICK, very true however this policy has let a number of "Knobs" do what they want in the industry...

Monday night will be a watershed moment, which will expose what these spiv's especially the ones from the Gold Coast have done to innocent retiree investors... It’s the medicine these crooks need, as well as put the boot into ASIC... ASIC were warned about McIvor and given damning evidence some years back, yet refused to do anything... Look at the end result. Those concerned should be fired from their cushy Public Service jobs and banned from ever holding such positions in any government organisation again.

The fact that tens of millions of dollars was loaned to McIvor's mate King Con is evidence of a system which nurtured individuals like McIvor and deals like the one in Ipswich where untold millions were gambled and lost at the expense of the weakest in our community "The Elderly"... The People that McIvor has forgotten and the Australian Government abandoned... Where is Swan and Gillard now, or will it take 4 Corners to wake them up again...

Countdown to Monday Night...


FOUR CORNERS won't shed a whole lot of light on the Mcivor Shell Game. The real depth of that Fraud is the relationship between all the parties that created the scheme and stood to gain from rorting it. The corrupt parties are..lets just say "when a fish stinks it stinks from the head down"

All these people will lie through their teeth to protect themselves at any examination, you would be naive to think otherwise. The Butcher MCIVOR, The Baker the VALUER and The Candle Stick Maker KING CON and the rest of the thieving Developers that Jacked up values and contracts so to rip money from the Piggy Banks of Retirees. In any event the insurance policies on the directors won't pay out on Fraud so Piper won't be keen to go down that path for fear of not being paid and remember if in fact they do proceed to court they are paid first from and funds recovered. Rightly so, but even self interest reins here.

I suppose it's not fraud if they were given the tools to legally do it ,,, let me think which authority has oversight here.

HC were appointed By Mcivor to ET in the last minutes of its rein of infamy. Clearly they HC were able to see where the $600-800k went whether accounted for or not. As administrators they could have Traced the funds, put a hold on them or clawed them back....... Even the last $xxxk that went to Guardian Capital Partners,,,,of which $xxxk went to Stacey. Yes people talk especially when they are treated badly and not paid. So I suppose it can be assumed that that's what's being paying the rent at Salerno..Retiree's super funds to the rescue.

I will bet $10 that it's the same bunch of funds used by Mcivor to kick start HC's friendly administration.
Why is it that Mcivor as Sole Director of Landsolve Associates Pty Ltd and it's Sole Shareholder ET are out there trading and ripping off more people. What does HC and ASIC have to say about this.
So retiree Super Funds paying Mark and Stacey's rent on Salerno St hey... If that's true then that's disgusting. If Hall Chadwick allowed this to happen without taking any action to claw back the funds as you mention then that's beyond belief...

Retiree investors are really getting the blood sucked out of them on all fronts... Hall Chadwick want to get paid for fees they promised they would never seek payment from the funds yet have let this travesty of $600k to $800k slip sideways to McIvor. Then instead of doing anything about it they just report in their findings as well as have the temerity to say that McIvor refused to provide a statement of financial affairs as required to do by law... How convenient for all involved... No wonder all and sundry are sceptical about how Hall Chadwick have conducted themselves and yet they have the gall to seek close to a MILLION DOLLARS in fees from the very people that have been decimated by their appointor. The way they are going about it is also extremely underhanded, remember that on 2 occasions they promised not to seek payment from the funds, then in a smoke and mirrors move without any consultation and or basis for going back on their word they make application to the court to determine whether they can be paid from the funds... David Whyte was absolutely correct in exposing this duplicity in his report below.

Here is a challenge, I dare them to go to the Supreme Court after Monday night and try and pull the wool over eveyones eyes... David Whyte will definitely challenge them, investors will protest outside the court and I am sure the media will be merciless in their coverage.

Does "All Bran's" word at 2 public meetings mean nothing ???

Read David Whytes's take on Hall Chadwick's actions below:

Para 2.3 Page 6 - 20130104 - 10th Report to Investors.pdf

tonights the tonight - everythings going to be alright.... NOT!

tonights the tonight - everythings going to be alright.... NOT!

And what did we learn from this, nothing we didn't already know before. Scum always rises to the top and no one wants to touch it. So Mcivor will slip down the drain taking millions of dollars with him while we all go down the drain.
I DON'T THINK SO!!! Let's see who squeals when put in the box. Drill Wife Stacey with a Top Gun QC and see what she gives up, as a one time director to Equititrust she is fair game so let's see where the money is and how it got there.


tonights the tonight - everythings going to be alright.... NOT!

Perhaps they are planning a whole series on Equititrust and it's ringleader for later .......NOT!!!

Expected nothing - and nothing was what we got! So what's new?????
I agree Racey Stacey needs to be put into the box... The courts and ASIC have a spotlight on them now and it's time to line up the McIvor's and not let them get away with it...

Pariah's of the Gold Coast living on other people's money...
McIvor's Mafeasance

Wait till the whole Equititrust / McIvor story unravels in court... There are still things McIvor does not want to surface relating to his business and personal affairs... The rolling pins will be a flying in the new lair on Isle of Capri...

respected forensic accountant NIALL COBURN ex ASIC was the case officer leading the EQUITITRUST investigation I am told. He was impressive in the 4CORNERS expose. One can only imagine what he must have told them about EQUITITRUST and McIVORS. I would still watch this space - BUT isnt this all so agonisingly slow!!!

ASIC Chair MEDCALF looked like a rabbit in the spotlight - whilst Peter Drake simply took control.

Kostag, at least for the video, it was Trilogy who contracted with the ex-ASIC lawyer (not accountant):

"A former special investigator and senior lawyer at ASIC, Niall Coburn, was contracted to investigate the LM Managed Performance Fund by a rival fund manager that is fighting to take over some LM schemes on behalf of disgruntled investors."

Yes, I agree with your comments about Medcalf and Drake. Maybe Drake would do well as the head of ASIC?

Medcalf looked like a goose... The problem with his appointment is the fact that he is a banker, some may even replace the b in banker with a w. He is so removed from these issues that he simply does not understand the environment which needs to be established to give ASIC teeth. it is a toothless tiger which has stood by whilst innocent retires the country over have been decimated...


My take on Drake was entirely different, sure a bit of false bravado in his driveway but take a closer look at his face and body language he is definitely shook up by the cameras being in his face. This is what is needed and should have happened to McIvor at an early stage.

Now if Drake has all the answers to appease his investors and ASIC great, if not at least there is a spotlight on him and his companies... To say that they were doubly regulated is a joke... But anything to get the money in right, the beachfront homes don't pay for themselves...

What is it about all these guys and luxury mansions, is it an inferiority complex ???
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