Found this in the Australian today:
Peak Hill back in business
THE Peak Hill gold mine near Meekatharra was originally owned by Grants Patch Mining (66.6 per cent) and North Broken Hill's exploration arm Geopeko.
Grants Patch was then taken over by Forsayth, which was subsequently swallowed by Plutonic Resources, which then fell to Homestake Mining before that US miner succumbed to Barrick Gold.
North Broken Hill became North, and then part of Rio Tinto.
Low gold prices forced the mine to close in 1997, during the Homestake and North joint ownership, and Barrick and Rio have never been interested in reopening the mine because it's just too small.
Barrick and Rio decided recently to sell the operation and Montezuma Mining Co put in a $1 million bid, as much as it could afford, never thinking for a moment it would succeed.
No one was more surprised than the Montezuma team when Barrick and Rio accepted, Montezuma believing it was the cash-on-the-nail offer that won it for it and that the two majors just wanted to get rid of Peak Hill.
The mine produced 920,000oz during its operation and there is a Joint Ore Reserves Committee resource of 184,000oz apart from some low-grade stockpiles.
Montezuma chairman Denis O'Meara believes it can drill down 500m and find some serious high-grade ore that would justify going underground, an enthusiasm not shared by investors who marked the stock down sharply.Exploration fatigue,25197,22193660-18261,00.html