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Will the Administraitor resign on Friday??? Their reputation has received a hammering and it is clear they have a conflict of interest in continuing... Maybe ASIC should give them a gentle nudge...

What gets me is why "All Barren" by name and by nature, lied at the last meeting and said no fees would come out of the income funds... Is it because he though he would get the $2.8M in Management Fees reversed...

Well their scam backfired on them and now David Whyte has sent them a bill instead...

Lets see how he answers that question at the meeting.

Is "All Barren" that desperate for work that he had to lower himself to McIvor's level and deal with him... The Administraitors look like idiots now, who have their own self interest at the forefront of all of their objectives...
Piper Alderman - Amanda Banton

Me thinks the fast footed Amanda Banton has something up her sleeve for the meeting on Friday... Problem for the idiots, McIvor and his stooge "All Barren" they just don't know what to expect and from where...
Miserable McIvor's

Why don't all the "Miserable McIvor's" show up at the meeting on Friday including Mummy McIvor- (Front Woman) and others holding property on trust for McIvor... this is not their property it is the property of the investors and court orders will be issued to stop them dealing with any proceeds...

Investors will not hold back on what they think of these deplorable scum bags who have stolen investors money and then converted it into properties held on trust for McIvor...

It's no wonder McIvor won't fill out a Personal Declaration of Assets, if he does he ends up incriminating himself... These would have to be the most despised people on the Gold Coast...

Goodbye Cockroaches, have fun when the banks kick you out of the properties funded from deceiving the weak and the elderly...
Mr Albarran

AS WEDNESDAY ADDAMS SAID IN THE LAST MOVIE " BE AFRAID...BE VERY AFRAID " if I was you, I would be very afraid of Grey Power. Come Friday you and your company will be forced to answer questions about your CONFLICT OF INTEREST IN THIS MATTER. Enough has been revealed by Whyte and others to show Mcivor and Stinky's complicity and more on you will come out now.

PLEASE EXPLAIN why Mcivor has an unsecured debt of $10mil and as such is a significant creditor with serious voting rights come Friday. Why has that debt be allowed. Did he provide a proof of debt, did you allow it, and isn't it true that through related party loans he borrowed from the COMPANY some $15mil that he hasn't paid back. Explain your position here because you will be DRILLED on it at the meeting
It's a scam, and "All Barren" is participating... There should be no proof of debt allowed to McIvor or related companies until he fills out the personal asset declaration... You simply can't have it both ways. Everything is so inextricably linked that any competent insolvency practitioner would have said no proof of debt will be allowed until you meet your statutory obligations

Don't Believe Anything

Don't believe a word these scumbag liars say at the meeting tomorrow. Watch the video below and see what Equititrust / McIvor was promising at last years meeting...

The Administraitor has been proven to be dishonest by promising not to expose the funds for any Administration fees and now as David Whte has exposed they are now wanting the retiree investors who have been savaged to pay for fees relating to the change of the RE etc... Who needs them anyway, David Whyte is the only one that is needed and remember that McIvor appointed the Administraitor... What does that tell you... They have also let McIvor off the hook by not demanding he complete his Personal Asset Declaration... How many more sins is McIvor trying to cover up by doing this... All of this on the Administraitor's watch...

Getting any Sleep

It will be a sleepless night for some tonight... The glare of the Media Spotlight may be too much tomorrow...

Maybe the threat of process servers at the meeting may put off the Miserable McIvor's from attending. They are all welcome though, as Investors have a few things to say to these crooks...
Don't be surprised if things are not as they seem, level one of the Chevron Pile is all lights blazing with all the co onspiritors hunkered down together..rats at play but the traps are laid.

Crooks of a feather plot together... Pity there will be a few surprises at the meeting today... No personal declaration no vote...
Teach Them A Lesson

Investors have had a gutful of McIvor's deceit and the Administraitors obvious cooperation whilst gouging fees... The combination of McIvor and "All Barren" is nothing more than an elaborate scam on investors as David Whyte the court appointed receiver has exposed...

They need to be taught a lesson today, if McIvor does have the balls to show up its most likely gong to be the last time elderly investors get to see this scumbag face to face before he goes underground being the coward that he is...

Last chance to teach them lesson...
No Fees

Don't approve ANY fees for the Administraitor as they have a clear conflict of interest and have protected McIvor all the way through... Stands to reason he appointed them and anything that is connected to McIvor ends in a disaster... Don't believe me ask his own family... Looks like blood is not not thicker than water... If he screws his family then what chance have investor's got...
Re: It's Over

It's over today Marky Boy

Good morning World.
Another day in paradise. Today will have much significance because today is the beginning of Mcivors ACCOUNTABILITY. By voting against the Mcivor Appointed Administrators renumeration package the onus to pay them is the companies directors responsibility as they personally indemnified them. That means CONIVOR SCHTINKY AND HONEY POT must ay from funds in their possession. That would be the $330k and $250k they ripped from the company in its time for the rats to pay the piper.
And so the end is near and be in fear Mcivor... The big house is not a waterfront
MAD MAX FUHRERBUNKER: DTZ for sale signs have gone up - MORTGAGEE SALE!

these Hall Chadwick boys are masters of spin....

dont let them beguile you today

IF they WIN, dont worry - the MEDIA frenzy will then start

what is this property worth?

who owns it?

can we get recovery from its sale ???
Re: MAD MAX FUHRERBUNKER: DTZ for sale signs have gone up - MORTGAGEE SALE!

these Hall Chadwick boys are masters of spin....

dont let them beguile you today

IF they WIN, dont worry - the MEDIA frenzy will then start

Well, administrators still in, money on its way! Reduced to $400000!!

Mr Whyte still there. McIvor no show! Deloitte suggested -voted down!

Biggest schemozzle. Couldn't organise a chook raffle!!!! More to follow - Bring on the media but don't think that is going to help. Obviously some people still love McIvor!!!!!!!!!!

it is a well known fact - that some people when confronted with a situation where the logical consequences are simply too horrible to contemplate - they simply go into denial.

If you are an EQUITITRUST investor with $1 in the POT and McIvor and other liars suggest to you that there is some way, any way out - you grab at it..... because the alternative which David WHYTE and other honest advisers are telling is that it will probably pan out at 20cents in the $1......

faced with almost cetrian financial wipe-out for some poor investors - anything looks good!

This will drag on over years - investors die, move on, lose heart, lose the will to fight, hearts broken, throw it a death in the family - you get used to it - . a small group (minority) will fight the good fight.... without support Banton will throw it in..... McIvor will slide through the net..... seen it too many times - he just has to drag this out for as long as he can ..........

I can tell you now - there wont be 20cents in the dollar left.....

Exactly my worst nightmare coming true. These scumbags have had this lined up for years.

Feel sick after today, about 100 people there. Piper's proxies not accepted - why????. Old fellow in front of us had no idea what was happening. How did Deloitte not get backed? How does Hall Chadwick manage to scam the fees?
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