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Donald Trump - Business and tax stories

The audit itself is a complete fraud has been covered even the ABC's Planet America covered it pointing out what a pollical shonky it is.

Washington State snippets

In Clallam County, the ballots outpaced the population
R = 0.999 - Statistically impossible

Clallam County, WA.png

In Columbia County, the ballots outpaced the population
R = 0.996 - Statistically impossible

Columbia County, WA.png

In Ferry County, the ballots outpaced the population
R = 0.998 - Statistically impossible

Ferry County, WA.png

In Garfield County, the ballots outpaced the population
R = 0.995 - Statistically impossible

Garfield County, WA.png

Hang in there DB I am sure they will turn some thing up (not convinced so far) how ever nothing will compete with Republican gerrymander and the current / preposed voting law changes by Republican states the whole thing is extraordinary.
Hang in there DB I am sure they will turn some thing up (not convinced so far)

l'm showing you with evidence, directly, that the 2020 General Election was tampered with, and your 'not convinced'. Talk about biased and having the blinkers on.


Hang in there IFocus, something will turn up....if it suits you

Want to know part of the bigger picture, they will also tamper with Democratic votes too, as they see fit. Will be interesting to see your reaction when that happens.

This isn't left vs right, the system is rigged.
l'm showing you with evidence, directly, that the 2020 General Election was tampered with, and your 'not convinced'. Talk about biased and having the blinkers on.


Hang in there IFocus, something will turn up....if it suits you

Want to know part of the bigger picture, they will also tamper with Democratic votes too, as they see fit. Will be interesting to see your reaction when that happens.

This isn't left vs right, the system is rigged.

The US is well down the list on democratic elections / voting 45th or lower I think, it has always been rigged but the situation ATM is the Republicans cannot win without cooking the system which they do very nicely.

Trump lost by US standards fair and square the attack on the capital should put him in jail but then this is the US.
In Garfield County, the ballots outpaced the population
R = 0.995 - Statistically impossible
That is not what your chart indicates:

Ballots 1,500
Population 1715

I can't see any age group where the red line is higher than the black line, except those age groups where no black line is shown. Ditto for the other counties.

And this is evidence of what?

And even if there were anomalies, why would you say it is proof of tampering and not simple administrative errors, which always occur. Claiming tampering requires proof, which you have not shown. To date, almost all counting errors discovered by the proper regulatory authorities, errors like dead people voting, have to my recollection almost always been in favour of the GOP. And the biggest farce of all in your charts is that the data used is WRONG.

Perhaps you might spend some time reading the article linked to below. This is an extract:

Here, Dr. Frank is claiming that his algorithm almost perfectly predicts the number of ballots cast in Broomfield County in 2020. His prediction is in the green box, he predicted that 51,260 ballots should have been cast. In the red box is the number of ballots he claims were actually cast — 51,613. Dr. Frank believes 51,613 ballots were cast in Broomfield County in 2020. There’s just one problem — he’s the only one that thinks that! Both the Secretary of State and the Broomfield Clerk report that 47,103 ballots were cast. Here’s the link to the Broomfield Clerk report.

His estimate isn’t just off by nine percent, the number he’s using for verification is too! This isn’t an isolated incident, he’s using incorrect ballots cast figures as the basis for his entire analysis. You can’t get a real result when the underlying data you use is wrong.

Last edited:
Update on the criminal investigations into the Trump org.
Heading says it all but there is now a Grand Jury investigation and key figures in the Trump org have to testify

Nevada will also be starting the process to undertake a full audit like Maricopa County.

Will be like dominoes. Once one falls, the rest will too...
13 States are now gearing up to do full forensic audits, like Maricopa County has done, and now completed.

There is some news coming out of Maricopa County that they are short approx 200,000 ballots. Like l said many months ago, the 2020 Election was tampered with/rigged. It is now obvious and beyond any doubt.

Did you see Biden at the G7 yesterday? His dementia is really starting to show. Poor guy.
The audit itself is a complete fraud has been covered even the ABC's Planet America covered it pointing out what a pollical shonky it is.

