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Billions lost, elderly exploited

Billions lost, elderly exploited
Niall Coburn
Financial Review
7 November

"Equititrust, City Pacific, MFS, LM Investments, Banksia Securities and many more have all proved to be a dog of an investment. Corporate investigations have revealed that the investment model of such schemes was in many cases materially flawed, lacking the right risk and compliance strategies."
Dog of an investment

Not only was Equititrust a dog of an investment, its time to round up the dogs who ran it and put them in the corporate pound...

Niall Coburn is right and clearly exemplifies the dilema facing "innocent" retiree investor's... Look at the liquidator of Equititrust Hall Chadwick. Despite highlighting in their report as then administators that money was paid to entities related to McIvor without invoice prior to the collapse, what have they done to recover the money and or instigate legal action against McIvor.

McIvor is living the high life in a rented mansion on Isle of Capri with a driveway full of luxury cars whilst elderly investors starve and cannot even get a pension as a result of their poisonous investment in Equititrust...

When will McIvor get put into the Public Stocks he advocated for other failed fund managers ???
The Gold Coast Bulletin
9 November 2012

RSL Queensland bought both parcels – paying $2.497 million for 50 Jefferson Lane in July this year and $1.652 million for No.67 in June.
Both blocks of land were sold off by receivers after they were appointed to Mark McIvor’s company MM Holdings.

A deal is also believed to be close on another beachfront block owned by MM Holdings, No.51, with rumours a Palm Beach local is looking to buy the parcel for more than $3.5 million.
Invetsors Funds Plundered

From the above article it's clear where Equititrust Investor's money went... Exorbitant Management Fees equated to more beachfront dirt for Marky Boy...

The universe and Karma are a fantastic equaliser, with all properties taken away from him...
Loan Time

Will another bank or financial institution ever lend McIvor money???

Will another Innocent Retiree Investor ever invest their life savings with him again ???

You Have got to be Kidding- McIvor seeks to set up new bank with catholic priest

Page 99 Business today's Gold Coast Bulletin

McIvor is now seeking investors to sink money into a new bank called Mi Citizens Union and Associate Mi Guardian Fiduciary and contacted former business associates asking them to be involved... A company he has set up with retired Brisbane catholic priest Richard Pascoe

He plans to not to sit on the board or resume capital management directorship.... Ahhh would ASIC have something to do with this...

So after the Aboriginal smoking ceremony on Chevron Island the white haired delusional one has found god...

This quote is directly off the above PDF...

You seriously have to laugh... Is McIvor having a go at himself...


McIvor Mark II - Mi Guardian Fiduciary

Ok, have you ever read a website or an information memorandum where the founders or shareholders of the company are not mentioned ???

ASIC has to put a stop to this...
Mi Guardian Fiduciary

It looks like the "Former Business Associates" have contaced the Gold Coast Bulletin after being approached to invest in Mi Guardian Fiduciary
Re: McIvor Mark II - Mi Guardian Fiduciary

Ok, have you ever read a website or an information memorandum where the founders or shareholders of the company are not mentioned ???

ASIC has to put a stop to this...

Trouble is, ASIC is not a prudential regulator - so, if a manager loses investors' money, even negligently, providing the manager complies with ASIC's requirements as to form, there's nothing ASIC will do about it.

Everything in life is circular:
Mi Guardian Fiduciary

Ok after closer examination of the PDF here are all of those involved...

(the term “Partners” is used in a general commercial sense and does not include or intimate a partner within the legal definition of such word).

Richard Pascoe Chairman/Director Mi Citizens Union
Antoine Alcide Patron (South Pacific)
Joe Mamone Founder English Phoenetic Code
Bengt Hornberg Mutual Investment Banker (Europe)
John White Wholesale Financier
Karl Burnett Corporate Counsel
Mark McIvor Managing Partner
John Fox Mutual Investment Banker (UK)
Richard Hoffman GM/Director Mi Citizens Union
Brock Turner Director Mi Citizens Union
Guy Lane Environmental Banker
Alison Standfield Electronic Litigation
David Purcell Capital & Legal Solutions
Alyssa Paul Communication
Re: Mi Guardian Fiduciary

1984-ish, isn't it?

Who in their right mind will invest in this deluded Fantasy ???

No Australian with access to the internet... Even the mentally certified would steer clear of this...
Re: Mi Guardian Fiduciary

The only person missing of this list of partners is McIvors good mate "King Con".

Wayne McIvor (one time Equititrust director and employee, and brother of Mark McIvor) and his wife Judith Jackson (owner of Toscana) are the duo known as "No Trust". They also have links to other pseudonyms.

Aussie Stocks Forum provides the perfect platform for the duo;

a)They are NOT and never have been investors of Equititrust

b)Wayne McIvor was a director of Equititrust for many years and should not forget that he has ongoing fiduciary obligations and responsibilities.

c)They are determined to discredit Mark McIvor for the grand crime of being unable to continue to finance their unrealistic and indolent lifestyle.

d)Driven by greed and hate they have created over 1300 deceitful and dishonest posts, accounting for nearly half this entire thread.

While they use the internet to cause harm they are purposefully committing criminal offences. Forensic examination of IP addresses and email correspondence will expose them.

Their posts illustrate a very sad and pitiful existence. Needless to say Wayne McIvor should focus more on his continuing duties as an ex-director.

Stay tuned!
Thats hilarious... My eyes are watering at the moment... It looks like the family are eating themselves from the inside... Wouldn't have anything to do mumsies house being repossessed would it... The mind boggles at the extent of the hatred that these two have for each other...

Alas totally off the Mark...

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