Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

E25 - Element 25

It is a pretty impressive move! wish i could of been on it from the start.
Mr brother mentioned them earlier in the year, not sure if he got onto them though.!

'Such is life'
It is a pretty impressive move! wish i could of been on it from the start.
Mr brother mentioned them earlier in the year, not sure if he got onto them though.!

'Such is life'

MZM seems to have broken out quite well. With experienced management and good prospects, more investors must be catching on with its interesting story.
The rock chip and drilling assays are due any time now... This may be what is pushing the price up.

If the news is good, the limited market cap may help MZM rocket to new levels. Its hit .35 with now news, where will this be with good newsbeing announced??

This is one i will hold for a while and see what develops.
Found this in the Australian today:

Peak Hill back in business

THE Peak Hill gold mine near Meekatharra was originally owned by Grants Patch Mining (66.6 per cent) and North Broken Hill's exploration arm Geopeko.

Grants Patch was then taken over by Forsayth, which was subsequently swallowed by Plutonic Resources, which then fell to Homestake Mining before that US miner succumbed to Barrick Gold.

North Broken Hill became North, and then part of Rio Tinto.

Low gold prices forced the mine to close in 1997, during the Homestake and North joint ownership, and Barrick and Rio have never been interested in reopening the mine because it's just too small.

Barrick and Rio decided recently to sell the operation and Montezuma Mining Co put in a $1 million bid, as much as it could afford, never thinking for a moment it would succeed.

No one was more surprised than the Montezuma team when Barrick and Rio accepted, Montezuma believing it was the cash-on-the-nail offer that won it for it and that the two majors just wanted to get rid of Peak Hill.

The mine produced 920,000oz during its operation and there is a Joint Ore Reserves Committee resource of 184,000oz apart from some low-grade stockpiles.

Montezuma chairman Denis O'Meara believes it can drill down 500m and find some serious high-grade ore that would justify going underground, an enthusiasm not shared by investors who marked the stock down sharply.Exploration fatigue,25197,22193660-18261,00.html
Yep I just don't get it, if someone gave me 400% more of something, then I would be worth 400% more. Please someone correct me if I have it wrong:mad:
You could have a million percent more, but if its not economical to get it out the ground then it doesnt matter how much you have.

Never heard of this stock before, so that may not be the case, but is an examply of where a % increase doesnt actually matter
I may be mistaken but isn't MZM's exposure tot his project through a 16% shareholding of another company?

If so then this may explain the lack in interest

In any event this company has some high quality poeple opn board, is tiny and has a good amount of cash with more to come from MIS (I think $5m more) so it should survive this downturn
Thanks for the replies, things are starting to make sense. Well I will just hold and see what happens in the near term.
MZM director increases holdings, a very good sign.

Marcel Mandanici buys 2.1m Montezuma Mining shares

Marcel Mandanici bought 2,173,415 Montezuma Mining shares, increasing from 1,800,000 shares (5.61%) to 3,973,415 shares (9.53%).

STOCK DASHBOARD: March 27, 2009

Montezuma Mining Company

Last traded March 26, 2009: 7.90c

Relative Strength (6 months percentile rank): 85.6

Market capitalisation: $3.3 million

Turnover volume: 41,230.0

Volume Index (1 is average): 0.8

Turnover value: $3,257.2

Turnover period: 3 years 4 months

Value of $1,000 invested 1 year ago: $718

Can MZM break its current trading range of 7.9 cents, its like groundhog day everyday of the week:bigun2:


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MZM is about to move north or south, check out the bollinger bands, squeezing is occuring so expect a move soon:D


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Surely MZM is due for a move anyday now, its been stuck for nearly a month at 7.9 cents. Getting sick and tired of waiting:banghead:
It won't move until someone either starts buying or selling psychic. And no one wants to do either. Any idicators are practically useless on a stock so thinly traded.

