Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

E/P, EPS and REG ratio


cap′ital stock′
1. the total stock authorized or issued by a corporation.
2. the book value of such stock.

So ... when will we discuss what's important or not?!

I am ready to learn more!
... - Retired??? How shares can be retires??? ...

If I want your money, I sell you a share and take the money.
Things change (especially my control in my own company!)
so I try to buy back your share.

If buyback is successful, I no longer need that share, so I retire it?

So ... when will we discuss what's important or not?!

I am ready to learn more!

Hello burglar,

How are you and how is your garden today? I think these are important things too!;)

I realized that I may need some more basics. So, I decided to go thought the courses on ASX website.
I started a longtime ago but things were too abstract at that time. After discussing with you guys, I am starting to have a better idea about hole concept. So I am hoping that I might be able to go through further with the course.
I am sure that I will be back very soon with more questions as I will be stuck very soon :D

Hopefully questions will be tougher!! So, be ready, mate!:bier: