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No More Marky Boy...


The "Pirate" and his first mate ol' Stace loved the spoils of wealth unfortunately it was built on the misery of others... McIvor made one critical mistake and in particular one enemy that vowed to expose him and take him down no matter how long it took... Mission Accomplished The authorities can do the rest...
Re: Embattled Gold Coast merchant banker Mark McIvor fights to keep art collection

They are fighting to keep their precious furniture and art collection paid for with our money, and the unit holders are fighting to keep food on the table, a roof over their heads and survive without their income! Bastard!

Good one Mark - you're a prince!!!!!!!!! Do you sleep at night? Do we care?
Courier Mail Article

The Courier Mail Article is quite humerous in that McIvor in various deluded emails is complaining about Ferrier Hodgson, Mallesons and NAB pursuing him. Unconsionable is the term he uses... McIvor abused the legal system for years using public money (not his own) and used receivers's to beat people into submission. What a fitting end to a bastard who does not give a damn about the elderly retiree's lives he ruined...

Your taking our oxygen Marky Boy...
NAB going for the Jugular

It looks like NAB will make quick work of this and obtain default judgments in the absence of defenses and will drag ol "Marky Boy" straight to the Federal Court and bankrupt him.

Wifey Racey Stacey looks like facing the same fate after Liquidator Gerry Collins is finished with his court action in regard to insolvent trading...

Looks like Bob Ell will have to pick up her share of the restaurant business as well once the courts are finished with her...
Shakespeare Tradedy

This whole saga is turning into a Shakespearean Tragedy of sorts...

There is more to come when the authorites get started on the two of them...

poor old Mark - he doesnt realise that 'trusted insiders' have all been feeding material to this web site for close to two years - each time he burned a new 'partner' they simply became another source of material.....

jewellery purchases, diamonds, delusional deals with the Aborigines, domestic bliss... Tricky Hickei and Honeypot Honeyman.... Allbarren...... . nothing has been held back....

see, the trouble is in when you have given everyone a serve over so many years, when the tables get turned, they turn very very hard..... there are lots and lots of people all with a little bit to add to this puzzle etc - this website has provided the forum to allow this to be done.....

and it is a long way from over yet... so much more comign down the line and going to media and authorities... the Banks who were ridiculed by Marky boy on his own corporate website, now have their chance to dish up revenge in spades....

they tell me Siberia has some cheap rental accomodation....

Senate Confirmation of the Search of McIvor's House

Below find confirmation that McIvor's house was searched by the police in regard to the ongoing investigation. This inquiry has not been completed yet with authorities now liaising with the multiple receiver's and liquidators as to the findings of forensic investigations. In addition to this the authorities are now waiting for the Public Examinations to take place...
Expose McIvor Inc

There are some real little pearler's coming to the surface now... Imagine the embarrassment when the neighbor's on Cronin Island saw the Police raiding the house and carrying out boxes etc... Oh the shame of it all...

Racey Stacey will never be able to show her face again at Bumbles... Oh hang on the banks have taken that too... Boo Hoo

Justice is slowly being done
The Rolling Pin's must be a flying' on the Isle of Capri at the moment... Its OK Marky's martial art skills will see him through and fend off any attack...
The banks will not put up with any of McIvor's nonsense... They have launched a massive attack and Malleson's are going for the jugular on their behalf... The art and furniture will now have to be revealed to the receiver's from its hidden location...

Pirates always like to bury their treasure ARGH...

What's next

What will happen this week ??? Seems to be a lot of action going on behind the scenes.
Process servers looking to serve legal documents , receivers uncovering buried treasure, the "Pirate" is going to have a very busy week...

Let's hope that passports are soon confiscated and travel bans put in place ASAP... Whichever way there will be no more overseas holidays...
POLICE RAID..... good stuff.....

was about time

where is ASIC now???

How Dumb can You Get ?

Here you have once dunce McIvor lending to another dunce Raptis and look what you get. Equititrust lent millions to Raptis and other failed developers and the results are self evident.

Look how smart Raptis was in the story below and it gives you an insight into the dodgy relationships and who McIvor lent to... Raptis was a mate just like "King Con" and that went sour too.

McIvor will never lend another dollar nor will any bank ever lend to him again in this lifetime... He's well and truly finished...
Re: POLICE RAID..... good stuff.....

ASIC have to move and make an example of this "Pirate"... Before he buries more treasure...

Most of the treasure must be well and truly buried by now! Don't you think?

Too much time gone by while ASIC , newspapers and TV programmes sit on their hands and do nothing to help!

Only person who seems to keep himself busy these days is Mr McIver! What with all these court appearances, managing his affairs, moving house - or is that houses? etc. etc. ................ nobody can say his hands would have been idle!
there is no-one he can trust

problem that Mad Mark has is that he has no idea who he can trust.... he will die when he learns where some leaks have come from.... some of his closest.......

McIvor's orginisation was leaking like a sieve, the employee's couldn't stand his temper outbursts, family, friends were all subject to abuse, legal action and the threat of it, leading him to be ostracized from every group of people surrounding him...

Look at the revolving door of directors and who was left in the end... Not a pretty picture...

But in amongst this group of usual suspects the one that really gave up the information is mind boggling to a point that McIvor will die when he finds out...


Lets see if "All Bran" is going to go after his mate McIvor as promised. The report after the meeting is well overdue...

Investor's want to see some action against McIvor for the enormous amount of money thats being spent. If nothing happens immediately in terms of the Public Examination then"All Bran" and his company should be removed.
They let him go and did not pursue him when he refused to provide a personal financial statement which is required by law... Now is the time to act or lose all credibility...

How about an update on this "All Bran"...
Chirp Chirp

The Liquidator has gone all quiet again... What's going on...

Time for an update "ALL BRAN"... Are you pursuing McIvor or giving him another pass. Take a leaf out of the NAB's book and go for the jugular...
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