Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Educate yourself - there is a threat!

It's Snake Pliskin said:
Red is in denial!
I guess I must be.
Hopefully other readers cn tell me about the intifada in Australia, and perilous threats of nazism in another guise.
Fear and war are the best growth tools the west has.Fear will keep the consumer spending and war is great for resource growth.Now anyone with Fox news would have seen the hit job on the world in the build up to the Iraq war.Keep them in fear and overload the coverage.The charade is slowly unravelling and rational people can see that.To counter this we will hear sensational claims to keep fear in our minds.A bomb will go off here and there in the world but the U.S is that dominate in world affairs there will be no invasions as we are told by some right wing pollies. :p:
rederob said:
I guess I must be.
Hopefully other readers cn tell me about the intifada in Australia, and perilous threats of nazism in another guise.

Intifada (also Intefadah or Intifadah; from "shaking off") is an Arabic term for "uprising".

After the alleged racist riots in Cronulla the result was destruction of property and the bashing of "aussies" who were identified as "aussies". There were subsequent happenings not reported by the media.

Red do you support the banned group that my thread is about?
petervan said:
Fear and war are the best growth tools the west has.Fear will keep the consumer spending and war is great for resource growth.Now anyone with Fox news would have seen the hit job on the world in the build up to the Iraq war.Keep them in fear and overload the coverage.The charade is slowly unravelling and rational people can see that.To counter this we will hear sensational claims to keep fear in our minds.A bomb will go off here and there in the world but the U.S is that dominate in world affairs there will be no invasions as we are told by some right wing pollies. :p:

I guess it takes all types to keep the world going round ....

Im curious thou, How does fear keep consumers spending ? I dont get that, Im not scared, Im sure my neighbour isnt either but we keep spending what we normally do ??

And Resource growth ? You mean like because of Iraq the worlds using heaps more Iron and copper etc ? I dont get it.

Maybe thats why they call us Infidels ?
numbercruncher said:
I find it quite fascinating that some of these organisations such as Al Qaeda can be shown to be the lineal descendants of Nazism.

A few highlights.

During WW2 the Grand Mufti Of Jerusalem, Al Husseini was the head of Hitlers SS Hanzar division.

Al Husseini is a prominent member of the Muslim Brotherhood, the parent of Al Qaeda.

Yasser Arafat was enrolled into Hussenis services services in 1946.

Saddam Husseins uncle and Guardian Kharaillah Tulfah formed the Arab league with Al Husseini.

SO nazism never really died, and these guys unfortunately where fed and helped at times by Western countries in there fight against communism !

Not to mention the application of Mein Kampf as a text for the study of Jihad.
petervan said:
Fear and war are the best growth tools the west has.Fear will keep the consumer spending and war is great for resource growth.Now anyone with Fox news would have seen the hit job on the world in the build up to the Iraq war.Keep them in fear and overload the coverage.The charade is slowly unravelling and rational people can see that.To counter this we will hear sensational claims to keep fear in our minds.A bomb will go off here and there in the world but the U.S is that dominate in world affairs there will be no invasions as we are told by some right wing pollies. :p:


Please go beyond the hype and conspiracy stuff you believe in. Is it so that the US is the only threat?

the reality is the US is not an ideological threat to you. The banned group WHICH THIS THREAD IS ABOUT is. Look beyond the sensational headlines that Nizar et al. PC brigade and apologetic 20 somethings who have no perspective on history and how to learn from it, choose to believe.

Once again this thread is about a group that is influenced by a religious cult.

It is not about ordinary, REAL muslims.
It's pretty simple really, you blow a country up you need resources to rebuild it and you must employ your own companies like Hallibuton.Now look at credit card debt over the last five years and how much its risen.If people dont see a bright future they have less in the back of their mind to save for. Thats human nature.
The Catholic country of Phillipines suffers from a small militant Muslim population willing to kill.
The Buddhist country Thailand has recently gone almost in to war with their small Muslim population after continous attacks.
Britain had their recent bombs.
Islamic people were recently arrested in Australia planning their attack.
And don't look at Africa.

A pattern is forming.
petervan said:
It's pretty simple really, you blow a country up you need resources to rebuild it and you must employ your own companies like Hallibuton.Now look at credit card debt over the last five years and how much its risen.If people dont see a bright future they have less in the back of their mind to save for. Thats human nature.

They blew up a whole country wow, what country did they blow up?

So whats Credit card debt got to do with blowing up countries again ? Im not sure what your saying, do you mean that YOUR credit card is clocked because YOU dont see a bright future?

Is this country, where ever it is, thats been blown up, stimulating the world economy? Maybe thats why there was a property and share boom over the last few years?

