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Does Gillard inspire confidence?

More nasty vexatious rumour the Coalition had the opportunity to prosecute the case after talking and dealing with low life's under privilege and failed to do so, so badly Bishop is now in hiding.

lol - I wouldn't write it off yet. Michael Smith is still waiting on more documents with FOI. I think the net is slowly closing .

With some documents on this issue mysteriously gone missing, it would have to be making it more difficult. Now, if Ms Gillard wants to prove her innocence, surely she would be frantically hunting down those missing documents that would clear her name. Instead she resorts to name calling. Not a good look.
More nasty vexatious rumour the Coalition had the opportunity to prosecute the case after talking and dealing with low life's under privilege and failed to do so, so badly Bishop is now in hiding.

She's as guilty as all those she associates with and protects, Craig Thompson, Peter Slipper, a nice bunch of low lifes they are and you'll find in the end so is Juliar...........
More nasty vexatious rumour the Coalition had the opportunity to prosecute the case after talking and dealing with low life's under privilege and failed to do so, so badly Bishop is now in hiding.
What you need to accept is that when it comes to poor judgement, Julia Gillard has a very, very long history.

Just look at a couple of her judgements as PM. Standing behind Craig Thompson and supporting Peter Slipper as speaker to the end. It is her judgements, both past and present that will ultimately be her undoing. It's only a question of time.

The sad truth for Labor is that it will be the Labor Party itself that pays the highest political price.

The only person who ran a slush fund and lied about it was and is Abbott......from which he arranged for Hanson to be jailed on a technicality what a dog.
The only person who ran a slush fund and lied about it was and is Abbott......from which he arranged for Hanson to be jailed on a technicality what a dog.

A technicality ??? you mean he was right ??? OK then
Last night Ms Gillard hosted about 25 female bloggers and web writers - whose sites reach about 2.5 million people - at Kirribilli House, as she gears up to use gender issues to maximum advantage in the coming election year.

Labor strategists increasingly see gender working for Ms Gillard and against Mr Abbott, especially since the PM's ''misogyny'' speech in October, which received international coverage.

I think Julia is on a winner here. I hope she continues to divide the nation by gender. You go for it, girl.

How utterly bizarre I can honestly say when I choose to read a blog the gender of the writer never even crosses my mind. She really does inhabit a different universe to most people
Last night Ms Gillard hosted about 25 female bloggers and web writers - whose sites reach about 2.5 million people - at Kirribilli House, as she gears up to use gender issues to maximum advantage in the coming election year.

The presence of a roomful of trousered, hairy arm-pitted bull dykes, oozing testosterone and baying for male blood, would have scared the daylights out of poor Tim who had to wait on them.

Ninemsn poll doesn't agree that gender is working for Ms Gillard - in fact I think decent women are embarrased by her stupid name calling. Most unbecoming for any PM, let alone a female.

Is Gillard a good role model for Australian women?

yes - 15,638
NO - 47,005

That's around 75% say NO and, especially as a female, I agree with them.
How utterly bizarre I can honestly say when I choose to read a blog the gender of the writer never even crosses my mind. She really does inhabit a different universe to most people

Agree Miss Hale!

And just imagine the fury of the left if Abbott had dared to host a dinner just for 25 male bloggers.

We would never hear the end of such a sexist, misogynist stunt.

Talk about pot, kettle, black with this PM.
Well, I guess Julia Gillard can fool half the people some of the time , some the peolpe half the time but not all the people all the time.

Her chickens are now coming home to roost.
About time. She will now be experiencing for herself the effect of the direct campaign against her via the AWU matter so successfully hammered in the last week of parliament by Julie Bishop.
That at least was based on facts, in contrast to the accusations of misogyny with Tony Abbott.

Ninemsn poll doesn't agree that gender is working for Ms Gillard - in fact I think decent women are embarrased by her stupid name calling. Most unbecoming for any PM, let alone a female.
Agree. But there will still be some women, mostly younger, who are impressed by her rantings.
They will be the same group who sneer at Germaine Greer who genuinely did so much for the equality of women.
Julia Gillard practicing her concession expression for her day of reckoning.


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Agree entirely, Elisabeth Murdoch has more class than that entire list, which is , by the way, utter rubbish.
Agree. She was a great example to some of the arch feminists on that list.

A couple on the list I do support: Sarah Ferguson - she has brought us some fearless and enlightening television journalism.
Germaine Greer: sadly she has become a target for the sneering current day feminists who have no idea what life was once like for women before Germaine and her ilk shook everything up. She has unfortunately not grown old gracefully, but women today should be forever grateful for what she did for us.

Anne Summers was once a woman of reason and objectivity. She has become a rabid, ultra left nutter of extreme and anti-male views.
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