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Re: Gold Coast Train Wreck

From that article and in a nutshell:
A few words of interest for those with mortgage fund investments. When a mortgage fund tries to act like a bank and lend funds to developers, there is a fundamental flaw in the model.

When we invested, the model was different. And a word to Mark - if ya wanna play with the big boys, ya better know how to play the game. The banks may have stuck it to you, but you were well and truly bent over!
Re: Gold Coast Train Wreck

Very good summation... Don't pretend to be a big player when your not...

Michael West was proven right once again...

Another McIvor Home on the Block

Another McIvor Home on the Block
Quentin Tod
Gold Coast Bulletin
19 November 2011

Page 48 Business with Quentin Tod

" The so-called McIvor mess has widened further, with Equititrust founder Mark McIvor's mother losing her Southport house amid an apparently hostile relationship with her son.

In regard to his mother’s Palm Beach Property the Bulletin writes:

"Caveats put on the property by Mark were removed by a Supreme court Judge in September. Court documents show the caveats were put on without Janice's knowledge."

There is also mention of the impending move to have McIvor Bankrupted...

Wow, I'm speechless... It seems the contents of the court documentation is slowly seeping out...

Hostile relationship with your mother ??? OMG

There is also mention in the Article about McIvor suing his brother and sister last year ???

Eye watering stuff...
Mum and Son at War

What a shocking article... The testimony from McIvor's mother is gobsmacking...

Imagine speaking to your mother like that... It's good that the real McIvor is being exposed in open court...

These bully boy tactics have been going on for years...
Bombshell Headline Courier Mail

Janice McIvor tells court of shock at how much she owed after son Mark got her to sign $22m in mortgages
Emmaline Stigwood
Gold Coast Bulletin

November 20, 2012

Janice McIvor (centre) outside court. Source: The Courier-Mail

"I was shocked ... I owed the bank $22 million," she said.

Mrs McIvor said she now had no relationship with Mark after the two argued when she discovered the situation, got her own legal advice and refused to hand over the Woodgee St property.

She said she was in hospital at the time, having had a hip replacement.

"He just lost it (and) said he'd never speak to me again," Mrs McIvor said. "His language was unspeakable and as he went to leave I said I just want Woodgee St back unencumbered and he said 'you'll be effing lucky' and slammed the door."
More Revelations

As the court cases proceed there will be more revelations to come...

The trial will run for another 3 days and then will come the Bankruptcy Proceedings followed by the Class Action and possibly more legal action by the receivers and liquidators acting on behalf of the banks...
Cartoon in Today's Courier Mail

Mark McIvor has published a novella in which he is the hero. Source: The Courier-Mail


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Mother and Son at War - Previously Soldiers in Arms

What’s interesting in all this and something the Supreme Court and Westpac's Lawyers needs to ask is; How could McIvor's mother not know... Did she live in Wodgee Street, or in Brighton Parade House Number 1 or House number 2... She was shuffled around willingly like a deck of cards... Where did she actually live ??? How many homes can you live in at once... There is more to this than meets the eye and that is why Westpac are pursing it... They are not fools

When she moved to Brighton Parade House Number 1 daughter Janine and family moved to the Wodgee St house much to the chagrin of Marky Boy and racy Stacey... "Say sources very close to the family"... Mummy McIvor was also planning to leave the Wodgee St home to daughter Janine and Wayne... Again to the chagrin of Marky Boy and Racy Stacey...

Whilst the spoils of Marky Boys nefarious activities were being shared by the "pack" all was good, living there rent free, but make no mistake all were aware what was going on. This shell game has been going on for years , bare trust structures used and penalties paid to the Office of State Revenue for transfers out of mumsies name when convenient. Why don't Westpac seek documentation from the Office of State Revenue... This may shed light on the fact that some were not as ignorant as they now say...

What’s happened now is that there is no meat left on the carcass and the pack has turned on each other... Strange Animals Do Come Down to Drink... But they're all related...
Mark, the soon to be Bankrupt!

