Re: EMR - Emerald Oil and Gas
EMR's central Bakken/three forks acreage is as good as proven acreage, which would mean that EMR is trading significantly less than current 1p reserves NPV.
These are well figures from marathon energy who is adjacent to us, in central dunn county - or about ~%33 of our leased acreage.
Kovaloff 41-17H:
- IP rate of 763 Bo/d.
-20861 barrels of oil have been produced in first 56 days. (56-day IP rate of 373 Bo/d)
Kovaloff 34-8H:
- IP rate of 1064 Bo/d.
- 22350 barrels of oil have been produced in the first 51 days. (51-day IP rate of 334 Bo/d)
Kovaloff 14-9H:
- IP rate of 1184 Bo/d.
-25492 barrels of oil have been produced in the first 67 days. (67-day IP rate 380 Bo/d)
State Kovaloff 11-16H:
-IP rate of 949 Bo/d.
-18445 barrels of oil have been produced in the first 51 days. (51-day IP rate 362 Bo/d)
Verlyn Strommen 34-8H:
- IP rate of 426 Bo/d.
- 6179 barrels of oil have been produced in the first 37 days. (37-day IP rate of 167 Bo/d)
Anderson 44-23H:
-IP rate of 1270 Bo/d.
-39993 barrels of oil have been produced in the first 80 days. (80-day IP rate of 500 Bo/d)
Good Bear USA 21-14H:
- IP rate of 1137 Bo/d.
- 37555 barrels of oil have been produced in the first 78 days. (78-day IP rate 481 Bo/d)
Good Bear USA 31-14H:
- IP rate of 1221 Bo/d.
- 12824 barrels of oil have been produced in the first 23 days. (23-day IP rate of 558 Bo/d)
Boy Chief USA 11-15H:
- IP rate of 830 Bo/d.
- 11967 barrels of oil have been produced in the first 29 days. (29-day IP rate of 413 Bo/d)
I have worked out the averages -
Average IP rate - 983 BOPD
Average days on production - 52
Average flow rate at average days on production - 396 BOPD
Note : these figures include no gas.
Currently Marathon's EUR's for Hector/Ajax leases are 500 Mboe, this represents some pretty impressive economics for a company the size of EMR especially.
Reserves estimate -
I have counted 14 drilling units in central dunn county or about %33 of our total 43 drilling units, which equates to 3465 net acres.
Using recent industry practice well spacing and EUR's for that area i have calculated the current reserves -
Key parameters -
- Middle bakken well spaccing : 320 acre
- Three forks well spaccing : 426 acre
- EUR : 500 MBOE
- NPV(10) : $13.50 per boe
- Fully diluted : 1,084,828,992 shares
10.8 net middle bakken wells = 5,414,065 MMBOE
8.3 net three forks wells = 4,066,901 MMBOE
Total - 9,480,966 mmboe
Current NPV(10) = $115,193,736 or SP of 0.094c representing %135 of upside from current prices.
It is a well known fact that the well production drop's off the further south you go which would mean that the remaining % of EMR's land will likely have lower EUR's than 500 Mboe but no doubt will still be very economical land. Note : my calcs only take into account the relatively proven land around marathon's.
Buying before the obvious becomes officially obvious = $$$
This is'nt investment advice.