Georgia audit documents expose significant election failures in state's largest county

Records suggest more than 100 batches of absentee ballots in Fulton County could be missing. Some experts see "election tabulation malpractice" as state officials seek to remove county's top election supervisors.
The revelations come as a state judge has taken the extraordinary step of ordering absentee ballots in the county unsealed so that a private audit led by lawyer Bob Cheeley can examine the actual papers and resolve discrepancies. Cheeley told Just the News on Wednesday the evidence he has seen so far points to "election tabulation malpractice."
Private experts and state election officials differ on whether the evidence shows a pattern of potential fraud or simply gross incompetence in the county that encompasses Atlanta.
But they are mostly united for the first time that the top election supervisors in Fulton County should be removed. Some officials are even discussing a dramatic intervention like putting the county's election system in conservatorship so it can be run by state, not local, officials.
"I have continued to call on the elections director to be removed from his position, and the leadership of Fulton County has continued to fail to act," Raffensperger told Just the News on Wednesday.
The secretary said he stands by his private monitor's assessment that fraud did not occur at a scale in Fulton County to impact the election's outcome, but he added the county's election management failures nonetheless warrant dramatic repair.
"It is no secret that Fulton has had issues in their elections department for decades, which is why I insisted on a state monitor being present to be eyes and ears on the ground," he said. "He did not see any evidence of fraud despite having full access, but he saw continued mismanagement, miscommunication, unpreparedness, and sloppiness. Georgia voters deserve better."
Fulton County election officials did not respond to repeated requests seeking comment.
Just the News reviewed the documents Raffensperger's office collected from Fulton County during a risk-limiting audit conducted last November. Among the problems those memos exposed:
  • More than 100 batches of absentee ballots — each containing approximately 100 or more ballots — were assigned tracking numbers before being sent to one of the five absentee vote-counting machines in Fulton County but are not subsequently recorded in the handwritten logs showing which batches were scanned and counted, raising concerns the ballots may be missing.
  • More than two dozen batches of absentee ballots were identified as having been double-scanned on the tally sheets.
  • Five sequential batches of absentee votes each appeared with the exact same vote count of 392 for Biden, 96 for President Donald Trump, and 3 for Libertarian Jo Jorgensen, a count that state officials admitted was a statistical impossibility.
  • Many control sheets for absentee ballot batches counted during the state's audit did not check a box indicating the ballot came from a secure container, raising the possibility that ballots were stored insecurely or that multiple batches of ballots were sealed in a single container.
An official working for Raffensperger, who reviewed the documents flagged by Just the News, said they were clear evidence of significant human failure in Fulton County's election administration. The official said, for instance, the identical ballot batches likely resulted in about 1,000 extra votes being tallied.
The official also said some of the gaps in the absentee ballots might be explained by mistakes in which county officials mixed absentee ballots counted by one machine for another. But he acknowledged other gaps in ballot batches defy immediate explanation and would require extensive investigation to determine if something more nefarious than incompetence was at work.
A second state official said the shoddy nature of the Fulton County paperwork left open the possibility fraud or other misconduct occurred. "An audit is only as good as the data that's input, and in this case Fulton County's records are so problematic I'm not sure a reasonable person can trust them," the official said. "When you add in the reports of ballots magically appearing under tables or being moved out of the counting center, there are legitimate outstanding questions."
The findings of the Just the News review closely mirror those of the private audit conducted by Cheeley's team under the judge's supervision.
A private fraud expert hired by Cheeley, the forensic accountant David Sawyer, specifically flagged scores of batches of absentee ballots that appeared missing from the documents and more than two dozen batches of absentee ballots that appear to have been double or triple-counted in Fulton County.
Sawyer said the fact that ballot batch numbers are missing from the Fulton County audit documents "contradicts the concepts of completeness and existence and accuracy" of the November audit, and "should have been readily apparent to anyone who is performing a reconciliation, let alone an audit."
"These need to be more fully investigated, and they indicate the possibility that there are missing batches that might not have been counted," Sawyer testified.
County lawyers who cross-examined Sawyer offered little explanation or pushback before the judge officially ordered all absentee ballots unsealed so Cheeley's team could investigate more deeply. That process is ongoing.
Cheeley told Just the News on Wednesday night his ongoing audit has now flagged many thousands of absentee ballots that haven't been properly accounted or suffer other serious problems.
"Fulton County's inability to account for so many batches reported from a November hand recount audit amounts to election tabulation malpractice," he said. "Anyone who can count should know that is unacceptable. This evidence produced in court on May 21 justified the audit which Judge Amero ordered of the absentee ballots and envelopes."
Georgia 01.png
Georgia 02.png