Im not sure about saving or not saving being anything to do with human nature, but it sure seems like Paranoia is part of some peoples Human nature.
It's Snake Pliskin said:
Look beyond the sensational headlines that Nizar et al. PC brigade and apologetic 20 somethings who have no perspective on history and how to learn from it, choose to believe.

Once again this thread is about a group that is influenced by a religious cult.
It is not about ordinary, REAL muslims.
what the!!? lol . I havent even posted on this thread lol.
Maybe you should be discussing any problems you have with my posts on the relevant thread. :2twocents

PS I recall saying that Kaysar Trad was worth having a discussion with - to see where he stands on all this. Do you disagree Snake? - Or would you prefer to class him as "other than a REAL Moslim"?
Snake I have an idea,

I have lots of "20 something" middle eastern mates, muslim and christian

I can arange a meeting so that you can voice your concerns,

Snake I have an idea,

I have lots of "20 something" middle eastern mates, muslim and christian

I can arange a meeting so that you can voice your concerns,


Why do people in a multi racial society such as ours describe their "mates" as middle Eastern and not Aussies?

Should non middle easterners be also descibed by there different ancestory such as Irish, English, Indian, New Zealander, Indian, African, Chinese, etc, Welcome to the real world boys, skin color and ancestory dont matter (or shouldnt). Being an Aussie that respects the norms and other people is what matters.

2020hindsight said:
sure there's a threat! - question is, why are we filling up the fire extinguishers with petrol? :2twocents
Great question :2twocents
numbercruncher said:
Why do people in a multi racial society such as ours describe their "mates" as middle Eastern and not Aussies?

Should non middle easterners be also descibed by there different ancestory such as Irish, English, Indian, New Zealander, Indian, African, Chinese, etc, Welcome to the real world boys, skin color and ancestory dont matter (or shouldnt). Being an Aussie that respects the norms and other people is what matters.

:confused: I have a few friends who are not racially an 'Aussie', ie have recent heritage from another country. Their nicknames are Pommy, Kiwi, and even a Paddy. So, yes, they are, it's the way of the world. I'm sure they are proud of it too.....
kennas said:
:confused: I have a few friends who are not racially an 'Aussie', ie have recent heritage from another country. Their nicknames are Pommy, Kiwi, and even a Paddy. So, yes, they are, it's the way of the world. I'm sure they are proud of it too.....

But if they are born here surely they are Aussies ? Your ancesters are perhaps Paddys, but do your mates call you paddy ?

Theres alot more 20 somethings of Middle Eastern ancestory than of Middle Eastern birth around the place and surely the ones born here should be called Aussies , no ?
Re: Educate yourself - there is a threat!

Indeed. Terrorism has always been with us and always will. They should be dealt with accordingly (petrol laden fire extinguishers don't work too well.

But they are not all Islamists. Here is a list of named NON-Islamist terrorist groups active in the last 10-15 years (with a couple surreptitiously added by yours truly)

However it doesn't suit "them" to mention these.

Khmer Rouge
Manuel Rodriguez Patriotic Front (FPMR)
National Liberation Army (ELN)””Colombia
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)
United Self-Defense Forces/Group of Colombia (AUC-Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia)
Revolutionary Nuclei (RN) a.k.a. Revolutionary Cells
Revolutionary Organization 17 November (17 November)
Revolutionary People's Struggle (ELA)
Morzanist Patriotic Front (FPM)
Kach and Kahane Chai
Aum Supreme Truth (Aum) a.k.a. Aum Shinrikyo, Aleph
Chukaku-Ha (Nucleus or Middle Core Faction)
Japanese Red Army (JRA) a.k.a. Anti-Imperialist International Brigade (AIIB)
Continuity Irish Republican Army (CIRA) a.k.a. Continuity Army Council
Irish Republican Army (IRA) a.k.a. Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA), the Provos
Loyalist Volunteer Force (LVF)
Orange Volunteers (OV)
Real IRA (RIRA) a.k.a. True IRA
Red Hand Defenders (RHD)
Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path)
Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA)
Alex Boncayao Brigade (ABB)
New People's Army (NPA)
Army for the Liberation of Rwanda (ALIR), a.k.a. Interahamwe, Former Armed Forces (ex-FAR)
Revolutionary United Front (RUF)
Basque Fatherland and Liberty (ETA), a.k.a. Euzkadi Ta Askatasuna
First of October Antifascist Resistance Group (GRAPO), Grupo de Resistencia Anti-Fascista Premero de Octubre.
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) Other known front organizations: World Tamil Association (WTA), World Tamil Movement (WTM), the Federation of Associations of Canadian Tamils (FACT), the Ellalan Force, the Sangilian Force.
The government of the United States of America

Some of these are not a concern to us, but in all honesty, the ones with most impact on our way of life are listed at the bottom