I know a bit about shares in general but would like to try some trading in 3-6 months to make some quick profits and also maybe invest for the long term. In the meantime, what should I be doing to fully educate myself? I am currently reading the book "Rivkin's Introductory Guide to the Sharemarket". I will sign up for ASX shares game, read and sift through the good information on forums like this one, read other books and daily newspapers and learn as much as I can with information available online including the online course on ASX's website. Any other suggestions? I intend on starting slowly with 5-10K with strong blue chips and then look at higher risk shares as time goes by. With the prospect of losing my job (again), I am fed up with working for someone and am open to the idea of just doing this fulltime from home. My mortgage has been paid off and I am well educated so I have no doubt about my ability to achieve. Any input would be appreciated. My first post done.