  • Georgia 01.png
    Georgia 01.png
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Georgia audit documents expose significant election failures in state's largest county

Records suggest more than 100 batches of absentee ballots in Fulton County could be missing. Some experts see "election tabulation malpractice" as state officials seek to remove county's top election supervisors.
The revelations come as a state judge has taken the extraordinary step of ordering absentee ballots in the county unsealed so that a private audit led by lawyer Bob Cheeley can examine the actual papers and resolve discrepancies. Cheeley told Just the News on Wednesday the evidence he has seen so far points to "election tabulation malpractice."
Private experts and state election officials differ on whether the evidence shows a pattern of potential fraud or simply gross incompetence in the county that encompasses Atlanta.
But they are mostly united for the first time that the top election supervisors in Fulton County should be removed. Some officials are even discussing a dramatic intervention like putting the county's election system in conservatorship so it can be run by state, not local, officials.
"I have continued to call on the elections director to be removed from his position, and the leadership of Fulton County has continued to fail to act," Raffensperger told Just the News on Wednesday.
The secretary said he stands by his private monitor's assessment that fraud did not occur at a scale in Fulton County to impact the election's outcome, but he added the county's election management failures nonetheless warrant dramatic repair.
"It is no secret that Fulton has had issues in their elections department for decades, which is why I insisted on a state monitor being present to be eyes and ears on the ground," he said. "He did not see any evidence of fraud despite having full access, but he saw continued mismanagement, miscommunication, unpreparedness, and sloppiness. Georgia voters deserve better."
Fulton County election officials did not respond to repeated requests seeking comment.
Just the News reviewed the documents Raffensperger's office collected from Fulton County during a risk-limiting audit conducted last November. Among the problems those memos exposed:

  • More than 100 batches of absentee ballots — each containing approximately 100 or more ballots — were assigned tracking numbers before being sent to one of the five absentee vote-counting machines in Fulton County but are not subsequently recorded in the handwritten logs showing which batches were scanned and counted, raising concerns the ballots may be missing.
  • More than two dozen batches of absentee ballots were identified as having been double-scanned on the tally sheets.
  • Five sequential batches of absentee votes each appeared with the exact same vote count of 392 for Biden, 96 for President Donald Trump, and 3 for Libertarian Jo Jorgensen, a count that state officials admitted was a statistical impossibility.
  • Many control sheets for absentee ballot batches counted during the state's audit did not check a box indicating the ballot came from a secure container, raising the possibility that ballots were stored insecurely or that multiple batches of ballots were sealed in a single container.
An official working for Raffensperger, who reviewed the documents flagged by Just the News, said they were clear evidence of significant human failure in Fulton County's election administration. The official said, for instance, the identical ballot batches likely resulted in about 1,000 extra votes being tallied.
The official also said some of the gaps in the absentee ballots might be explained by mistakes in which county officials mixed absentee ballots counted by one machine for another. But he acknowledged other gaps in ballot batches defy immediate explanation and would require extensive investigation to determine if something more nefarious than incompetence was at work.
A second state official said the shoddy nature of the Fulton County paperwork left open the possibility fraud or other misconduct occurred. "An audit is only as good as the data that's input, and in this case Fulton County's records are so problematic I'm not sure a reasonable person can trust them," the official said. "When you add in the reports of ballots magically appearing under tables or being moved out of the counting center, there are legitimate outstanding questions."
The findings of the Just the News review closely mirror those of the private audit conducted by Cheeley's team under the judge's supervision.
A private fraud expert hired by Cheeley, the forensic accountant David Sawyer, specifically flagged scores of batches of absentee ballots that appeared missing from the documents and more than two dozen batches of absentee ballots that appear to have been double or triple-counted in Fulton County.
Sawyer said the fact that ballot batch numbers are missing from the Fulton County audit documents "contradicts the concepts of completeness and existence and accuracy" of the November audit, and "should have been readily apparent to anyone who is performing a reconciliation, let alone an audit."
"These need to be more fully investigated, and they indicate the possibility that there are missing batches that might not have been counted," Sawyer testified.
County lawyers who cross-examined Sawyer offered little explanation or pushback before the judge officially ordered all absentee ballots unsealed so Cheeley's team could investigate more deeply. That process is ongoing.
Cheeley told Just the News on Wednesday night his ongoing audit has now flagged many thousands of absentee ballots that haven't been properly accounted or suffer other serious problems.
"Fulton County's inability to account for so many batches reported from a November hand recount audit amounts to election tabulation malpractice," he said. "Anyone who can count should know that is unacceptable. This evidence produced in court on May 21 justified the audit which Judge Amero ordered of the absentee ballots and envelopes."

