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Double Dissolution 2016

Shorten seems to have good policies, more health and education

Wouldn't want to fall sick if the current health system is in place.. will be paying for everything health related. First stop Pathology testing in June, next everything?
Maternity Leave and Family Tax Benefit are elephants in the room.

Labor defends, but the Coalition wants to wind back as middle class welfare, but plenty in the target group now consider it an entitlement. The usual suspects, upon whom Jenny Macklin has built a political career.

Negative gearing wind back = good policy ; protect Medicare = good policy ; double dipping Maternity Leave = not so much.

I might have to vote Glen Lazarus. But wait he's a QLD candidate, I can't even do that.
Shorten seems to have good policies, more health and education
And the funding?? Wayne Swan speeches about getting back to surplus are in the not too distant past. Conditions are not as favourable now. Basic mathematics really.
Very good. Just on balancing the budget and working toward surplus, who do you think will actually do it considering Labor is careless with the countries finances?

I think Labor is more likely to do it in a socially acceptable way. Records over periods of time indicate that spending as a % of GDP is lower under Labor than the Coalition.
I think Labor is more likely to do it in a socially acceptable way. Records over periods of time indicate that spending as a % of GDP is lower under Labor than the Coalition.
Okay but society has a greater penchant for debt than ever before so I wouldn't let the masses make sensible decisions . The masses will take as much money as the banks will let them have and it would get ugly when interest rates start to rise.
I think Labor is more likely to do it in a socially acceptable way. Records over periods of time indicate that spending as a % of GDP is lower under Labor than the Coalition.

Spending as a % of revenue is likely more relevant as spending as fiscal stimulus could change the GDP number.

I'd be interested in seeing this comparison that you mention.

A couple of POVs along with many more on that link.


10:00 PM on 30/05/2015

I think Fact Check needs a fact check. There are two figures you need to look at - budget deficits and net debt. There was no debt under the Howard Government. Labor spent like drunken sailors alright and ran up deficits and debt. End of story.
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pedro des

4:17 PM on 30/05/2015

Here is a fact. FactCheck is a biased extension of the left wing ABC and a waste of tax payer funds. How anyone with a memory could not characterize the Rudd/Gillard government as spending like a drunken sailor is delusional. Abbott is spot on.

The wasteful spending by the Labor government is why we now dont have the money in the bank to pay pensioners etc. Their handling of the GFC could be characterised as panic.

The money being wasted by the ABC on the santimonious "FactCheck" should be spent on gathering real news. Something other than lesbian gay happenings, Pedophile priest exploits and the never ending succession of handwringing journalists who seem to want to allow all of the economic migrants from the third world to escape to Potts Point.

How about the ABC investigate why the UN is promoting a vast waste of taxpayer funds in fighting climate change. There are real issues that seem to get no press attention at all because they do not match the left wing agenda of entities like the UN IPCC. Note to left wing made CO2 has very little green house forcing effect. Since 1998 there has been no change in global temperatures at a time of massive increases of CO2 by China and India. Given a choice I prefer global warming over a mini ice age that is being predicted as a result of sun cycles.



I was thinking you had something credible there for a minute.

I see the ABC's noon headline, something like "Turnbull cancels campaign events as leadership tensions resurface" is a crock of rubbish.

I used to love the ABC, when i lived here before it seemed truly unbiased. The labor party doesn't need to advertise as much now though, as long as they have the ABC. This is disgraceful, almost as bad as Fox in the US.

I have to listen to the likes of Ross Greenwood just to put some bloody balance back into things....what a f'in country!
Noco: The net position was no debt but Howard left office with debt but had money in the bank to cover that debt. Government bonds were still issued to maintain the Commonwealth Government bond market. Also to maintain high quality, low risk bonds for those that wanted such products.

So lets see your data that shows Labor spend more than the LNP.
So lets see your data that shows Labor spend more than the LNP.

Refer to the graphic, I'm sure i don't need to remind you who were responsible for the budget during this period.


  • aussie budget.PNG
    84.5 KB · Views: 47
Yes I can see Bubble Bill borrowing 100 million per day to pay for the we will do this, we will do that, we will be Australia's economic saviour B.S.
Do I have to remind you about the GFC ?

ohhhh ok...i get it now...silly of me really. Labor has had the awful responsibility of spending thier way our of each recession....wait, 2008 was not a recession here....oh, thats right they avioded the recession because they spent. In the end they still spent it...

Now, didn't the Liberals introduce policies to reduce spending, that were knocked back the the other house? Yet, still, they get "well you didn't do anything to reduce the deficit"

Hockey's $7 Medicare levy was never going to reduce the deficit, it was going to medical research. All very noble but not appropriate if they were trying to reduce the deficit.

And yes, we did avoid the GFC because of budget stimulus.
Hockey's $7 Medicare levy was never going to reduce the deficit, it was going to medical research. All very noble but not appropriate if they were trying to reduce the deficit.

And yes, we did avoid the GFC because of budget stimulus.

It wouldn't have mattered what the measures were, they would not have got through though would they?

And yes, we did avoid the GFC because of budget stimulus.

That's been demonstrated to be an opinion. There are other opinions that disagree and say that it was the resource boom that avoided the recession, i.e. China's stimulus..
That's been demonstrated to be an opinion.
Of course it has, but there are also conflicting opinions on your graph above. The whole argument of whether "surplus = good and deficit = bad" and if it's "fiscally responsible or not" has been done to death for a very, very long time.

You can't just say something like Government Spending to GDP is irrelevant but surplus/deficit positions are not. That's silly.
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