Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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This matter has been bubbling along for some time now:

It's fun isn't it?

There are ALWAYS three POTENTIAL options for recovery:

1. The manager/receiver brings an action on behalf of the fund (with or with a litigation fund);
2. Members get together in a class action; and
3. ASIC comes along and sues on behalf of members.

Members are able to bring a class action (3), but there's a cost - from 25% to 40% of proceeds plus recovered costs, the percentage may increase over time, and on appeal. This path is sure but access to evidence is not sure.

The manager/receiver might bring an action on behalf of members - this is not sure, but possible - sometimes the manager might want a slice of the action (eg. Trilogy's proposals to PFMF members on 1 September 2010 included an attempt to grab 20% of any future proceeds - see The fund may have to outlay costs (no litigation funder) and the fund may assume the risk (no litigation funder), but on a win, the outcome is much much better for investors if the fund runs the matter without a litigation funder. The fund will recover legal costs. Access to evidence is not a problem.

ASIC might bring an action against certain parties including certain directors, but might not seek damages for members of the fund, and the other hand, it might (see Storm - it may, it may not). This path provides maximum return for investors, with zero outlay. Whether investors are able to have confidence in ASIC is quite another thing altogether - ASIC might not proceed as far as investors might like it to.

What do you do? Do you join up with a class action and pay a fee? Do you wait for the manager/receiver to make a decision? or do you wait for ASIC?

What do you do if you join up with a class action, and then ASIC comes along? of if the manager/receiver comes along?

What do you do? There is no certain path, but there SHOULD be. This should not be a guessing game - it should be certain - but, it's not!
Incestuous Gold Coast

Its interesting to see that McIvor made the list of 32 Failures on the Gold Coast featured in the Gold Coast Bulletin. When you read thrugh the list you can see how many were Equititrust borrowers. An incestuous little cirlce of dirty dealing that finally caught up with this little club of deceit.
Equititrust and McIvor shouldn't be on that list. The other people on that list actually build stuff! McIvor just buys it!

Raptis Group
City Pacific
Craig Gore
John Fish
Dudley Quinlivan
David Cherry
Mark Howard
Con Nikkiforides
Brett Currey
John Quinn (The OC @ Exit 35)
Bob Sukic
Graeme Ingles
George Lee
Robert Fraser Scott
Equititrust (Mark McIvor)
John Marshall
John Dalley (Monterey Keys)
Bob Morrison (Lifestyle Resorts Australia)
Resort Corp (Peter Madrers and Paul Brinsmead)
Larry Matthews
Charlie Freriechs
Rod Lambert
Mark Tonge
Solmac (Stephen Solomons and Duncan McInnes)
Susanne Rae Percival
Noel Gordon
Samtay (Cameron Davis)
Ron Wright (Miami One)
Ray Group
Bruce Barclay
Craig McDermott
Dean Cornish
Out of Towners
Tom Manassa
Mick Bezzina
Meridien (Russell McCart)
Another Gold Coast Shonk hits the dust today

This buddy of McIvor hit the dust this afternoon. Now what's interesting here is Issakidis's wife is the sister of "King Con's wife Jo. Seems like a dirty little cicle on the Gold Coast and they are all going down.

Mcivor too may get a knock on the door one day soon and be hauled off in the same manner for his sins. The Issakidis investigation took 7 Months. The investigation into McIvor has just started and involves a lot more money belonging to innocent retired people...

What will those Computer Servers reveal...
Equititrust and McIvor shouldn't be on that list. The other people on that list actually build stuff! McIvor just buys it!

LANDSOLVE undertook approx 25 projects, every single one failed and given Landsolve is Mcivor and will forever be associated with him, credit should be given where due. Mcivor has built one thing that is uniquely his, a REPUTATION FOR DECEIT AND DECEPTION. Don't count the delusional one out just yet, he is an accomplished salesman and conmeister and where there are " old people " he will be circling looking for a way to pick their pockets.
Retirement Homes

Maybe all retirement homes should be warned about McIvor's amazing track record.. He should get an award from the "Magician's Association" for making so much money disappear without the aid of a wand...

Some people have the Midas touch, this disaster has all the hallmarks as the McIvor touch... The future benchmark of failure " The McIvor Touch"

it's like he's cursed... He might get the indigenous brothers out again for another smoking ceremonly... The authorities may be doing the smoking from now on...

You have got to admire a scamster who is an equal opportunist...especially one who treats all money as equal, so it is with Mcivor and his desire to relieve our Indiginous Brothers of as much of it as possible. Mainlanders or Islanders, Australian or PNG are all fair game as he weaves his way through these communities with the help of his corrupt partners. It will take the authorities intervention to prevent this. Go Landsolve or maybe you should rename it Landfill.

