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Read the Story below about another Equititrust Borrower Craig "Dumb Cricketer McDermott" and what happened to his main lender in New Zealand after the collapse.


Scott Rochfort
April 27 2012

"A NZ judge yesterday sent the Bridgecorp boss Rod Petricevic to the big house for up to 6 ½ years over his role in the property investment group's collapse."

Read more:

"Justice Geoffrey Venning said Petricevic had not shown genuine remorse for actions including inducing investors to pump more cash into the company when he knew it was already in trouble. ''You may be sorry investors lost their money but that is not true remorse - you apparently still consider you did nothing wrong,'' he told the man Kiwis call ''the Pirate''." End Quote

Remind you of any "Pirate" we know on the Gold Coast... Carbon copy Equititrust...

It may take a while as evidenced from the above story but as the Equititrust / McIvor catastrophe is unraveled by ASIC, The Federal Police receivers and liquidators our very own "Pirate" will also be facing the same fate as his counterpart in NZ...

Don't get too comfortable at your rented abode in Isle of Capri because as your acquaintance Michael Issakidiss found out a few days ago the Fed's could be knocking on your door at any time... As Issakidiss said today as he was being extradited to Sydney "I didn't even know I was being investigated"...

Marky are you being investigated??? Question is how many agencies are investigating???

The Australian Taxation Office should also have a look at this...

Now if McIvor was the "Pirate" Tucker must have been the "Parrot"... Maybe that's why "All Bran" wants to Publicly Examine both of them in the Supreme Court...

After this is done its a matter of who will be changing the paper at the bottom of the bird cage because once they're in the witness box there could be a serious case of the 'runs' by both the "Pirate" and the "Parrot"...


The great thing about Parrots and "we have all heard the jokes", is that they sometimes overhear things that you don't necessarily want them to repeat in an embarrassing situation... Polly want's a cracker...

Lady Godiva and her business partner gave themselves a 10 year lease so they will be serving Bob lattes for may years to come. Hopefully Stacy has learnt a thing or two from her hotelier of the year husband, his passed down lessons would prove invaluable about now. The only thing the Conivor has taught her is how to enrich herself at the expense of others. That might prove difficult in THE BIG HOUSE

Is there talk of a disciplinary review for Stacey, the Legal Services Commission is not play school. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE THAT YOU KNOW YOU SHOULDN'T HAVe? Is it keeping you awake at night. Bet you wished you hadn't swapped a Prince for a CANE TOAD! Ironic isn't it?
The ex was a prince and didn't deserve 10 years of deceit...

Cane toads attract each other warts and all...

The problem for the business partner is Racey Stacey's interests will now be subject to court action and recovery... The business will be valued and sold by receivers, So it looks like the business partner has some serious problems on the horizon...


Whilst your emptying the change from your PETTY CASH TIN how about doing the unit holders a favour and throw some coins at the Quinlivin estate, that's up your alley and would be a big help to us. If you want to take King Toads throne there is always the bounty that is 6,7,8 and 9 Southern Cross Dr on Cronin..WESTPAC and BOQ would be happy to do a deal. You may have to fumigate the the joints after purchase and probably lobby for a name change to the Island given that Cronin is Synonymous with CONIVOR. Not many on the island would appose you.

Don't forget 51, 65,67 and 69 Jefferson Lane at Palm Beach...a nice stretch of PRIME BEACHFRONT. Have a chat to Westpac and Nab and make everyone happy.

You should still have change in the Tin to roll this wombat up and teach him the lesson his parents never did. RESPECT YOUR ELDERS
Thanks Bob Ell

Here here, respect your elders simple rule in life... Well Bob Ell taught McIvor a lesson a few years back as did a couple of other business partners... The scars are still there.

Well Bob being an elder statesman has really, shown McIvor what property is about and that CASH is KING... Don't think ol Bob is living in a rented house on the bones of his ass...

Is anyone surprised at the deathly quietness from the Administrator and the Receiver. The much hyped meeting comes and goes and nada from anyone. Best keep the OLDIES in the dark...... again. Why hasn't the minutes and resolutions been circulated. Plenty of correspondence when they want something....

Not in the least surprised at the silence, but understood them to say that all would be relayed via the Equititrust website, including numbers and explanations as to why all these votes were rejected!! They have had plenty of time!

Also they should inform people who were unable to attend that meeting what happened about the appointment as Liquidator !