Perhaps you could tell us all about the tonnage they have and the % Mn and how that compares to other players? Is it OK, or does it deserve not to be traded?
Hi all interested investors in MZM. I've been watching MZM for quite a while now and particularly closely over the last month or so. A few points I like about MZM:

- a diversified range of exploration projects including gold, manganese and iron ore

- already moved into producer stage at Peak Hill where revenue from gold production will support further exploration of projects

- current market cap of $8.4M (@20c)

- tightly held stock with only 42M shares currently

- near term news:

* Peak Hill gold production to continue after Christmas and maintenance period

* Inferred Mineral Resource for Mount Padbury iron ore expected early 2010 ($4M cash payable to MZM on JORC resource of 10M tonnes grading min 50% Fe + ongoing royalty payable to MZM)

* Highly encouraging results to date from Butcher Bird Manganese Project. Tenement is under application and should be granted in near future with drilling to commence as soon as possible

* MZM holds 10M shares in Auvex Resources which is about to commence production at the Ant Hill manganese deposit

* Durack / Windsor project requiring follow up drilling after very encouraging drilling results of up to 11.7g/T Au. Very good ground holding in Naracoota Formation in relatively close proximity to Alchemy Resources Hermes Gold project together with some newly acquired ground in this area.

Anybody else care to make comment on MZM? I think it has potentially good upside in the near future.

Below are the highlights quoted from the December Quarterly Report (read the whole report for further detail):

• PEAK HILL (100%)
o Tenure increased over Naracoota Formation, which hosts
the new discovery by Sandfire Resources NL at De Grussa.
o Gold production continues to generate revenues.
• DURACK/WINDSOR (earning 85%)
o Significant gold mineralisation intersected in seven out of
twelve holes.
o Assays up to 11.7 g/t over a metre.
o Mineralisation is open, with further drilling required.
• BUTCHER BIRD MANGANESE (100% under application)
o Results up to 45.7% Mn with only 2.5% Fe from 22 rock
chip samples over a strike of approximately 8km.
o Tenement also contains Butcher Bird copper prospect with
historical grades of up to 20% Cu with gold and silver
o High grade haematite and goethite iron ore mineralisation
intersected with multiple holes ending in mineralisation
o Inferred Mineral Resource Estimate slated for early 2010.
o $4M cash payable to Montezuma on definition of a JORC
Resource in excess of 10Mt grading over 50% Fe.
o Mining approvals received for Auvex Resources Limited to
commence mining at the Ant Hill manganese deposit.
o Production scheduled to commence as soon as possible.
o Initial target production rate of 300,000 tpa of direct
shipping ore.
o Shareholding increased to 3M shares (approx. 9.39%).
Interesting .......... on a very flat day the buying action on MZM pushed the sp up and closed at 21.5c (up over 13%). Buyers were absent recently but starting to build again from 19-21.5c today.

I wonder if there is some news on the way? Mt Padbury iron ore Inferred Mineral Resource Estimate due in early 2010. If a JORC Resource in excess of 10Mt grading over 50% Fe is defined, $4M cash is payable to Montezuma. This would bring MZM's cash position to approx $5.47M with the current market cap only approx $9M (@21.5c). Another way of looking at this is that a $4M cash injection would add well over 40% to the current market cap value of $9M. If my calculations are correct this would equate to a rise from 21.5c to approx. 31c in relative share price value for MZM.

Lots of potential in other projects aswell as listed in my previous post. DYOR as always ..... good luck to all holders :D
I seem to be talking to myself on the MZM thread at present!! LOL

Anyone else out there on or following MZM or have an opinion ..... good, bad or indifferent??? :D
Very good announcement released today by MZM with key points as follows:

• Sinosteel Midwest Corporation Limited have defined a maiden
Mineral Resource Estimate at Mt Padbury of 13.3Mt @ 56% Fe.
• The Mineral Resource Estimate exceeds the threshold to
trigger the third cash payment of $4M to Montezuma.
• Under the terms of the Sale Agreement, the third payment is
payable on or before 30 April 2010.

This will give MZM in the order of $5.5M cash to support plenty of exploration that they have planned on a range of projects (listed in one of my previous posts). They have tenements very close to ALY in the Naracoota formation that could be highly prospective for gold. They also have highly prospective manganese and copper tenements where drilling will start as soon as tenements are granted.

MZM is a current gold producer and will also earn a royalty on the iron ore from Mt Padbury.

MZM also have some very good investments in Auvex Resources (worth approx $3M) and Buxton Resources (worth approx $270k at present).

MZM have close to $9M worth of cash and investments alone! As of close of trade today, MZM has a market cap of approx $11M. This puts very little value on their prospective projects and in my opinion MZM is flying under the radar at present.......

Current share price is 26c with over half the buying depth sitting at 25c (couple of very substantial buy orders). MZMO options continue to be in the money at 20c Aug 2011.
Aussie Paul - all I can say is thank you. Read your posts, looked into the stock and bought in back in April. 50c.

Fantastic results and an exciting ride ahead.