It will need more than a smoking ceremony to wash the stench of the Mcivors off the coast.......maybe sheep dip is the answer.
Time Out - ASIC

A Time Out by ASIC is seriously overdue... As with McIvor's old buddy Issakidis who was arrested yesterday, all assets which are subject to investigation should be frozen. Is this process currently underway? Quite possibly from all reports, however due to the multitude of receivers and liquidators now involved it seems the banks are scavenging the carcass of the McIvor Inc. The banks have filed claims in the Supreme Court against McIvor and wifey Racey Stacey because they now know that there will be a shortfall and are going for the guarantor's on a personal basis.
THIS THREAD coming up to 2nd Birthday - will we hit 200,000 enquiries by then!

what a battle we have had - BUT without our work - EQUITITRUST would not have toppled and may have pulled off their McIVOR-KENNEDY Dec 2010 led fianncial rogering.....

I say - well done to all!

Kostag, a lot of the thanks has to go to you for starting this thread. Aussie Stock Forums has to also be commended for providing such great website. They also alerted readers when Equititrust tried to ambush the site with false postings last year. Great work in terms of transparency.

If it were not for this thread a lot more innocent people would have been hurt by McIvor...
Meridian's fallen continue to live the high life of waterfront dwelling. Thats appears about to change and very soon. Is that Billiecarts waterfront Tuscan inspired pile adjoining Conivors vacant block. Its on the Palm Beach waterfront and earmarked for auction. Why hasn't Jefferson Lane seen the boards go up earlier. Surely the love affair between these two cronies is well and truly over. how much unit holders money has been sunk into funding the catastrophe that is Meridian.

Time to sell up and pay up, though unfortunately with so many beach fronts for impending sale on this tiny strip, the CONIVOR and his rats are likely to create an over supply. That's 4 now and counting...
Public Examination

The Liquidator needs to act fast, and commence the Public Examinations of McIvor and Tucker...
Court Again !!!

My oh my, what was today's court appearance in aid of...

The onslaught has really begun and to think how poetic it is that his end will be inthe same judicial furnace he used incinerate innocent victims in the past...

Marky just wait the investors are throwing a lot of coal into that furnace it's going to get a lot hotter soon...
Rental properties

Rental Properties, that's a bit poverty pack Marky Boy...
Money Back

Isn't it time to cut all luxuries and give the money back to the investors who were ripped off... That would be too decent a gesture from these greed driven scumbags who's own self interest is paramount...
Re: Rental properties

Rental Properties, that's a bit poverty pack Marky Boy...

$330,000 to MM HOLDINGS AND $250,000 to GUARDIAN CAPITAL, both Mcivors companies. Money paid from Equititrust in February. I wonder whose money has paid for their the relocation costs and rental. More unit holders money expended on The Conivors Lifestyle. SOMEBODY MAKE IT STOP.

$400,000 plus on Mcivors puppet Albarran and $600,000 to Mcivor, $800,000 paid out of the company with no invoices to show for it. Does it get any better?????
Survival Money

This was nothing more than a grab for survival money... Which was highly illegal. McIvor's attitude is come and get it, possession is 9 10th's of the law.


How things will change over the coming weeks... This money may the straw that breaks the camel's back and sends our dear friend hurtling down an path of no return...

If the rented house can be traced back? They may be getting their marching orders from there as well...
Looks like wifey's previous divorce settlement from hotelier Andy Turner in Sydney may have to be put into use to support broke hubby McIvor... Hang on has it been spent already...
Bumbles Sold at a Massive Loss - KARMA

Marky Boy and Racey Stacey have been run out of Bumbles at Budds Beach and to add to the shame and humiliation at a massive loss...

To rub further salt into the wound, McIvor nemesis Bob Ell has bought it... Probably out of spite :) There was a famous incident between the two at Capital Bar in Main Beach where McIvor ran out of the place with his tail between his legs after a few choice words from Bob. Good on ya Bob you saw the writing on the wall way back then, that's why your a success and McIvor is an abject failure and laughing stock of the Gold Coast...

Many Happy Years at Bumbles Bob...
Bumbles Sold at a Massive Loss - KARMA

Are the dynamic losers Marky Boy and Racey Stacey down to the last few latte's...

Things are not at all looking good for them... The Banks will now be chasing for the shortfall on their personal guarantees... Go Westpac Go and take these scumbags down... This was innocent retiree investors money anyway...

Karma's a Bitch...
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