Is this too much to ask?

What's the deal with "altered documents" and investigation involving the police... There seems to be quite a lot of talk about this at the moment...
Bunkered Down

So with a last grab of the survival money from the Company in February and not a home to live in the "miserable two" have taken their brood to Isle of Capri...

Feel sorry for Isle of Capri residents having to have these two in their midst. Property values are likely to fall within their vicinity considering the energy they carry around...
McIvor - King Con

McIvor is heading down the same road as his old mate "King Con" with banks, receivers and liquidators going for the jugular in terms of personal guarantees...

That rented "poverty pack" abode on Isle of Capri may soon be subject to questions as to where the money came from to pay for it...

The money shifted sideways by McIvor from Equititrust has to be accounted for by the liquidator... This is the innocent retiree's money not McIvor's survival money...

What's the Liquidator doing to investigate the allegations of fraud at Equititrust ??? Investors, Australian Public, Media would all love to know what is being done about our very own home grown pirate... ARGH


Have you worked it out yet, your like a big dumb sea slug caught in the nets. Everything you do and say is out there for everyone to see and hear. You will be explaining to the many receivers and liquidators and authorities your actions in attempting to deal with assets that you no longer have control of or the authority to deal with.

No one is going to do a deal with you let alone do one of your side deals that benefits you at the expense of others, and no one will help you do an illegal transaction. Your lone with that sport. AND WHY WOULD THEY WHEN THEY CAN DO SO MUCH BETTER BUYING AT ONE OF YOUR MANY MORTGAGEE AUCTIONS. Just ask BOB. You forget that you are despised to such an extent that EVERY SINGLE SHONKY MOVE YOU MAKE IS REPORTED. And given everything you do is shonky that's everything reported....FOOL. You might wish to share with your FAMILY, YOUR UNIT HOLDERS, "THE OLD PEOPLE" how much money you have access to in PNG or maybe what the other properties your out there peddling. When will the lights come on OH DELUSIONAL ONE ?? Don't you get it, you've been Sterilsed but very soon the authorities with the support of your fan club...will have you NEUTERED.
Authorities have to move in now, the "Pirate" has once again proven he will thumb his nose at authority...

He is totally deluded and can't come to grips its all over... He has no control and is in the hands of the receiver's, liquidators and the courts. A fitting end for a pirate... ARGH

Embattled Gold Coast merchant banker Mark McIvor fights to keep art collection

Embattled Gold Coast merchant banker Mark McIvor fights to keep art collection

Anthony Marx
The Courier-Mail
April 26 2012

"GOLD Coast merchant banker Mark McIvor is fighting to keep a valuable collection of art, antiques and furniture that remains a last vestige of his once lavish lifestyle."

"Mr McIvor has not lodged a formal defence in the case but court records include emails which clearly outline his position. He accuses NAB, Ferrier Hodgson and law firm Mallesons of "unconscionable conduct" in pursuing him and he blames NAB for wiping out $76 million from Equititrust's balance sheet"

"Liquidators of another entity controlled by Mr McIvor, MM Capital, have filed suit alleging he approved payments when the company was insolvent."

"Mr McIvor has not filed a defence in either of these cases."

Read the full story and you can see that both McIvor and Racey Stacey are in very deep trouble... The payments that were made were sheer desperation payments and a grab for survival money... McIvor has not even lodged a defence, which indicates he has no defence and has run out of money... The banks will get judgment and bankrupt both of them...

Great news...

Bankruptcy will be the last of the worries for Marky Boy and wifey Racey Stacey it seems that they have made some very dodgy financial transactions as detailed in the above article and the Liquidator of MM Capital Gerry Collins is suing them both in the Supreme Court...

Charges will now most likely follow...

Gerry Collins is going to rip the skin off both of them over this fiddling of the funds...

The race is now on as to which receiver - liquidator will Bankrupt them first...
Isle of Capri

The way in which the litigation is going its likely that they will be thrown out of the rented home in Isle of Capri if funds were diverted from Equititrust and or other entities in receivership - liquidation to pay for it...

When they are scrapping over furniture and art work with the NAB in court you know that they are now on the bones of their asses...

The banks will now be going for Racey Stacey's share in Bumbles Café with the "inflated" Kate Maddison... This sycophant needs to also go down with them...

What a fitting end to two miserable greed driven scum bags...
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