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Drunken Rant Thread

While i agree it isn't gender neutral, amongst younger people (as far as i am aware and going by my own experiences/peer group) saying 'guys' when addressing a group isn't specifically talking to the males, its the same as saying 'Hi All'
Not in that demographic myself, but I have noticed this also. Count me as an offender, I have for a long time used 'guys', meaning it to be completely gender neutral. Shows how careful you have to be I guess.

Traino you are a crack up sometimes, stay away from eBay.
I've been think'n....

I'm going to get me one of those VW Transporter vans. I'm going to deck it out real good. Black carpet on on the roof, maybe a few reading lights and a spot to put my IPad to watch movies. But most of all I want one of those really commfy beds - one of those latex numbers. What I'm getting at here is that this van will be comfortable.

When I've finished my crap job, I'm going to drive that van to some peaceful beach and spend a few days there away from **** teanage kids, whining wives and just have some me time.

Phillip Island surfing one week, Portland Tuna fishing the next- who cares.

Ahhhhhh - that's the life
Man, you are gonna regret that post when you wake up in the morning ....... not about the **** teenage kids or the whining wife ... I mean about the VW Transporter comment. Heaps beter vehicles out there to do it in style.

I personally would go for one of these:-

And then there is the 4wd version:-


About the only thing I regret this morning is calling that random asf poster an egg head - sorry buddy.

Those cars look way too flashy, If I was sleeping in it I'd be scared that Cowes or Portland street kids would wreck it. I don't think I'd be able to enjoy surfing or tuna fishing cause I'd be too busy thinking about the car.

Transporter is the go.
Not sure if the VW Transporter is the go in this current climate. You could be mistaken for one of those nasty terrorists parking the big white van anywhere near a government building or worse yet ...... whenever there is a case of a child being abducted they always seem to be using a BIG WHITE VAN.

Maybe a good old Kombi wagon might be the go?
I remember in the 70 we all went to a club in Bundaberg and we all ended up as full as a centipede sock draw, pre DUI days, I woke up at some AM hour and we were all sleeping in the car, parked in the middle of a foot ball field I got out to see what happened and found out we had a flat so I jacked up the car and changed the tyre let the jack down only to find out the spare was flat as well , turns out some one else had done the same thing a few hrs earlier found out it was dud and got back in the car .

Another time I woke up with two black eyes and trying to remember the night I work out I was closing one eye to drive and stop the white lines from going in all directions I would then close that eye when it blurred and open the other one.

Another time in a R AA F boozer a mate who had a weak stomach grabbed the mop to clean up some vomit as he was cleaning the malodour's over powered him and he made a bee line with his hand over his mouth for the door, the door was close and as he hit the glass he fell backward and proceeded to vomit all over himself, some one else grabbed the mop as the rest held out stomaches laughing.

Also found out if you don't smoke dope when driving to leave the windows down or may as well have a puff.
simply anticipating!

I was gunna have a rant but I forget what it was about?

I'd be happy to have a rant on your behalf, but I'm not actually drunk, so I'll have to rant in a sobriety thread instead.
Will be having a dry January.
I don't think that my liver can take it much longer, lol.
O.K here we go.
Why the hell didn't this useless inept government decide on harnessing and useing our abundant water in the north.
No instead they decided we will put in high speed broadband, so the population can watch us go down the toilet, live on the internet.LOL
On the other hand, it may have been because the government is so full of p!ss and wind it would have contaminated an irrigation project.
My christmas rant.
Wat do we want?
A cure for Tourettes!!

When do we want it?

**** **** **** ****
Not exactly drunk but the day is still young. My rant is along the lines of why do people feel it is in their best interests to comment on my life/personality/relationships/kids blah blah freakin blah when if they looked in their own backyard swimming pool they would find it afloat with Bondi cigars.

Unless it is direct intervention for obvious reasons then keep ya lip zipped IMO.

My opinion for what it's worth! ( a happny maybe! I'll settle for a solitary yen! What! Still NO takers!!)
I always thought it was because humans generally don't like to own their own faeces and some are too primal to restrain their urge to disown it by deflection onto others!

In reality they're subconsciously delivering a compliment as their angst will generally be directed at people they envy!

Opinion noted with due respect. I was looking at it from this praecipe ... that for some singular reason in their tiny pea brains that as they have no converse skills that they resort to ultimatum dialogue rather than constructive analysis?

As a matter of fact I do prefer an island to a continent. Point taken
I can't think of a rant tonight as there's been no boats for 5 weeks so I'll just have another beer.
I agree with you doc, there really isn't much to get excited about at the moment.
Maybe the adults are in charge again.
It's great to go for a night out and not have everyone talking politics, for a change.

You can now get drunk without an arguement. yeh
Re: PEN - Peninsula Energy

indeck, "It's better to be lucky than smart"...

Buy.......your time to be lucky has arrived; you can be smart later when the smoke clears.

Love Zub.
Hey fellas, I hope all are well.

Had some drunken yabber on my home forum tonight. Supported an invidual who claims to be a top t/a lad. Once top gun.

So drunk we exchanged phone numbers.

Long story short. After an hour of drunken yobba on cellphone chat, a legend for some years I once thought (not El Capo), is actually some loser. Chatted to others, now Im banned. Am I angry? You bet. I supported this chap. He was knowin as a legend. Ive chatted to him, he is a complete tosser, and most think he is a top gun trader.(probably cause he says he is) I deleted many posts on several threads before moderator reinstated some posts on the particular thread. All my posts supported this chap. Yet I get banned. Stuff them. Stuff them all. That's it. Im gone. F..ken losers.

I am so disillusioned with this bloke I thought had high intellect, stuff the previous forum "" and thread"music on sharetrader, cast your opinion"

Due to this incident of discussion with an individual I had grown to believe is highly intelligent but actually dumb, I am not contributing anymore to forums. This crazy has my phone number. He was asking my middle name. He wanted to be like me. The crazy tells me he is gonna kill himself. Actually scary to think of the individuals upon forums who claim to be smart.

See ya fellas
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