I am sooooo soooooo Happy to see that Mark Mcivor will soon be a Bankrupt!!!! This will bring great joy to me over the Xmas Period

I hope that Mark has a fantastic xmas, and a happy new year (as a Bankrupt)!

Hear hear!
Re: Mark, the soon to be Bankrupt!

Many will have the same sentiments given the revelations unfolding at the moment...

I am sooooo soooooo Happy to see that Mark Mcivor will soon be a Bankrupt!!!! This will bring great joy to me over the Xmas Period

I hope that Mark has a fantastic xmas, and a happy new year (as a Bankrupt)!

Hear hear!
Mi oh Mi ... what's McIvor up to now?

Mi oh Mi ... what's McIvor up to now?

November 21, 2012

Ben Butler
Sydney Morning Herald

"HIS property empire has collapsed, $260 million of investors' money is in peril, the corporate watchdog is asking hard questions and even his mum doesn't seem too impressed with his behaviour

Janice told the court she signed paperwork ''because I trusted Mark'' but the two fell out after she found she had signed $22 million worth of mortgages and guarantees.

ASIC has also fallen out with McIvor. It raided Equititrust's offices last December on allegations he improperly used his position for personal benefit to the detriment of investors and did not act honestly with borrowers.

Read more:


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Information Memorandum Pulled from Website

Looks like the Information Memorandum has been pulled from the Mi Guardian Fiduciary Website !!!

Was it ASIC ? Was it legal threats from people who were named as partners without consent ? Whatever it was its gone...

After Ben Butler's Denamning Article in the Sydney Morning Herald this morning, as I predicted in a previous post, McIvor's delusional bank is dead on arrival... The Media are have a field day at the moment...

Enlisting brother in law Bock Turner as a willing participant brings back memories when wifey Stacey became a director of Equititrust when no one else would after all the directors abandoned the company... Have these people got Stockholm Syndrome???
Mi Guardian Fiduciary

Luckily I have a copy of the idiotic document, read this and weep:

Key opportunities and outcomes

To achieve our goal, Mi Guardian Fiduciary proposes to invest in opportunities promoting and facilitating priority outcomes, as follows:
1.The re-engineering of finance and capital solutions capacity to regional communities to provide a multi-discipline service delivery, with particular focus on boutique law firms as an infrastructure component.

2.The regeneration of market competitiveness through aggregation of boutique independent providers of retail finance, commercial property, wealth advisory and mutual funds management.

3.The delivery of strategic legal and capital solutions to protect citizens, whose legal rights or financial position have been compromised by improper or unconscionable conduct of major banks or insolvency firms.

4.The aggregation of independent education and academic professionals to improve options for education delivery as a commercial business.

5.The provision of specialist advice to victims of corporate crime and misconduct.

6.Investment in environmental intellectual property providing commercially and socially positive outcomes.

7.Investment in human resource partnerships leveraging our skill base and capital management brand.

8.Long term investment in relationship with founding South Pacific partners.

9.Commercialisation of breakthrough intellectual property for the advancement of English as a second language and the elimination of illiteracy.

10.Building of a relationship of confidence and trust with indigenous communities with a view to accelerating ‘Close the Gap’ initiatives.

OMG, the delusion is beyond belief... How about helping the innocent retiree victims of Equititrust first...

This is playing out like a modern day version of Macbeth... The culprits as much as they try cannot wash the blood of their hands...

That story didn't have a happy ending did it ...
Re: Information Memorandum Pulled from Website

Nope! Sorry "No Trust". It is still online, just read the biggest load of bull.....! Hope there is someone at Asic who can actually read - not that it matters - they are not doing anything about it, are they? How can this be allowed to happen in this day and age?
Re: Information Memorandum Pulled from Website

Because ASIC is a toothless tiger... Remember they are Public Servants, between flexi-time and doing nothing, there is not much time for anything else, let alone stopping this farce...

Its a joke...

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