Were they destroyed by the laser beam from Italy?
Meanwhile US persecutors are building a case on the entire Trump organization business structure.

The most signifcant part of the grand jury investigations is that the witnesses gain immunity. What is wanted is their testimony against the "big guys" .

New York grand jury stores up trouble for Trump Organization executives

Glimpses of the deliberations behind closed doors suggest a case is being built against Trump’s CFO, Allen Weisselberg, which could be bad news for his boss

Manhattan’s district attorney is reportedly in ‘the final stages of a criminal tax investigation’ of Allen Weisselberg, the Trump Organization’s longtime chief financial officer. Photograph: Justin Lane/EPA

Victoria Bekiempis
Thu 17 Jun 2021 17.00 AEST
Last modified on Fri 18 Jun 2021 02.38 AEST

  • Following a deluge of bombshell news about Donald Trump-related criminal investigations in New York, including the Manhattan district attorney’s convening of a special grand jury, more details have emerged that might suggest intensifying legal woes for one of the former president’s business lieutenants.
    The New York Times reported on Tuesday that the Manhattan district attorney’s office has apparently “entered the final stages of a criminal tax investigation” of Allen Weisselberg, the Trump Organization’s longtime chief financial officer.

    New York attorney general opens criminal investigation into Trump Organization

    Read more
    The report that prosecutors might be nearing the final stages of their criminal tax inquiry into Weisselberg comes in the wake of reports that Jeff McConney – a senior vice-president and controller for the Trump Organization – has testified before the Manhattan special grand jury.

McConney, “one of the most senior officials” in this company, is also the first Trump Organization staffer called to testify – and is one of “a number of witnesses” who have been before the panel, ABC reported.

McConney’s role as the Trump Organization’s money man could have dramatic implications for an investigation into possible financial crimes at the sprawling business empire. The special grand jury convened by the Manhattan district attorney’s office is expected to decide whether to indict Trump, other executives at his company or the business itself if presented with criminal charges by prosecutors.

Were they destroyed by the laser beam from Italy?

Not sure if l can upload video, but l'll try.

There was a statistic somewhere l saw recently that said even if you showed 100% proof of election fraud (which there was), 35% of the population would still be in denial (like some folks here on ASF).

I think Fulton County is the one to watch. There is so much going on in the USA - don't watch the MSM - you won't get anything useful from them. Other platforms are better.

Regarding Dr Frank's analysis - his data is getting verified (again, l think). Results to follow shortly.​
Biden Dementia 03.jpg

When CNN turns on a Democrat President, you know it's all over....


Not long until this happens...
The Twenty-fifth Amendment (Amendment XXV) to the United States Constitution says that if the President becomes unable to do his job, the Vice President becomes the President (Section 1) or Acting President (Sections 3 or 4).

They will install Kamala Harris soon

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