Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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Mad Hatters Fairy Tale

It looks like the Mad Hatters fairy tale is doing the rounds of the Gold Coast with much hilarity... How much time was wasted on this, yet the statement of financial affairs were not completed and provided to the liquidator...

There is a price to pay for everything... Every action has a reaction...

Now for Reality

Combined with the Legal action on foot by NAB and multiple receivers and liquidators, add to that the impending Class Action by Piper Alderman and then the Bankruptcy Proceedings being brought by Tucker... How much in legal fees will McIvor have to fork out??? We are talking in the hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars to defend these actions... If the non-payment of legal fees to Tucker and Nyst lawyers is any indication, I don't think too may law firms are lining up for work for which you are unlikely to be paid for...

Where will the money come from ???

Not from sales of the deluded fairy tale that’s for sure... :)
Bankruptcy Bid on Mark McIvor

Some of the innocent retiree investors who have lost their life savings, will be attending the Federal Court proceedings to Bankrupt McIvor...

King Con is warming the bench for his old friend...
Re: Now for Reality

Combined with the Legal action on foot by NAB and multiple receivers and liquidators, add to that the impending Class Action by Piper Alderman and then the Bankruptcy Proceedings being brought by Tucker... How much in legal fees will McIvor have to fork out??? We are talking in the hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars to defend these actions... If the non-payment of legal fees to Tucker and Nyst lawyers is any indication, I don't think too may law firms are lining up for work for which you are unlikely to be paid for...

Where will the money come from ???

Not from sales of the deluded fairy tale that’s for sure... :)

I couldn't stop thinking of this old adage:
McIvor Bankruptcy Proceedings

It seems the banks have had enough as well, and have joined in the proceedings enforcing the personal guarantees... Lets hope that some of that money that was transferred to related entities prior to the collapse of Equititrust is recovered...
McIvor Bankruptcy Proceedings

Once a Creditor's Petition is served and a hearing date set, does that prevent the Respondent from travelling overseas ?
Gold Coast Bulletin Article

Page 35 Gold Coast Bulletin 16 November 2012 "Bizzy bits" under the headline

Please Explain List, Mr McIvor

It seems one of the partners McIvor had listed on page 2 of the Information Memorandum for his new bank Mi Citizens Union knew nothing about it and wanted no involvement with the venture...

They said Mr McIvor would be receiving a letter this week politely suggesting he take their name which had been misspelt off the document...

How on earth could he do this and list people who had not given consent to be involved... Spruiking for money like this is a clearly desperate move and totally misleading...

Lets hope an end is put to this delusion once and for all...................................
More Media Coverage

Expect more media coverage on a national level...
Nice money - but they have to earn it
Michael West
Sydney Morning Herald
November 17, 2012

Illustration: Michael Mucci.

MacGyver could blow up a terrorist camp with just a small tube of nasal spray, a turkey baster and a shoelace.

McIvor would think MacGyver a chump for relying on so many props. McIvor blew up EquitiTrust and the savings of a thousand pensioners with nary a pair of tweezers and a roll of duct tape.

In vivid prose McIvor debunks the vile claims of his assailants that EquitiTrust's leverage and reckless lending to the likes of the twice-bankrupt Gold Coast ex-plumber known as King Con were to blame for the demise of his fund.

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More Media Coverage

And there is it... Michael West of the Sydney Morning Herald gives it to McIvor or is it MacGyver with both barrels and in the process tears him a new one...

The Cartoon (another on to hang on the wall of shame) is a stinging indictment of what he did to innocent retiree Equititrust investors whilst now spruiking to to raise funds...

Michael West
"That's correct, the word is he may be asking other people for money so he can wrest back control of the thing he already blew up. That is flair."

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More Media Coverage

The media as I predicted have jumped on the story about McIvor's new fairy tale of delusion as well as impending bankruptcy proceedings... Innocent citizens have also contacted the press about being named as partners in the new bank he is spruiking without their knowledge or consent...

I mean seriously enough is enough...
Re: McIvor Bankruptcy Proceedings

As predicted...

Everyone has really had a gutful...

Time to put an end to this farce and put the culprit in his place once and for all...

Bring your pop corn, this has been a long time coming, however it seems that Equititrust investors may get some justice after all...

Dont be surprised if other creditors pop up to support the action...
Sydney Morning Herald

The Sydney Morning Herald Article is getting lots of circulation . Michael West has summed it up nicely...
Gold Coast Train Wreck

Gold Coast Train Wreck

Michael West of the SMH predicted this a long time ago... And he was right...

You can call journalists whatever you want but when your wrong your wrong... Writing a stupid book blaming everyone else may make the culprit feel better but it does not change history or who was actually to blame...
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