Re: Kostag - investor or failed borrower?
Again, you have not read the posts correctly. I replied to your question about whether I am an investor by making a statement that I have replied to your charge many times in this thread, and that you should go back and read my replies again - nothing has changed. Your question has been answered. My response was not a "question in reply to a question", but a statement which replied directly to your question.
Then I asked you about your bona-fides. You still avoid the question and have not answered directly. We know that anyone can post here, investor or not. However, you have inferred that you have an investment, without actually coming clean about your true position. You have made countless unsubstantiated allegations which fail the least investigation, and it is patently obvious that you have an axe to grind specifically against Equititrust.
Most people would come to this thread seeking some understanding about what is happening with Equititrust. The constant irrelevant untruths that have been posted here are distracting, until the reader grasps the worthlessness of much of the tactics and begins to skim the manure. If you are/were in fact a failed developer/borrower, it would put your posts in a proper perspective and your motives, as low and mean as they appear to be, would at least be understandable. Your refusal to declare your interest is deceitful, and your posing as an investor by inference is despicable.
To be taken seriously, one has to demonstrate integrity, rather than duplicity.
By the way, it was OZAB, not "OZAD". If we can manage to get the little things right, the big things will naturally fall into place.
you are a lawyer OLMAN.
You were asked what your relationship to EQUITITRUST was/is?
You answered by questioning me, which is fine.
My questions remain my questions.
Fact is - whether I am a BORROWER, a disgruntled INVESTOR, an associate of EITHER, really does not change the VALIDITY of the questions does it?
(Look what happended when some one raised some character called Dudley Quinlivin which it is alleged owes Equititurst some $50million or almost 25% of its entire asset base - we get two posts (one yours) about doctor sister vet dog smoking gun grassy knoll - what the hell? which we must therefore read simply as 'yes, Quinlivin is a current Equititrust borrower' (and we would bet must be in massive default)
However, if you are, as we are led to believe, a genuine happy well informed INVESTOR then your posted replies have some modicum of legitimacy. I suspect not.
Now, BUFFETMAN OZAD and others all claimed to also be happy, well informed INVESTORS etc and we all drew some comfort from that. But, guess what? They weren't at all, were they?
Now, we all give you the benefit of the doubt.
Fine, the real issue is not who you are? (which you wont disclose anyway- and that's your right I guess) or who I am. What if I am an unhappy client who is being sued by you. That would explain my vitriol, however would it change the content of the questions? It might just give me some insight into what is really perhaps going on and being hidden, and surely, this assists all people be they investors or members of the public about to tip money into Equititrust. On the other hand, if I am an investor, does it make my questions more or less relevant or poignant? Probably not. At best, it lets you say, these pesky questions are coming from upset clients? or failed developers? So what. Why dont you list the last employer of half the motley crew at Landsolve, and see what that list throws up. A list of failled lenders and property industry 'characters'. So don't scratch the veneer too hard.
One of many issues that is very relevant is that there are material false (sorry, false is maybe too strong) misleading disclosures which have been identified. Legitimate questions have therefore been asked by a range of the public - be they ASIC, Media, Investors and or Borrowers (who cares who they are). Everyone is attacked by Equititrust (and you, Ozad, Buffetman etc) - no answers though. Nothing changes.
Whilst EQUITITRUST continues to play with over $200Million of public money and adopt this bunker mentality to providing proper information irrespective of who raises the question, whatever their motive, whether Equititrust likes it or not, it is they who are open and will remain open to public scrutiny.
Not me my friend.
Then I asked you about your bona-fides. You still avoid the question and have not answered directly. We know that anyone can post here, investor or not. However, you have inferred that you have an investment, without actually coming clean about your true position. You have made countless unsubstantiated allegations which fail the least investigation, and it is patently obvious that you have an axe to grind specifically against Equititrust.
Most people would come to this thread seeking some understanding about what is happening with Equititrust. The constant irrelevant untruths that have been posted here are distracting, until the reader grasps the worthlessness of much of the tactics and begins to skim the manure. If you are/were in fact a failed developer/borrower, it would put your posts in a proper perspective and your motives, as low and mean as they appear to be, would at least be understandable. Your refusal to declare your interest is deceitful, and your posing as an investor by inference is despicable.
To be taken seriously, one has to demonstrate integrity, rather than duplicity.
By the way, it was OZAB, not "OZAD". If we can manage to get the little things right, the big things will naturally fall into place.